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Results 7451-7500 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Permit me, My much esteemed Sir, to ask but a few moments of your important Time, to read a...
Although I have had frequent Occassions to sollicit in Favour of my Friends, (or such other...
I have been informd to day, that a paper from N york the daily advertizer was received in Town on...
I have commenced the publication of engraved portraits of the eminent men of our country, by Mr:...
In handing your Excellcy.’s Newspapers received ⅌ the mail which arived this day from England, we...
It is only due to the difficulty I had in obtaining the brochure you asked for, that I did not...
I lately received your Letter of the 18 th: of October.— The Sentiment, and observations...
As there is so little temptation, at present, to an englishman , to pay any attention to the...
I wrote you from Paris inclosing you a packet of great Consequence which I received from Mr...
It is because of the fact that your excellency, minister plenipotentiary of the united provinces...
Your kind wishes for my success secure my grateful thanks. If I rightly understand the expression...
Your favor of the 11th. of December to Mr Rush, brought by Mr Gray, I had the pleasure (as sole...
Some Villain, has reported, and it is almost universally Creditted by the people of this place,...
Vous avés bien voulu me faire esperér que vous arretires Ches M. Le Marquis De Voyer Dargenson,...
As a trifling testimonial of the gratitude and respect which I feel for you, who have conferred...
Il y a dix jours que l’honorable M. Searle m’a remis la Lettre que votre Excellence m’a fait...
Permit me overwhelmed with grief & chagrined at disappointment to beg your kind attention for a...
Yesterday at 1/2 past 5. P.M. The Bill authorising a loan of twenty five Millions of Dollars,...
I am honored with your letters of the 13th & 20th of Feby, the former of which, being an answer...
After I had wrote the letter of yesterday and sent it off, I recieved your favours of the 4th....
L’honorée vôtre d’hier m’a rendu heureux en m’apprenant que vous approuvez ma conduite. Je me...
Since my last I have the pleasure of Several of yours. I am Extreamly obliged to you, and to...
I was very much pleased with the writing of your Letter and only have to recommend to you now to...
To have the best government in the world, and that government administered in the best manner, is...
My letter of November 8th. 1779 by John Lowell Esquire in answer to your favor of the 20th....
M r Thaxter arrived here last Evening, by the Way of New York, with the definative Treaty, having...
The Resolves of Congress, directing every board to deliver into the secretary’s Office, all...
We have had the honour to receive your most esteem’d Favour of the day before yesterday, and...
The Business of our provincial Convention draws to a Conclusion, and the Session will end in a...
The Grand Jurors of the county of Ulster , and state of New York , are well aware that the...
I wrote you a short Letter by Mr. Storrow, who left this City to embark at Havre for the United...
Your favors by Col o. Franks have come safely to hand. he will set out from hence the 8 th. inst....
In obedience to the Resolution of the Senate of the United States of the 18th of February 1793—I...
I am honored with your letter of the 8t.—Capt Truxton resigned on the ground that he was injured...
your long silence gave me much uneasiness but I endeavour’d, to assign a thousand reasons which...
My Father, who now holds the Office of Collector of the Customs, for the District of New Haven,...
The American Philosophical Society, desirous of expressing due Regard for Preeminence in Science...
I was made very happy in hearing by Mr G W. Adams (who was so kind as to Take his birth day...
It is a source of Deep regret and vexation to me, that I was obliged to leave Roxbury without...
I arrived here yesterday evening and delivered your letter to the General. I have had much...
At the request of Capt. McFarland, the bearer of this letter I have taken the liberty to address...
It is very long, my dear Sir, since I have written to you. my dislocated wrist is now become so...
I have the honour of acknowledging the rect. of your favour of Oct. 20th.— What I have written...
I wrote you by the last post. I wonder whether all the Letters I write you get to hand, and if...
From Letters received from Edward Taylor and Charles, I at length understand that the unpleasant...
Inclosed are some numbers of the lettres Hollandoises. I took them out of thier covers, because I...
With great pleasure, I, yesterday, received your favour of the 1st Inst. acknowledging the...
I have at length the Satisfaction of informing you that my two Plates of American Subjects are...
I was honoured with your most obliging Favor of the 6th. Decemr.—Please to accept of my unfeigned...
It can not have escaped your observation that the Secretary of State has qualities that may be...