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Results 73741-73750 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
73741[Diary entry: 16 March 1771] (Washington Papers)
16. Ground very hard froze. Morng. clear, and Wind cold from the No. West which blew hard all day & very piercing.
You may Recolect the Next day after your arival at Your house in the City of washington in Octor last I had the pleasure of conversing with you on account of my being in the Service under Genl. George R Clark in the Elenoise Redgment, my entention is to amuse you with an account of my proceedings from the year 74 & when in the Service, I left New York in June 1774 Bound on a Voige to affrica...
Our long conflict having terminated in Independence Peace, and Glory, I have returned to resume my Citizenship in Boston. Having expended my interest in the public Cause, and it being impossible to receive payment, I was led to contemplate the means of doing business without a capital in money, and have adopted a plan which I beg leave to enclose. Your high and important Station, and the vast...
It gave me great pleasure to hear that the voice of the Country had been directed to you as chief magistrate of this Commonwealth, & that you had accepted the appointment. Our affairs seem to be drawing to an awful crisis: it is necessary therefore that the abilities of every man should be drawn into action in a public line, to rescue them if possible from impending ruin. As no one seems more...
We have never heard of Herculas our Cook since he left this; but little doubt remains in my mind of his having gone to Philadelphia, and may yet be found there, if proper measures were employed to discover (unsuspectedly, so as not to alarm him) where his haunts are. If you could accomplish this for me, it would render me an acceptable service as I neither have, nor can get a good Cook to...
The Symptoms of mildness which the Revolution of Geneva seemed to assume, have soon given place to it’s original character, viz that of pillage. Scarcely had the conspiracy of the Montagnards been discovered; Scarcely had the Revolutionary Tribunal been compelled to punish it’s authors (who declared before they went to punishment, that they had done nothing which their very judges had not...
By a resolution of the Citizens of Richmond we are authorised to make arrangements for the reception of General La Fayette “in such manner, as may best comport with his convenience and testify the veneration of the Citizens for his character, their sense of his Services and their affection for his person.” It will certainly be highly gratifying as well to the General as to our fellow Citizens...
AL : Dartmouth College Library Vous faites bien de L’honneur a mes faibles Travaux, non seulement en agreant L’hommage que je j’en ai fait au Liberateur de l’amerique, Mais en Voulant bien faire passer Sous Vos auxpices un exemplaire à La bibliotheque De philadelphie qui Vous doit Son existence est a Celle de lacademie de la meme ville qui vous doit Sa gloire. Daignés recevoir mes remercimens...
The sanction given by your favor of the 12th. inst: to my desire of remunerating the genius which produced Common Sense , led to a trial for the purpose. The gift first proposed was a moiety of the tract on the Eastern Shore, known by the name of “the Secretary’s land.” The easy reception it found induced the friends of the measure to add the other moiety to the proposition which would have...
In consequence of the information I received from you on the first Wednesday in January that the list of votes for President & Vice President were received at the seat of government from all the states except that of Kentucky, I sent a special messenger to the District judge of Kentucky for the list of the votes of that state lodged in his custody, and by the return of the messenger received...