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Results 73831-73880 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The vessel which was up for Hamburgh by which I promised to write has changed her Voyage, and the...
I inclose to you a pamphlet, The correspondence between the Secretary of state, and the French...
To wish you Joy on your advancement to the high Station you now hold will perhaps, at present, be...
73834[Diary entry: 15 March 1797] (Washington Papers)
15. Recd. the Compliments of the Citizens of George Town as I had done the day before of those of...
I have taken the liberty to introduce your August & immortal name in a short sentence (see Page...
I have before me your respected favers of the 9th, 10th & 12th inst. which have been received in...
Letter not found. Ca. 15 March 1797. Referred to in Jones to JM, 23 Mar. 1797 . Mentions arrival...
N’ayant pû avoir l’honneur de Vous revoir avant Votre depart, j’espère que Vous recevrez encore...
It is nearly a fortnight since I received your letter of the 17 th: of last month. The two last...
I have repeatedly perused your letter of the 27 of February, which afforded me infinite pleasure,...
I received some time since your letter of the 21 st of Febuary—and am very happy to find that you...
The President of the United States, requests the Secretary at War to take into his consideration...
The President of the United States requests the Secretary of State to take into his...
[ New York ] March 14, 1797 . “Had there not been frequent Instances in many respectable Offices...
73845[Diary entry: 14 March 1797] (Washington Papers)
14. Dined at Mr. Laws & lodged at Mr. Thos. Peters. Day warm. mr. laws : Thomas Law (1759–1834),...
The pressure of business in the last days of my administration, occasioned my dispatching the...
Like a true Woman (as you will think) in the Moment of Exultation, and on the first Impulse (for...
Dr Tufts has been consulted by me respecting the leaseing our places, and we have come to an...
I am So constantly engaged in Business most of which is new to me, that it Seems as if it was...
I have received the Letter you did me, the honour to write me this morning informing me, that you...
A few days ago I received your obliging Letter of the 13th of February— It would be a greater...
J’aurois desiré pouvoir vous présenter mes hommages Comme ministre de L’a Republique française,...
Philadelphia, March 13, 1797. Replies to Hamilton’s letter of March 10, 1797 , and answers...
73854The Warning No. V, [13 March 1797] (Hamilton Papers)
I have asserted, that the conduct of Great-Britain towards us and other neutral powers has been...
73855[Diary entry: 13 March 1797] (Washington Papers)
13. Breakfasted at Spurriers & dined & lodged in Bladensburgh. Morning lowered but clear...
A number of the Inhabitants of this town & its Vicinity wish to have the pleasure of meeting you...
However as a citizen I may depricate the consequences of your retirement from the helm of our...
After a week of anxious expectation, I received by last Thursdays post, a packet containing three...
73859[Diary entry: 12 March 1797] (Washington Papers)
12. Lowering, but tolerably pleasant. Breakfasted at Websters. Dined & lodged in Baltimore. Met &...
To partake of the prosperity arising from your unwearied attention to the Welfare of our...
Your favr of the 27th ulmo came to hand three days ago just when I was puting into the Office a...
As I ride on matters occur to me and I shall take the chance of mentioning them to you before you...
I wrote you by the last mail, and add this by Mr. Jefferson. Lest my last should by any...
I have recieved no letter from you since that which you wrote on your departure from Madrid ....
I take shame to myself at this late acknolegement of the receipt of so many of your favors: but...
I have been longer in acknoleging the reciept of your favor of May 28. 96. than I would have been...
Yesterday only I rec d yours of March 1.— am surprized you should have rec d none from me from...
73868[Diary entry: 11 March 1797] (Washington Papers)
11. Snowing from day light until 10 Oclock—in the Afternoon a little rain. Breakfasted at...
J: Beckley’s compliments to Mr: Madison. Mr: Jefferson will take a family dinner with JB—to...
I recieved with great pleasure your letter from Varina, and though I never had a moment’s doubt...
Yours has been duly recieved , and the clover seed goes tomorrow in the schooner Industry, Capt....
[ Greenock, Scotland, March 10, 1797. On May 2, 1797, Hamilton wrote to William Hamilton : “Some...
New York, March 10, 1797. “… You will oblige me by letting me know what have been the laws &...
Rec’d five hundred dollars of William Cooper on account of Mr. Churchs Mortgage on lands in...
73875[Diary entry: 10 March 1797] (Washington Papers)
10. Dined & lodged at Elkton. Tolerably pleasant all day. “At Elkton . . . Hollingsworth’s is a...
The General Assembly, which convened at East Greenwich on the twenty-seventh of February, having...
We arrived at this place to dinner and shall remain all night. To morrow we shall proceed but...
I was this afternoon fav d . with yours of the 5 th . Instant, enclosing the mes Letter from...
I have no Letter this Week and begin to fear that your Respect to our late P. has laid a...
The health of David Austin Esqr. the present Collector of the customs in New Haven, is declining...