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Results 73851-73860 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have kept your message longer than usual, because my objections being less to details than to its general spirit, I was at a loss what alterations to submit to your consideration. Instead of being written in the style of the Proclamation, which has been almost universally approved at home & abroad, the message appears to me to be rather in the shape of a manifesto issued against Great Britain...
I have to assure you, in answer to your letter of the 26th. of February, that fully impressed with the importance to your Object, of speedy advances, it has been my aim to shorten the period of making them; as far as could consist with the general arrangements and prospects of the Treasury; having due regard to other Objects of expenditure which are indispensable. In consequence of your last...
I have last night received such a representation of the condition the Southern Army, is like to be in, for want of provisions as to give serious apprehensions, that it may be obliged to retire into this State, and of course to draw the Southern enemy into it. It therefore becomes absolutely necessary that whatever pork can be procured, should be laid in on the Roanoke, and that the forces and...
In the letter you did me the honor to write to me on the 22d. of May last, you advert to the following subjects 1st. the construction given by this Govt. to its Decree of the 21st. of November. 2d. the promulgation of a decree of similar character by the Spanish Govt. 3d. the slow progress made towards an adjustment of our differences with Spain & 4th. What may be known at Paris of the agents...
The following are the Contracts which have been entered into for Supplies to the Recruiting Stations in Virginia vz Charles M. Thruston for the Stations of Winchester, Leesburg, Fauquier Court House Culpeper Court House, Moorfield & Morgan Town & their vicinities. date 9th. May 1799 Godlove Heiskel for Fredericksburg and the Counties annexed to it—date June 21. 1799 Alexander Humphreys for...
Mr. Hamilton moved for leave to bring in a bill, to authorise the delegates of this State in Congress, to accede to, ratify and confirm, the independence and Sovereignty of the people inhabiting the district of country, commonly called Vermont. Ordered , That leave be given accordingly. Mr. Hamilton according to leave, brought in the said bill entitled, An act to authorise the Delegates of [ t...
Friday Evening is determined upon for the execution of the intended enterprize, unless prevented by the intervention of Weather or some unforeseen accident. I would however wish you to have your detachment in a state of perfect readiness. To avoid giving cause for suspicion, by withdrawing your Guards totally, I think you had best, tomorrow night or very early on Friday Morning, call in the...
E. Avery a l’honneur d’accuser la reception de la note que Mr Jefferson a daigné lui ecrire. Il est faché que la disposition de la place en question, ne soit pas entierement dans les mains de Mr. J.— Cependant, il s’empressera de se procurer les renseignmens demandés; lesquels (sitôt qu’il les aura reçu,) seront transmis à Mr J.— De peur que le Governeur en même temps, ne fasse l’offre de...
I take much satisfaction in presenting to you, the Bearer of this Letter, the Count de Medem, recently arrived, from St. Petersburg, and attached to the Legation of His Majesty the Emperor of Russia, in this Country—On his visit to Boston, it affords me pleasure to have the opportunity of making him personally known to you.— I hope to have in a few days the satisfaction of presenting myself...
I am favd with yours of the 3d instant and am sorry to find that what I meant merely as a joke has been taken by you in a serious point of light. I can assure you I never had the least suspicion that any part of your time was sacrificed or your duty neglected on account of the Ladies who fell into your hands. As it has been thought expedient to detain them a considerable time for the security...