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Results 73851-73880 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have kept your message longer than usual, because my objections being less to details than to its general spirit, I was at a loss what alterations to submit to your consideration. Instead of being written in the style of the Proclamation, which has been almost universally approved at home & abroad, the message appears to me to be rather in the shape of a manifesto issued against Great Britain...
I have to assure you, in answer to your letter of the 26th. of February, that fully impressed with the importance to your Object, of speedy advances, it has been my aim to shorten the period of making them; as far as could consist with the general arrangements and prospects of the Treasury; having due regard to other Objects of expenditure which are indispensable. In consequence of your last...
I have last night received such a representation of the condition the Southern Army, is like to be in, for want of provisions as to give serious apprehensions, that it may be obliged to retire into this State, and of course to draw the Southern enemy into it. It therefore becomes absolutely necessary that whatever pork can be procured, should be laid in on the Roanoke, and that the forces and...
In the letter you did me the honor to write to me on the 22d. of May last, you advert to the following subjects 1st. the construction given by this Govt. to its Decree of the 21st. of November. 2d. the promulgation of a decree of similar character by the Spanish Govt. 3d. the slow progress made towards an adjustment of our differences with Spain & 4th. What may be known at Paris of the agents...
The following are the Contracts which have been entered into for Supplies to the Recruiting Stations in Virginia vz Charles M. Thruston for the Stations of Winchester, Leesburg, Fauquier Court House Culpeper Court House, Moorfield & Morgan Town & their vicinities. date 9th. May 1799 Godlove Heiskel for Fredericksburg and the Counties annexed to it—date June 21. 1799 Alexander Humphreys for...
Mr. Hamilton moved for leave to bring in a bill, to authorise the delegates of this State in Congress, to accede to, ratify and confirm, the independence and Sovereignty of the people inhabiting the district of country, commonly called Vermont. Ordered , That leave be given accordingly. Mr. Hamilton according to leave, brought in the said bill entitled, An act to authorise the Delegates of [ t...
Friday Evening is determined upon for the execution of the intended enterprize, unless prevented by the intervention of Weather or some unforeseen accident. I would however wish you to have your detachment in a state of perfect readiness. To avoid giving cause for suspicion, by withdrawing your Guards totally, I think you had best, tomorrow night or very early on Friday Morning, call in the...
E. Avery a l’honneur d’accuser la reception de la note que Mr Jefferson a daigné lui ecrire. Il est faché que la disposition de la place en question, ne soit pas entierement dans les mains de Mr. J.— Cependant, il s’empressera de se procurer les renseignmens demandés; lesquels (sitôt qu’il les aura reçu,) seront transmis à Mr J.— De peur que le Governeur en même temps, ne fasse l’offre de...
I take much satisfaction in presenting to you, the Bearer of this Letter, the Count de Medem, recently arrived, from St. Petersburg, and attached to the Legation of His Majesty the Emperor of Russia, in this Country—On his visit to Boston, it affords me pleasure to have the opportunity of making him personally known to you.— I hope to have in a few days the satisfaction of presenting myself...
I am favd with yours of the 3d instant and am sorry to find that what I meant merely as a joke has been taken by you in a serious point of light. I can assure you I never had the least suspicion that any part of your time was sacrificed or your duty neglected on account of the Ladies who fell into your hands. As it has been thought expedient to detain them a considerable time for the security...
The Bearer doctor Benjamin Robinson is a native of this town and a nephew of mine, Sustains a good moral Character, and has Acquired no inconsiderable knowledge in the Arts of Phisyck and Surgery—in the latter Especially he has made Proficiency in Practice he is Temperate, Sober, & Discreet in his General deportment, and I Consider him a promising young man he is of an enterprising make and...
Je profite avec le plus vif empressement de l’occasion que m’offre Mr de Boucherie pour vous prier de me faire l’honneur d’accepter un exemplaire de la seconde edition de mon ouvrage— Je me flatte que vous approuverez les nouveaux apperçus que j’ai donnés dans le discours Préliminaire au sujet de la marche de l’esprit humain en apprenant la langue maternelle. C’est en rendant la méthode plus...
73863Cash Accounts, June 1760 (Washington Papers)
Cash June 9— To Ditto [cash] of Jno. Gist for Smiths Acct for self & Mother £1.13.9 To Ditto of Mr Sampson Darrel—for Ditto 1.11.0 21— To Ditto of Captn Possey—Balle Accts 5.17.6 To Ditto of Mr Piper for 20,602 lbs. Tobo @ 20/ prCt 206. 0.5 Contra June 2— By Mr Mercer. A fee for his Opinion in Cliftons dispute 5. 0.0 By Cash gave Widow Nation’s 0.10.0 5— By ditto gave Jno. Askew 20/ 1. 0.0
I am to inform your Excellency, that Col. Warren, the Paymaster Genl acquaints me he has not Money enough left in the Treasury (since what was drawn for the Commissary and Quarter Master) to pay the five Regiments which remain here, for the month of March. Mr Quarter Master Parke had a Warrant for £5500.12 and Mr Commissary Avery had a Warrant for £4500 to defray the expences in their several...
