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Results 74611-74640 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have the honor now to inclose to your Excellency a copy of the letter from Congress to the king which I delivered yesterday. This copy was sent to me by Mr. Jay the Secretary of Congress for Foreign affairs. I also accompany it with a copy of the letter of Credence which I had the honour of delivering to the King, not having furnished you with a copy on that occasion. I am with sentiments of...
Your favor of July 28. from Avon came to hand on the 10 th of August and I have delayed answering it on the presumption of your continued absence. but the approach of the season of frost in that region has probably, before this time, turned you about to the South. I readily concieve that, by the time of your return to Philadelphia, you will have had travelling enough for the present, and...
On enquiry of mr Randolph I find his process for rolling his seed corn in plaister varies a little from what I told you. he first dilutes the tar with water stirred into it to such a consistency as will make the plaister adhere. corn is then put into a trough & diluted tar poured on it & stirred till the whole of the grains are perfectly coated. there must be no surplus of the tar more than...
I had the honor of waiting on you at Versailles the day before yesterday , in order to present you my respects on my departure to America. I was unlucky in the moment, as it was one in which you were gone out. I wished to have put into your hands at the same time the inclosed state of the British Northern fishery for the years 1788 and 1789, by which you will see that they have lost in one...
Your favor of Oct. 18. came to hand yesterday. the atmosphere of our country is unquestionably charged with a threatening cloud of fanaticism, lighter in some parts, denser in others, but too heavy in all. I had no idea however that in Pensylvania, the cradle of toleration and freedom of religion, it could have arisen to the height you describe. this must be owing to the growth of...
Th: Jefferson presents his respects to the President and incloses the draught of a letter to mister Pinckney in answer to one lately received from him. as Colo. Hamilton, the Attorney General & Th: J. had a meeting on another subject, Th: J. took the liberty of consulting them on it, and has altered it agreeably to their minds. AL , DNA : RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters; LB , DNA : RG 59, George...
If I understand the claim of the Creeks it is that they shall have a right of transit across our territories, but especially along our rivers from the Spanish territories to their own, for goods for their own use without paying us a duty. I think they are in the right. this is exactly what we are claiming of Spain as to this very river the Mobille. our doctrine is that different nations...
I learn that you have recieved D r Byrd ’s journal on the survey of our Southern boundary , from mr Harrison of Barclay . it is a work I have wished to see, and if you think yourself at liberty, when done with it, to trust it in my hands for perusal only, it shall be promptly and safely returned by mail. if you do not feel entirely free to do this, I will write to request it of mr Harrison . I...
I nominate Robert Smith, now Secretary of the Navy, to be Attorney General of the United States. Jacob Crownenshield of Massachusets to be Secretary of the Navy. Obadiah Jones of Georgia to be one of the judges of the court of the Missisipi territory. PoC ( DLC ); TJ added a check mark at each entry. Isaac A. Coles delivered TJ’s message to the Senate on 2 Mch. The Senate dispensed with the...
I now send by Bp. Madison the balance which should have gone from our last court by mr Barber: but not seeing him the first day of the court, & that breaking up on the first day contrary to usage & universal expectation, mr Barber was gone before I knew that fact.—is it not strange the public should have no information of the proceedings & prospects of our envoys in a case so vitally...
Tho’ the incessant drudgery of my office puts it out of my power to write letters of mere correspond[ence], yet I do not permit them to suspend the offices of friendship, where these may affect the interests of my friends. You have in the funds of Virginia in loan office certificates reduced to specie value £985–17–6½ and in final settlement £62–8. These are of the description allowed by the...
Congress will receive by this post our approbation of the Confederation . It passed the house of Delegates on Monday and the Senate on Tuesday last. Tho’ our house of delegates is almost wholly of those who are truly zealous, yet there have ever been a few who have endeavored to throw obstructions in our way. Objections to this important instrument came therefore not unexpectedly. The most...
This, my dear friend will be handed you by Tho s Jefferson Randolph who goes with his fellow citizens to welcome you among us. he is my grandson and as such I am sure you will recieve him kindly, and the more so for his moral merit and the high veneration with which from his cradle he has been taught to entertain for you.—I am just recovered from an illness of some weeks, have been able to...
I recieved on the 26 th only your letter of the 15 th of December p r oposing to our University the purchase of the collection of Natural curiosities recommended by you; and I regret that that institution is not yet in a sufficient state of forwardness to avail ourselves of the advantage. our buildings are not yet half finished: and, until they are compleated, our whole funds must be applied...
