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Results 74701-74750 of 184,431 sorted by author
With respect to the prosecutions against Thomas & others for a misdemeanor at Common law we ought to presume the judges will do right, and to give them an opportunity of doing so. The Executive ought not to sit in previous judgment on every case & to say whether it shall or shall not go before the judges. I think therefore this case ought to go on to trial, without interference of the...
Mr. William Short (now in Europe) owns 1000. as. of land in St. Bride’s parish Norfolk county called Green sea land adjoining to Patrick Henry & co. at their S.W. corner by patent dated Dec. 10. 1784. his affairs are under my care, and it is but lately that this possession has come to my knowlege. I am apprehensive no taxes have been paid for it, & indeed that it had never been placed on the...
Your favor of Apr. 23. is just now recieved, and I am first to apologise for the liberty taken of having the articles which are the subject of it consigned to you. I recieve every year my supplies of wine from Marseilles , and of books from Paris by the way of Havre , and American vessels being rare in those ports, I am obliged to request their being sent by such vessel as may be in port, and...
In my letter of the 11th. instant I had the honour of inclosing you copies of letters relative to the Barbary affairs. Others came to hand three days ago, of some of which I now send you copies, and of the others the originals. By these you will perceive that Mr. Randall and Mr. Lamb were at Madrid, that the latter means to return to Alicant and send on a courier to us. Mr. Randall does not...
Since my last, we have nothing new from England or from the camps at either Cambridge or St. John’s. Our eyes are turned to the latter place with no little anxiety, the weather having been uncommonly bad for troops in that quarter, exposed to the inclemencies of the sky without any protection. Carleton is retired to Quebec, and though it does not appear he has any intimation of Arnold’s...
I yesterday sent from hence the packages noted in the inclosed bill of lading, to be forwarded up the river. the system of plunder which our watermen carry on with respect to whatever of mine is put into their hands, and which they say is a matter of right, induces me to wish that these packages, & all others of mine hereafter may be reserved & put into the care of mr TMRandolph’s watermen....
Observations on the answer of mr Divers . This def. having given his answer individually, and declined joining in the corporate body answer , I place the facts he has stated as of his own knolege , on the same footing as if given on oath: but his hearsays and opinions remain open to observation, in this case, as they would be on a regular answer on oath. Quere 10. Answer.
Th: Jefferson has the honor to inclose to the President the translation of a letter he received last night from Messrs. Viar and Jaudenes and which he supposes should be communicated to the legislature as being in answer to one communicated to them. RC ( DNA : RG 59, MLR ); addressed: “The Preside[…]” endorsed by Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr. Tr ( Lb in same, SDC ). Not recorded in SJL ....
I have duly recieved your letter of Jan. 27. with respect to the silver mine on the river Platte, 1700 miles from St. Louis, I will observe that in the present state of things between us and Spain, we could not propose to make an establishment at that distance from all support. it is interesting however that the knolege of it’s position should be preserved, which can be done either by...
I return you the report with great approbation. one or two verbal changes, and, in one place, the striking out 2. or 3. lines, not affecting the sense, are all I have to suggest. the erasure is to avoid the producing an odious idea, which a few days now may shew to be unnecessary, and which, even if war takes place, may not be necessary. in the mean time the federalists would have the benefit...
Called upon to undertake the duties of the first Executive office of our country, I avail myself of the presence of that portion of my fellow citizens which is here assembled, to express my grateful thanks for the favor with which they have been pleased to look towards me, to declare a sincere consciousness that the task is above my talents, & that I approach it with those anxious & awful...
Your favor of yesterday has been duly recieved. I doubt whether we have the same view of the transaction between the Commissioners and mr Prout, as to the matter of fact. their agreement was to redivide the lots in question, so as to give to mr Prout his part on one side of a street and to have theirs on another side, an operation which I understand to be agreeable to law & practice. the...
