James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Charles Yancey, 21 December 1822

From Charles Yancey

Richmond December 21st. 1822

Dear Sir,

I have taken the liberty of enclosing for your perusal a prospectus of a Newspaper about to be printed here by Mr. Crawford,1 a gentleman well recommended; I lately sent one to the President and received for answer “which as I approve it you will subscribe my name.” Will you be so good as to write to me, if one may be sent to you. Please to accept assurances of my great respect & believe me to be yr. frd. & most Obedt. Servt.

Charles Yancey2
of Richmond Va.

RC (DLC). In a clerk’s hand, signed by Yancey. Addressed in an unidentified hand to JM at “Orange County Va.,” and franked. Docketed by JM.

1Proposals for Publishing by Subscription, in the City of Richmond, a Semi-Weekly and Daily Newspaper to Be Called the Virginia Times by Samuel Crawford. Dec. 12, 1822 (n.p., 1822; Shoemaker 8463). JM’s copy of this broadside is in the Madison Collection, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress.

2Charles Yancey (1766-ca. 1825) of Albemarle County, Virginia, a local magistrate, colonel of the county militia, 1806–15, and sheriff, 1821–23, served in the Virginia House of Delegates, 1814–17. He also owned a tavern, store, mill, and distillery in the area known as Yancey’s Mill (Looney et al., Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, 2:405 n.).

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