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Results 73801-73830 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
upon Seeing Some Cloathing pass by here & knowing that my men are in a wretched Condition for...
73802General Orders, 12 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
As the foul weather prevents the marching of the troops to day, they are to draw two days...
When I had the honor of addressing you last, I hoped the Intelligence received respecting our...
Letter not found: to Hugh Hughes, 12 July 1777. On 14 July Hughes wrote GW : “Your Excellency’s...
I had the honour of Receiveg Your Excellency’s particular favor of the 29th Ult. ⅌ post. I hope...
I am Honor’d with your favor of yesterday, & observe what you say respecting the Discharge of the...
I Lodge in the house of a man who I verily believe, has as good a heart as any man can have, I...
I am favd with yours of the 8th instant. I am as much at a loss as you can be to account for the...
In consequence of the disagreeable event which has taken place in the evacuation of Ticonderoga...
Yesterday Evening, upon my March from Morris Town to this place, I received your’s of the 7th...
The army marched yesterday from Morris Town to this place, about eighteen miles from thence, and...
73812General Orders, 13 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief approves the following sentences of a General Court Martial held the 7th,...
Yours of the 3d Instt has been duly received. Your business to Boston seems to have been of a...
I have this moment receiv’d your Favor of the 11th Inst. by Mr Conoly, & from your recommendation...
Your favour of the 4th Instant by Capt. De Goy was handed me the 11th. I was then on my march for...
Yours of the 30th ulto found me at this place. Upon the Enemy’s quitting Jersey and embarking,...
On the 11th Instant we recd the disagreeable Intelligence that on the night of the Sixth our Army...
I have been favoured with yours of the 11th. Inst. with its Inclosures. I had received a Letter...
Previous to the Receipt of your Favour of the 12th Inst., I had ordered down a Number of...
Just received Information from one Charles Miel who has been down below fort Lee to make...
I last Night received your Favor of the 9th Inst. I wrote to you Yesterday by Express, informing...
73822General Orders, 14 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
Each Major General will order the guards necessary for the security of his own division. The...
I arrived here this Afternoon with the Army after a very fatiguing March owing to the Roads which...
You will perceive from the enclosed Resolve that there are at present about fourteen Hundred Men...
Your Excellency’s Favor of the 12th did not reach me till this Morning, when I immediately gave...
On the 12th Instant General St Clair arrived here—As he fell in with Hudson’s River about twelve...
I have received your Letters, that of the 7th Inst. on the 10th That of the 2d with the P.S. on...
Two days since I Received from Jerre: Wadsworth Esqr. Four Quarter Cask of Cane Spirits, One Qr...
73829General Orders, 15 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
It was yesterday directed in General Orders, that neither officer nor soldier should pay a salute...
This will be handed to your Excellency by Monr D’Avaux, late a Major in the French Cavalry, as he...