You were so kind as to offer to bring from London for me any little matter I might have occasion for. I take the liberty therefore of troubling you with a commission which the inclosed letter will fully explain to you. After perusing it I must ask the favor of you to send it to it’s address, with information, to the person, of your lodgings and the day you will leave London. I will not add to...
It is with no small degree of surprize and vexation that I have this moment received from M. Limozin of Havre, the inclosed bill of lading for the Model of the Capitol, by which it appears that it has been shipped a few days ago. This model went out of my hands about the last of May or first of June, and would get to Havre in about 10. days, where I suppose it has lain neglected in a warehouse...
I observe in Greenleaf’s paper of the 5th. inst. page 3d. a collection of newspapers advertised for sale at that office, and among these are some of such periods as are very desirable to me to fill up a chasm in my collection. the New York packet from 1776—to 1788. this is so exactly within the dates that without making questions about price I must ask the favor of you to secure it for me,...
Instead of answering your letter yesterday, I desired the bearer to tell you I should see you at Monteagle to-day, being anxious also to see my sister , before I set out to Bedford , whom you mention to be still unwell. I accordingly mounted my horse just now to visit you, but found him so lame I was obliged to turn back. with respect to the fodder I had, on mr Bacon ’s suggestion, searched...
I must ask the favor of you to send me 12. barr els of herrings and one of Shad: one half of the herrings to be sent to Lynchburg to the care of mr Robertson mercha nt of that place, and the other half with the barrel of sha d to be sent here by any of the Milton boats. my flour not being as yet sold, I cannot fix the paiment exactl
After the letter I did myself the honour of writing you to assure you that I would reimburse you the necessary expences for sending young Mercier to his own country, I took occasion in my first to the Governor of Virginia to mention your attention to him, and my undertaking, and to pray that he would endeavor to find out his family. I now receive a letter from the present governor , Mr....
The marble bases and paving squares are arrived at N.Y. and will be immediately reimbarked thence for Richm d . Cases T.J. N o 1.—to 19. contain 1400. sq. f. of paving squares, and 12. other cases T.J N o 20. to 31 contain 10. whole and 2 half bases for the columns. as their transportation from Richmond up will be extremely difficult and expensive, special measures should be provided for it....
I believe we may consider the election as now decided. letters recieved from Columbia (S.C.) this morning, & dated Dec. 2. which was the day of appointing their electors, announce that the republican ticket carried it by majorities of from 17. to 18. the characters named are firm, & were to elect on the next day. it was intended that one vote should be thrown away from Colo. Burr. it is...
I wrote you May 22. advising you of a draught for 100.D. payable to Saml. Howell junr. & Co. The present serves to cover a power of attorney to recieve about 300.D. July 1. from the bank of the US. and to advise you that I have this day drawn on you for 300.D. payable to Samuel Howell & Co. July 2. which be pleased to honor on account of Dear Sir Your most obedt. servt PrC ( MHi ); at foot of...
Passing considerable portions of my time at this place, I keep for use here the portable Polygraph which mr Hawkins was so kind as to send me. but I have had the misfortune to break one of it’s ink glasses , which suspends it’s use, as no such thing can be got here. and to whom can I apply to replace it but to a friend in small things as well as great. without apology therefore I inclose you...
a box of wafers, the largest sized box RC ( ViCMRL , on deposit ViU : TJP ); dateline beneath signature; written on a small scrap; at foot of text: “M r Leitch.” Not recorded in SJL . Number interlined in place of “23.”
To be rented A Mill seat , near Charlottesville, in Albemarle county Virginia, at the head of the navigation of the Rivanna river, being the North branch of James river. The water for the mill is taken out of the river about three quarters of a mile above the seat of the mill house, where a natural ledge of rocks crosses the river, and requires only two or three sluices, of a few feet wide, to...
I find myself on the eve of my departure for Virginia without being able to finish your matter. The contagious fever in the city has prevented my going there for a week past. I had been in daily expectation of receiving the account and balance from Mr. Vaughan who had repeatedly promised it, and excused himself by the multiplicity of his business. I have now written him a letter which I hope...
