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Results 7401-7450 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : Clements Library I wrote a pretty long Letter to you by Falconer, in which I acquainted you...
7402[Diary entry: 20 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
20. Set of for my Brother Sam’s & Nomomy. Crossd at the Mouth of Nangamy & went to my Brothers....
7403[Diary entry: 20 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
20. Clear, & not warm—wind, what little there was, abt. So. West.
7404[Diary entry: 21 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
21. At my Brothers. Colo. Lewis & my Brothr. Charles came there.
7405[Diary entry: 21 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
21. Clear & cool. Wind So. West.
7406[Diary entry: 22 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
22. Still at my Brothers with other Company—his Child being Christned. This child was one of...
7407[Diary entry: 22 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
22. Clear and Warm with very little Wind from the So. West. Abt. 11 Oclock at Night the Wind...
7408[Diary entry: 23 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
23. Hauling the Sein under Mr. Lawrence Washington’s shore.
7409[Diary entry: 23 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
23. The Wind fresh from the No. West all day and very cold.
7410[Diary entry: 24 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
24. Imbarkd on board my Schooner for Nomomy. Lay of Captn. Laidler’s. John Laidler (d. 1773), of...
7411[Diary entry: 24 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
24. Warmer, but still cool, with the Wind from the Eastward.
7412On Civil War, 25 August 1768 (Franklin Papers)
Reprinted in The Pennsylvania Chronicle , November 28–December 5, 1768, from The Public...
7413[Diary entry: 25 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
25. Hauling the Sein upon the Bar of Cedar point for Sheeps heads but catchd none. Run down below...
7414[Diary entry: 25 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
25. Warm with very little Wind and that Southwardly.
Reprinted in The Pennsylvania Chronicle , November 28–December 5, 1768, from The Public...
7416[Diary entry: 26 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
26. Reachd my Brother John’s at Night. While the Washingtons were in Westmoreland County, Jacky...
7417[Diary entry: 26 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
26. Exceeding Hot with very little or no Wind all day.
7418[Diary entry: 26 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
26. Finishd drawing in & securing my Wheat in the Neck.
Reprinted in The Pennsylvania Chronicle , January 2–9, 1769, from The Public Advertiser , August...
7420[Diary entry: 27 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
27. Hauling the Sein upon Hollis’s Marsh Bar & elsewhere for Sheeps heads but catchd none. Hollis...
7421[Diary entry: 27 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
27. Very warm also with very little wind. Abt. 1 Oclock Thunder, but no rain. At Nomony.
7422[Diary entry: 28 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
28. Went to Nomony Church & returnd to my Brother’s to Dinner.
7423[Diary entry: 28 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
28. Warm with but little wind and some Clouds, but no Rain.
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Jacob presents his Compliments to Dr. Franklyn and begs...
ALS : American Philosophical Society May I beg the Favor that you will transmit the enclosed...
7426[Diary entry: 29 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
29. Went into Machodack Ck. fishing and dind with the Revd. Mr. Smith. Lower Machodoc Creek...
7427[Diary entry: 29 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
29. Brisk Eastwardly Wind in the Morning. Calm midday, & Westwardly Wind in the Evening.
7428[Diary entry: 29 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
29. Began to Sow Wheat at Ditto.
7429[Diary entry: 30 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
30. Hauling the Sein on the Bars near Hollis’s Marsh & other places.
7430[Diary entry: 30 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
30. Very calm—& warm all day.
Draft: American Philosophical Society; printed in The Public Advertiser , August 31, 1768. In the...
7432[Diary entry: 31 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
31. Dined with Mr. Jno. Smith who was marryed yesterday to the widow Lee. John Smith (1715–1771)...
7433[Diary entry: 31 August 1768] (Washington Papers)
31. Clear with the Wind Westwardly & not warm.
AD (draft): American Philosophical Society Franklin’s celebrated revision of the Lord’s Prayer...
Sarah Garfield. D eaco n Farrar. Last of Deer. It is Josiah Headleys. The next Saturday, she said...
Strong. Trespass and false Imprisonment. Plea that Plaintiff is Defendants Property—his Negro...
7437[September 1768] (Washington Papers)
Septr. 1. Set out from Nomony in my return to Chotanck. Lodgd on board the Vessel between Swan...
Septr. 1. Brisk Eastwardly Wind in the Morning. Northwardly afterwards & Cool. 2. Wind at No....
7439Cash Accounts, September 1768 (Washington Papers)
Cash Septr 16— To Ditto [cash] recd from Jno. Ward pr his wife £1. 1.8 Contra Septr  2— By Cash...
7440[Diary entry: 1 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
Septr. 1. Set out from Nomony in my return to Chotanck. Lodgd on board the Vessel between Swan...
7441[Diary entry: 1 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
Septr. 1. Brisk Eastwardly Wind in the Morning. Northwardly afterwards & Cool.
7442[Diary entry: 2 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
2. Came up as high as Hoes ferry & Walk to my Brother Sams.
7443[Diary entry: 2 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
2. Wind at No. West and very cool.
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer is the young Man you desired me to enquire about,...
7445[Diary entry: 3 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
3. Went to Mr. John Stiths & dined there. Returnd in the afternoon. GW’s host is probably John...
7446[Diary entry: 3 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
3. Cool wind, tho very little of it Eastwardly.
7447[Diary entry: 4 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
4. Went to Church. Dined at Colo. Harrison & returnd to my Brs. in the afternoon. Nathaniel...
7448[Diary entry: 4 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
4. Warm. Wind rather Westwardly tho but little of it.
Mastr Custis was so much disorder’d by an intermitting fever, attended with billeous vomittings,...
7450[Diary entry: 5 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
5. Crossd over to the lower point of Nangemoy where I met my Chariot & returnd home.