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Results 7451-7500 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I am willing to guarantee the land as you may choose, provided you will agreable to the spirit of...
Copy: South Carolina Historical Society That there shall be a firm & perpetual Peace &ca. A...
7453[Diary entry: 1 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
Aug. 1st. Went to Belvoir & dined. Returnd in the Afternoon.
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Unsigned but in Randolph’s hand. Cover addressed to “The honble James...
On the 22d instant I received your friendly letter of the 29th of march, twenty three days after...
I had a Letter from you, by the Post Yesterday. Congratulate you, and your other Self, on your...
Mr Hassler, the gentleman employed in collecting Mathematical Instruments, has called on me with...
I had the Honor to receive your Excellencys Letter of the 4th of this Month—soon after my Arrival...
Your letter of Feb. 15. has been recieved, as had been also in due time that of June 29. 07....
Watertown [Mass.] 3 October 1775 . Recommends officers for Col. Paul Dudley Sargent’s regiment....
Understanding that your waggon is now on its way to washington I take the liberty of encloseing...
I am now to acknolege the receipt of your favors of the 16th. and 23d. Ult. and to thank you for...
746326th. (Adams Papers)
Office as usual. Dr. Kilham, returned to Town this evening. I passed an hour or two with Mr....
I thank you for the Memoirs of Doctor Price. Though there is little in this Work which was new to...
Copy: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission When the Indians first began to Infest our...
It seems to be necessary for me, (notwithstanding the declaration in my last) once more to...
The appointment of Jonathan Delano to be keeper of the light house at Seguin island; and of James...
I wrote to Your Excellency a day or two ago by express—Since that a Committee appointed on the...
I do myself the honour to present schedules, shewing the vacancies in the 1st. & 2d. Regiments of...
I Will be much obliged to you to do me the favour when you recieve this to write me in answer by...
7471[Diary entry: 12 July 1774] (Washington Papers)
12. Wind Northerly in the forenoon and rather Cool but warmer afterwards & clear all day.
Letter not found. Ca. 17 September 1792. Acknowledged in Monroe to JM, 18 Sept. 1792 . Encloses a...
Copy: Library of Congress Made Montgomery qui me fait l’honneur de se charger de celle cy, est...
An intimation from this Department to Mr. Erving, that from the report of the assessors, it would...
7475General Orders, 10 July 1781 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorow Major General Lord Stirling Colonel Webb for Picquet Major Gibbs Inspector 2d...
I cannot express my concern at the late unfortunate affair of the publication of my letter, by...
A conformity of opinion, and upon the same grounds, enables us to submit to you a joint Answer to...
I have received your favor of the 17th. of October, which though you mention as the third you...
Lieutenant Colonel Beckwith.   The gazette of the United States, published this morning gives us...
I communicated your letter to Mr. Jay & now give you our joint sense. Considering the nature of...
Mr. Wm. Brent who is a Member of our College, & a Son of Mr Daniel Brent, wishes to be made known...
I take the liberty to enclose your Excellency, Copy of a Return Sent me from north Hampton by...
I have the honor to transmit, for your information, a Copy of the Supplementary Report of the...
È comparso alla luce un’elogio dell’Abate di Mably, scritto sotto gli auspici dei 2. vecchi Abati...
7485General Orders, 27 February 1777 (Washington Papers)
The officers are desired to make Returns of any Rope-Makers, they may have in their respective...
I have the Honor of your Excellency’s Letters of the 12th, 17th & 19th Inst. I have in...
I entreat you to be persuaded that nothing could have been more agreeable to me than the proofs...
Notes. I Peter Landais, formerly Capt. of the Frigate Alliance, wrote to the Honble. T. Paine...
I am rather asham’d to be so long in debt for your favor of the 10th Ulto but a variety of...
I received your letter of Dec 9 th , with all that pleasure and satisfaction, which, the news of...
General Harrison leaves this tomorrow the expidition marched as I mentioned in my last, a small...
You had done me the honour of answering my letters to you, so fully, that I had supposed I should...
Inclosed is the account on which my claim is founded for another quarters advance; for which I...
In Consequence of your Directions to the Collector of this Place a Suit was commenced against...
I thank you My beloved for your letter by the Post. I have time only to tell you that I am well...
I have learnt with pleasure your nomination as a Visitor of our University ; and with the more as...
I thank you for your Letter of the 1st inst. —but as Johnson of Salisbury teazes to purchase for...
Mr. De Marbois presents his compliments to Mr. Jefferson and begs the favor of a communication of...
I have duly recieved your favor of July 20 th and thank you for the trouble you have been so good...
Your favor of the 27th ulto was put into my hands in the moment I was leaving the City of...