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Results 7401-7410 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have the pleasure to inform you that the Continental armed Schooners Hancock and Franklin sent into Marblehead this day a Transport from Hallifax bound to New York with provisions and dry goods. There are many Tories on board, among whom is the noted Benjamin Davis. Last Sunday a Transport from Ireland came into this Harbour, (not knowing the Pirates were gone) and was taken; She had...
AL : American Philosophical Society Please to send me Mr Williams’s Letter that objects to the Clothing furnish’d by Mr Monthieu. Also all the Papers you have relating to his Accounts— In John Adams’ hand: Dr Franklin must be so good as to send somebody to search for these Papers— Mr Adams has no more the Custody of them than Dr Franklin and never will have. This request was prompted by Lee’s...
Permit me thro you to lay before the Honble. the Senate my Intrest Accot. from the 30t Septemr to the 31t Decembr. as setled at the Treasury, the Specie accot when passed the Offices shall be immediately transmitted— I have the honor to be / with perfect Respect / Sir / Your Most humble Sert DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
By the Carelessness of an Orderly Sargent to whom it was given, I did not get your Letter, forwarded by Mr. Gerry from Philadelphia, and so have not as yet received any Answer to my last 2 Letters. I wish in future, Sir, You would write by the Post, and then I shall not again be disappointed. I find by a late Resolve of Congress they are determined to raise an Army for the War. Happy had it...
After Such a long protracted Silence you will not find fault, that I indulge once more in writing you a few lines—your kindnesses, of which I received So many proofs during more than forty years—your affectionate esteem, which never was abated would be a Sufficient apology—even if I had from time to time obtained a few lines from one of your family. But the last pertinent account of the...
Ce fut avec la plus grande satisfaction et reconnoissance, que je reçus, il y a quelque tems, de la part de Votre Excellence, le Recueil des Constitutions et autres Actes fondamentaux de la République Fédérative, qui s’est formée dans le Nouveau-Monde. J’en ai témoigné ma gratitude à Mr. Thaxter; mais il est de mon devoir de présenter à Votre Excellence même mes vifs et sincères remercîmens....
Suppose you have had a formidable account of the alarm we had last Sunday morning. When I rose about six oclock I was told that the Drums had been some time beating and that 3 allarm Guns were fired, that Weymouth Bell had been ringing, and Mr. Welds was then ringing. I immediatly sent of an express to know the occasion, and found the whole Town in confusion. 3 Sloops and one cutter had come...
The Inhabitants of the City of New Brunswick and its vicinity, are highly gratified with this opportunity of expressing to you their Affectionate Esteem.— Happy in a Government of Laws, and happy in the Administration of it under the great & good Washington, we could not but sincerely rejoice, when the voice of our Country, upon his retirement, gave us, for a Chief Majestrate, a person whose...
Since I wrote you in January, I have not been favour’d with a line from you. Since I heard of the change which lately took place in the Administration of our Affairs at this Court, I took the liberty to address Doctor Franklin, on the Subject of my last Letter to you. Having a large Ship now here, which I want to ballast with Salt, but can not unless furnish’d with an order from the Minister...
M r Barry delivered me some days ago your Excellencys favor of the 20 th Nov r. at the Same time he put into my hands M r Ficths Note which I own surprized me greatly— The Warmth of M r Barrys heart led him to exagerate the civilities I showed him which proceeded in the first instance from the manner in which your Exc y recommended him to me— These are Duties which admit of no recompense, or...