For fear that your uncertainty what was become of me should have prevented your executing the memorandum I gave you for the tables, I have copied it again on the next leaf. If you have already purchased them, and sent them to France, I shall get them with my furniture from thence: or if you have brought them with you, I will beg you to ship them to Philadelphia for me. But if you have not got...
I do myself the pleasure of transmitting to you the inclosed advice of Council and order, in answer to your application to us. The board of trade inform me they have and shall immediately forward to the Southward such stores as will amount to about half the annual allowance. I am Sir Your most obedt. Servt., RC (A. Philippe von Hemert, New York City, 1947). Addressed by TJ: “Colo. White of the...
The letter of mr Winkelblech of Basle which you were pleased to inclose to me, containing enquiries as to the terms on which lands would be granted here to the emigrants he spoke of, I put into the hands of mr Gallatin the Secretary of the treasury with a request that he would give me such a statement as might serve as an answer to the letter, the disposal of the public lands being within his...
I had destined a sum of rent due to me July 1. to pay the am t of my last year’s acc t to you, 611.17 which however not being yet recieved I inclose you an order for that sum payable Jan. 1. ensuing being the earliest I can command with certainty. this will be due for wheat sold & payable then. mr Yancey had supposed we should have 1000.b. for market but as we proceed in fanning it , it...
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 19 th inst. I wish certainly to be continued as a subscriber to the Edinbg Review. it would be more convenient for me to take it from the agent in Richmond, because that is my market and the depository of all my funds, and Col o B. Peyton, my correspdt there would pay the sbscrption annually on the call of that agent. if however it will be convenient for...
Mrs. Trist, who is now here & in good health, informs me that the Campeachy hamock, made of some vegetable substance netted, is commonly to be had at New Orleans. having no mercantile correspondent there, I take the liberty of asking you to procure me a couple of them, & to address them to New York, Philadelphia, or any port in the Chesapeake, to the care of the Collector, being so good as to...
Notes and Explanations Fig. 1. The Ground plat of the building, which is an octagonal periphery of barracks, two stories high, within a single order, having before them a piazza, or arcade every arch of which corresponds to a lower and upper cell, which recieve their light and air through the arch and their own grated door. The cells are 8 f. wide, 10 f. long and 9. f. high in the clear, as...
I return you the letter of DeWitt Clinton & your answer. I think that if he can deliver or send to Mellimelli the refractory members of his family under the ordinary laws of N:Y. it will be better; but that force should be employed if other resources fail. Airth’s letter & the anonymous one from Havanna are also returned. I send you a letter from the new King of Wirtemburg, one from some...
Your favors of July 16. and 18. came to hand the same day on which I had received Baron Thulemeier’s inclosing the ultimate draught for the treaty. as this draught, which was in French, was to be copied into the two instruments which Doct r. Franklin had signed, it is finished this day only. mr̃ Short sets out immediately. I have put into his hands a letter of instructions how to conduct...
I nominate James H. McCulloch of Maryland to be Collector for the port of Baltimore. Benedict Van Pradelles now a Commissioner for settling land titles in the Eastern part of the territory of Orleans, to be Register of the land office in the same part of the territory. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
This will be handed you by mr Milledge who takes the route by Edgehill on purpose to give you information on the subject of Georgia. mr Clarke, a son of Genl. Clarke, of that state is with him. he is a sensible young man & has been studying the law here some time under John Thompson Mason. having before mentioned these gentlemen in my letters, nothing more need be added. I wrote to you by...
That the Governors be requested to give to the district attornies information of any arrest made of vessels captured within the limits of the United States, or of their jurisdiction as provisionally declared by the President for the government of the executive officers. That the attornies be instructed, immediately upon the receipt of such information to apply to the principal agent of both...
Congress having taken upon themselves the expresses established by this state from hence to the southern army you will be pleased to turn them over to Colo. Finnie. All expences incurred since the 29th day of June are to be continental. If Colo. Finnie requires the same horses to be continued you will settle with him for them at the price they cost us, otherwise call them in. Whatever sum you...
