Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Robert Morris, 8 March 1797

From Robert Morris

Philada. March 8th. 1797

Dear Sir

You have herewith the Copy of a letter from Mr Bridgen to me1 & my reply2 which you will cause to be delivered, if they will apply to Mr Nicholson the business will be accomplished with him but if they possitively will not, I must request you to adjust the matter on my behalf on the best terms & longest time you can obtain.3 I am impatiently waiting an Answer to my last letter4 on the business with Colo Walker,5 it is of the greatest & most immediate importance to have it finished. I hope this days Mail will bring the information from you to

Dr Sir   Your Obedt hble servt

Robt Morris

Alexr Hamilton Esqr
New York.

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress; LC, Robert Morris Papers, Library of Congress.

1Charles Bridgen to Morris, March 6, 1797 (copy, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).

2Morris to Charles Bridgen, March 8, 1797 (LC, Robert Morris Papers, Library of Congress).

3For information concerning the matters discussed in this sentence, see Morris to H, December 31, 1796; January 23, February 9, 1797, note 4, February 27, 1797.

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