Your two favors of Jan. 24. and Feb. 3. are both recieved. We have had a very fine winter a few days only excepted about the middle of January. This day sennight was the coldest morning ever known in this country as far as my observations have gone. The mercury was at 1¾°. I never before saw it lower than 6°. in Virginia.—From what I hear of the state of the three notched road I am sorry I...
Your letter of Feb. 8. came to my hands only a few days ago and yesterday the barrel of ale therein mentioned was delivered here. I am to return you thanks in the first place for the indulgence with which you view my character & administration, and the dispositions you express in favor of those political principles which have made this country what it is, & the abandonment of which, whenever...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to the Chevalier d’Yrujo, and asks the favor of a passport for Thomas Kanberg , a friend of his who is going to Europe on private business. he is a native of the North of Europe (perhaps of Germany) has been known to Th:J. these twenty years, is a most excellent character, and entirely out of the political line. whether he will take his passage from...
Th: Jefferson sends to mr Hatch the inclosed order more tardily than he wished, but as soon as he could. he hopes mr Hatch experiences no ill from the storm to which he was exposed yesterday. a night’s rest has restored Th: J. from the exhaustion produced on him by the violence & continuance of the efforts of strength he was obliged to exert. he presents to mr Hatch his friendly and respectful...
Colo. Franks has occasion for money to carry him to London. As we propose that all the money for this business shall be procured by draughts on Mr. Adams, will it not be better for you to draw on him at present for enough to cover the last journey of Colo. Franks, to defray the present one, to pay for the articles to be purchased here, the expences of the future journey Southwardly &c.? All...
I have duly recieved your favor of April 7. on the subject of Mr. Wayles’s responsibility for his joint-consignee in the case of the Guineaman. I have never considered this subject methodically, and therefore have not absolute confidence in the opinion I have formed on a superficial view of it. My ideas however I will hazard to you, however informal. It is a principle in law that...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Hall , acknoleges the reciept of his letter of Mar. 24. & assures him he has never had an idea of publishing a new edition of the Notes on Virginia . he has occasionally made some little memorandums and perhaps may continue to do so, which he may leave to be added should it be thought worthy of a posthumous edition . He prays mr Hall to remind him...
I have with exceeding distress of mind received information that the service to which the Militia of the Counties of Frederick and Berkely have been called Westwardly is so disagreeable as to render it probable that that call will be very imperfectly obeyed. A knowledge that an extensive combination of Indians had been formed to come on our frontier early in the spring induced us to prevent...
Mr. Randolph’s letter of Dec. 20. from Richmond is the only one come to hand from him or you since your’s from Bizarre of two months ago. Tho’ his letter informed me of the re-establishment of Anne, yet I wish to learn that time confirms our hopes. We were entertained here lately with the ascent of Mr. Blanchard in a baloon . The security of the thing appeared so great that every body is...
Having asked permission of Congress to go to America this spring and return again in the ensuing fall, and being in expectation daily of receiving that permission, I have so arranged my business as to be able to depart within a week after the Congé shall come to hand. It is necessary for me in the mean time to know the vessels in the different ports which may be bound to the United states,...
I recieved three days ago a letter from M. Martin 2 d Vice-president am and M. Parmantier Secretary of ‘the French agricultural & manufacturing society’ dated at Philadelphia the 5 th instant: it covered Resolutions proposing to apply to Congress
Having got back to Paris three days ago, I resume immediately the correspondence with which you have been pleased to honour me. I wish I could have begun it with more agreeable information than that furnished me by Mr. Grand, that the funds of the United states here are exhausted and himself considerably in advance, and by the Board of treasury at New York that they have no immediate prospect...
I wrote you last on the 19th. acknoleging yours of Dec. 8. from Richmond which is the last come to hand. we have nothing from Europe more than you see in the newspapers. Congress seem to be resting on their oars, uncertain what to do. we think the less they do the better, and therefore concur in all adjournments, postponements & whatever else will rid of time. the election is still...
The war has so long interrupted ordinary intercourse that it’s reestablishment is like a new work. I do not know whether you continue the same business of ironmongery, but presuming you do I take the liberty of addressing you, as I shall be glad to renew my dealings with you, not on so large a scale as I have given over manufacturing nails but for my self. I will thank you to send me by the...
I formerly, my dear friend, mentioned to you my wish that we might be able to get the value of your lands here increased by a permission to locate them in some more favorable position. but I feared to represent this to you as any thing more than a wish, that no false hopes might be excited. you understand yourself how little we can answer for the determinations of numerous bodies of men, of...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Dawson, & his request that he will be so good as to copy the within & burn this original, as he is very unwilling to meddle personally with the details of the proceedings of the legislature. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson. A Bill authorising the emploiment of the land or Naval forces of the US. in cases of insurrection. Be it enacted &c.    that...