Your favor of Sep. 11. was recieved after a considerable delay on the road. on the subject of my debt to mr Welsh , if you will have the goodness to recur to my letter of June 5. 10. you will find a candid statement of the circumstances which have, of necessity, suspended my attention to it for a while. in winding up my affairs at Washington , an accumulation of outstanding accounts, which had...
Your favor of June 10. came to hand yesterday. at the same time a mr Goode called on me, a young man living in Richmond & in mr Ross’s employ, who told me that the day before he left Richmond tobo. was got up to 56/ cash, and that mr Gallego had given that on that day, say June 9. he was positive but whether quite exact or not if there be a prospect of it’s getting up to 10. D. we had better...
Mine of Feb. 6. acknoleged the receipt of yours of Dec. 9. and 20. Since that, those of Feb. 19. & 20. are come to hand. The present will be delivered you by mr. Warville, whom you will find truly estimable, & a great enthusiast for liberty. His writings will have shewn you this. For public news I must refer you to my letter to mr. Jay. Those I wrote to him from Amsterdam will have informed...
M rs Trist , daughter of the late mrs House of Philadelphia , both of them probably known to you, is now with us on a visit, and has been rendered extremely miserable by a paragraph in a Charleston paper, called the Strength of the people, mentioning the death of Samuel House ‘an old and respectable inhabitant of that city.’ she had a brother of that name, who has been living in Charleston...
Messrs Gibson & Jefferson of Richmond informed me some time ago that about the last of May, the sent two boxes of mine to you, the one to be forwarded to mr Peale at Philadelphia, the other to myself here. I heard some time ago of the safe arrival of the one at Philadelphia; but hearing nothing of that which was to come to me here, I have feared some inattention of the master of the vessel...
I am just returned home after an absence of some time and find here your letter of the 5 th . your former favors had also come to hand and the books safely arrived, and their execution entirely approved. the remittance of the amount of your account only awaits my being able to get to Richmond a parcel of flour which will be ready in about 10. days and will be immediately forwarded to Cap t...
When I wrote my letter of the 7th. inst. I doubted whether I could as early as this place the monies therein stated at your command in Richmond. but this serves to inform you that I have this day desired messrs. Gibson & Jefferson to make a deposit in the bank of Richmond of 500. Dollars in your name and 500. D. in the name of mr Neilson. by the next post I shall be able to send you the...
Your favor of the 7 th was recieved by our last mail and I have, by it’s return written to the President , bearing testimony with pleasure to the merit of your conduct and character through every stage of my acquaintance with them. no one whose conduct has been so rational and dutiful as yours ever had, or has now any cause to fear. those only who use the influence of their office to thwart &...
I have the honor to enclose a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury to me, together with the documents accompanying it, containing an account of the monies drawn out of the Treasury under the several appropriations made for defraying the expenses incident to the intercourse with the Mediterranean powers, and statements of the credits obtained or claimed at the Treasury by the persons to...
You recommended to me formerly a Major Thos. Fitzpatrick for some office in the Western country to which he proposed to remove. I shall be glad to avail the public of his services in the Commission for settling the claims to lands in the Missisipi territory. it may be necessary for him to be at Natchez by the 1st. of Oct. but certainly before the 1st. of Dec. having heard nothing of his going...
Your favor of the 1st. came to hand on the 3d. Mr. Freneau has not followed it: I suppose therefore he has changed his mind back again, for which I am really sorry. I have now before me a huge bundle of letters, the only business between me & my departure. I think I can be through them by the end of the week, in which case I will be with you by Tuesday or Wednesday, if nothing new comes in to...
I had only heard generally that my late friend Genl. Zane had directed some mark of his friendship for me in his will; but what it was I never heard, nor does your letter mention particularly. but it is probable a commutation may be proposed, agreeable to both of us. Genl. Zane had a pair of Turkish pistols , with an antient kind of lock. they were entirely dismounted: he made me a present of...