In my letter of Mar. 20. (which goes by the same opportunity with the present one) I informed you that Colo. Humphreys was now authorized to draw on you for the 123.750ƒ deposited in your hands on a former occasion on account of the Department of state. As this would probably be over the balance which the Department has now in your hands, I make a remittance, by London bills, payable to the...
26 December 1810, Boston. Assuming that trade with France will be renewed, he offers himself as a candidate for any consular vacancy in that country. “I am a native American—educated to Mercantile Business, & have been much employed in its most intricate parts.” Refers JM to his friend Mr. Cutts, who will present this application. RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Gardner”). 1 p....
In some of my former Letters I mentioned the Probability, that Belchers Place would shortly be on Sale. Mr. Morton Atty. to C. W. Apthorp Esq has offered it to me but has not as yet set his Price. As I conceive it to be Your Wish to purchase it—If it can be obtained at a reasonable Price, I shall secure it. I have frequent offers of Salt Marsh and other Lands, in Braintree, some of them...
73868[Diary entry: 28 November 1771] (Washington Papers)
28. Went a driving again with Colo. Mason—killed nothing.
Inclosed is a letter of Mr. Thatcher recommending George Barrell to be a midshipman & I know of no reason why a warrant should not be given him. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
AL (draft): Harvard University Library Miss Stevens being in this City, in a very [ torn : poor?] state of health and attended by a Physician; is un[der app]rehensions, from prevailing reports of an act hav[ing p]assed in South Carolina, to confiscate the Estates [of tho]se who are absent after a given time, that she [ torn: may incur?] the penalty of that act notwithstanding [her] most...
73871[Diary entry: 22 June 1769] (Washington Papers)
22. There being flying showers abt. in the Night & Morning tho not hard the Wind shifted to the Northward & grew cool or Rather to the Eastward.
[ London, June 27, 1798. Letter not found. ] “List of Letters from … Mr. King” to H, Columbia University Libraries.
I have rec d . the Letter w h you did me the Honor to write on the 15 th . Inst enclosing a Copy of a Resolution of the Federal Freeholders of the City of NYork of the 13 Instant. Permit me thru’ you to assure them of the high Sense I entertain of the honor they have done me by the Sentiments, respecting Services, which are expressed in that Resolution; and be pleased Gent n . to accept my...
The freedom of this address to you if it needs any apology, will find it in the extent and depth of the Interest which its Subject matter involves—with respect to the distracted State of political offers in which the people of this State are involved at this time, The heate of enthusiasms the diversity of opinions, the ambitions and prejudice thereby created are of unparalleled Magnitude which...
The Secretary of the Treasury, on the petition of Alexander Contee Hanson, referred to him by the House of Representatives on the 25th of January 1791, respectfully makes the following Report. It appears that Congress, by their Act of the 14th of September 1786, appointed nine Judges (of whom the petitioner was one) to constitute a Court for hearing and determining a controversy of boundaries...
I Hamilton Cooper of the County of Berkley & State of Virginia do promise to pay or cause to be paid unto George Washington President of the United States the just and full sum of thirty one pounds ten shillings on or before the 25th day of April next—it being due for rent by the said Hamilton Cooper on lott No. 2 and whereon distress hath been made and goods replevied in consequence of this...
I had the honor last to address your Excellency from Hartford the 13th Instant, with a representation of my proceedings to that time, The next morning Governor Trumbull, informed me, that there were seven Thousand Barrels salted meat, in the State of Connecticut, which may be depended on for the army, and at least Two Thousand Barrels of Fish, with Forty Hhd Rum at Hartford, and Fifteen at...
Collector of Detroit. I think the liberal construction of the letter of May 2. as explained in the Collector’s letter, had better be permitted to go on, sub silentio, as the contrary would be vexatious & unprofitable, and might excite a spirit of counter-vexation in the English. McKim’s application is inadmissible, and Genl. Smith would be far from himself approving such a departure from rule,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Agreeable to your Requisition and Opinion, in yours to me of the 11th of May, and 8th of June last, I am now come up to this City: and been accepted to the Exercise of the Place of Land-Waiter here the 3d of this Month: and an Account with the Bond executed, and a Certificate of the Matter would be sent with this Packet, but the Surveyor-General, Mr....
Camp at Cross Roads [ Pennsylvania ] August 14, 1777. Instructs Dayton to send information on strength of the enemy at Kings Bridge and on Staten Island. Also asks Dayton to send account of number of boats available in that area. LS , in writing of H, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California.