Adams Papers

To John Adams from Andrew Nichols, 15 February 1820

Danvers. Feb 15th 1820

Dear Sir,

As a trifling testimonial of the gratitude and respect which I feel for you, who have conferred so many blessings on Our common Country—more especially on account of the approbation and patronage which you have liberally bestowed on Institutions of Benevolence since your retirement from public life, my address on Intemperance is respectfully presented. Wishing you all the blessings and felicities which an aged patriarch can enjoy, in reflecting on a life well spent—in viewing the silent Operation of those principles which he has through life most zealously inculcated, everywhere promoting the prosperity and <[. . .]> Glory of his Country. I / remain Yours &c

Andrew Nichols

MHi: Adams Papers.

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