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Results 73831-73880 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Yours of Yesterday met me near this place this Morning. If you have not sent off the Stores...
Col. S. Webb is apprehensive he has fallen under your Excellency’s Displeasure from the...
I have the Honour of your Letter of the 12th instant which I have communicated to the Board....
I have just arrived with the Army at this place where I shall remain till I see what turn Genl...
I last Night received your Favor of the 10th Inst. Amidst the unfortunate Reverse that has taken...
Lebanon, Conn., 15 July 1777 . “William Adams a Lieutenant in Coll Durkee’s Battalion raised in...
I have this Instt recd a Letter from Colo. S. B. Webb informing me, that Mr Wadsworth had sent to...
Your favour of yesterdays date is just come to hand. You have my thanks for your care of the...
73839General Orders, 16 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
The General Court Martial of which Col. Chambers was President is dissolved. A General Court...
Messrs Livingston, Clymer, & Gerry present their Complimts to his Excellency General Washington,...
Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. David Forman, 16 July 1777. GW writes in his letter to Forman...
I was yesterday Evening honored with yours of the 14th. I have heard nothing from the Northward...
I beg leave to congratulate Congress on the Captivity of Major Genl Prescot & One of his Aids....
Yesterday afternoon a Committee from the Board of War of this State presented me the inclosed...
The fortune of war having thrown Major General Prescot into our hands, I beg leave to propose his...
I am sorrey for the occasion which induces me to renew a correspondence, which my fear of...
I am informed General Prescott who was made Prisoner last Week, is order’d to Windham; I think it...
I am this Moment favor’d with yours of 10th Inst.—As I am an utter stranger to any want of Arms...
War Office, Philadelphia, 16 July 1777 . “The Bearer Mr Dupré is a very ingenious Armourer & was...
In Obedience to your Excellencys order I’ve sent the Hoble Genl Schuylar at Albany Ninty Boxes of...
I imagine you have, in consequence of former orders, crossed the North River; but if it should...
Letter not found: from Col. Samuel Blachley Webb, 16 July 1777. In his letter to Webb of 17 July...
73853General Orders, 17 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
Some disputes having arisen between the Colonels Humpton and Johnson respecting seniority, the...
Your fortitude has been put to a fresh trial, through the stupid neglect of the New England...
By the Express, Major Bass, who goes on to Philadelphia, I’ve done myself the Honor Just to...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Samuel Holden Parsons, 17 July 1777. Parsons’s letter to GW of 16...
Genl Parsons having inform’d me that many Gentlemen are Candidates for the two Regts lately...
There is nothing new here since your last—only that one ship, two gallies and an armed sloop came...
Inclosed is a Copy of the Intelligence brot by one Ebr Atwood who appears to be a very honest...
Your Excellencys Letters of the 12th & 13th instt to General Schuyler have been by him...
Your Excellency’s Favors of the 12th & 13th Instant I had the Honor to receive Yesterday. It is...
I have the pleasure of your favour of the 11th conveying the agreeable intelligence of the...
A few days ago Your favor of the 5th of October last with its Inclosures was handed me by Major...
I have the Honor of yours of the 14th with its enclosures. I had some time before received the...
I have been favoured with Yours of the 16th and am much obliged by your care and attention in...
73866General Orders, 18 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief is pleased to approve the following sentences of a General Court Martial,...
The evacuation of Ticonderoga has opened a door for the Enemy, unless speedily and vigorously...
Your favour of the 6th instant has been duely handed me. I exceedingly lament that there has been...
I am favd with yours of the 16th instant by Express. I had likewise the pleasure of yours a few...
I recd both your favs of the 2d and 8th instants. The State of Maryland hath not been particular...
I just now received a Letter from Genl Schuyler of the 14th Inst. inclosing the Proceedings of...
Your Letter of the 16th Inst., I received to day. Tho I am & shall always be happy in your...
I am favd with yours of the 8th inst. I am sorry to find that you are likely to fall short in the...
The Council had the Honor yesterday & not before to receive your Excellency’s Letter, dated the...
As I have not had the pleasure of hearing from you, since the 10th Instant, I am induced to hope...
Your Excellency’s Favor of the 15h Instant was delivered me about three this Morning. You will,...
A long time since, you wrote to me, asking my directions whether you should come on to join the...
Being informed last Evening that Mr Cornelius Blanchard had come over from Staten Island and...
73879General Orders, 19 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
A Board of General Officers, consisting of all the General Officers not on duty, to sit to morrow...
Letter not found: from Col. George Baylor, 19 July 1777. In his letter to Baylor of 5 Aug. , GW...