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Results 74591-74600 of 184,431 sorted by author
I beg leave to communicate to yourself, & through you to the Senate & Representatives of Georgia the inclosed answer to the resolutions of that legislature of the 6th. of December last, and to add to it the assurances of my high respect and consideration. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
Your Letters of February 28th and March 3d were received yesterday and this Day. It is utterly out of our Power to send the Arms and Cartouch Boxes to Hanover Courthouse which you desire. Every one fit for Service has been delivered out. You will certainly get such of your men armed below as shall be without arms, as there are spare arms under the orders of Baron Steuben drawn down to the...
By a letter from Mr. Lee at Bordeaux I learn he has shipped for me to your address five cases of Bordeaux wines and 3. cases of preserves, the cost of the former 738.₶ of the latter not mentioned. I inclose you the bill of lading and will ask the favor of you to have the cases forwarded to this place by the first vessel, and to be so good as to inform me of the amount of duties & other charges...
Mrs. Byrd the other day inclosed to me copies of two entries under your hand, the one for 1000 acres at and near the Lead mines on both sides New river joining Forbes’s and Herbert’s land including the Mine hill, the other for 1000 acres at the big French Salt lick on the S. W. side of Cumberland river near the mouth of Stone’s creek, both made by Colo. Byrd on the 1st. of March 1774 by virtue...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to present to the view of the President the subjects relative to Algiers, under their different aspects. on further consideration, & paying special attention to the circumstances of the present moment, which render expence an obstacle perhaps to what would be the best plan, he suggests others which would not be eligible under other circumstances, or for any length...
I nominate Hore Browse Trist of the Missisipi territory to be collector of the district of Missipi. Benjamin Morgan of New Orleans to be Naval officer of the port of New Orleans William G. Garland of New Orleans to be Surveyor and Inspector of the revenue for the port of New Orleans. Alexander Bailey of the Missisipi territory to be Collector of the district, and Inspector of the revenue for...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Lithgow and acknoleges with thanks the reciept of his pamphlet which he shall peruse with attention. the interests of the Agriculturalist, the manufacturer, the merchant & the navigator are so intimately blended together, that to keep them all in just balance, by giving encouragements to some which shall not be encouragements to them, requires a...
The reasons assigned in your favor of the 7 th for preferring to retain Loudon instead of Albemarle are such as cannot be controverted. the society of our children is the sovereign balm of life, and the older we grow the more we need it, to fill up the void made by the daily losses of the companions and friends of our youth. nor ought we of this neighborhood to regret a preference so conducive...
On the evening of the 3d inst. we recieved a letter from mr King (arrived at N. York) covering one from Livingston & Monroe to him in which they informed him that on the 30th. of April they signed a treaty with France, ceding to us the island of N. Orleans and all Louisiana as it had been held by Spain. the price is not mentioned. we are in hourly expectation of the treaty by a special...
The civilities you were so kind as to shew me while in England are a proof that you will extend them to one who deserves them more, and encourages me to introduce to your notice the bearer hereof Mr. Morris, an American gentleman of great distinction. He has had an important part in our councils from the beginning, is very intimately informed of them, and is therefore well qualified to satisfy...