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Results 7351-7380 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
7351 Adams, John Coolidge, Ellen Wayles Randolph From John Adams to Ellen Wayles Randolph Coolidge, 24 … 1822-12-24 You cannot imagin how much pleasure I have received from your kind letter of the 15th. It is...
7352 Yates, John V. N. Adams, John To John Adams from John V. N. Yates, 24 December 1822 1822-12-24 A communication from a source so respectable a source , containing sentiments so worthy of the...
7353 Barry, William Taylor Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Taylor Barry, 24 … 1822-12-24 I do myself the honour to enclose you by this mail the Report of the Commissioners appointed by...
7354 Adams, John Watson, Elkanah From John Adams to Elkanah Watson, 23 December 1822 1822-12-23 I have recieved, and heard read Collo. Troups letter to Judge Livingston of the 23d Jan. 1822....
7355 Yates, John V. N. Adams, John To John Adams from John V. N. Yates, 23 December 1822 1822-12-23 Your much esteemed favor was received a few days since, and I could not deny myself the pleasure...
7356 McKinney, James Madison, James To James Madison from James McKinney, 23 December 1822 1822-12-23 In conversation with Gen. William Madison relative to the purchase of your Mill I told him that I...
7357 Cabell, Joseph Carrington Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Carrington Cabell, 23 … 1822-12-23 M r Gordon & M r Rives left this for Albemarle on yesterday and will not probably return for...
7358 Maverick, Peter Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Peter Maverick, 23 December … 1822-12-23 I hearby acknowledge the receipt of One hundred and fifty-Dollars from Col. Peyton by Draft...
7359 Peyton, Bernard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 23 December … 1822-12-23 The Engravings of the University have arrived, & on consultation with M r Cabell, have not...
7360 Jefferson, Thomas Pleasants, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Pleasants, 23 December … 1822-12-23 According to the requisitions of the law, I now transmit to the President and Directors of the...
7361 Cooper, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Cooper, 21 December 1822 1822-12-21 I take the Liberty of inclosing you a report concerning ⟨the⟩ State of our College. I remain...
7362 Taylor, Creed Madison, James To James Madison from Creed Taylor, 21 December 1822 1822-12-21 Will you permit me to avail myself of the return of Mr. Stringfellow, to his friends in the...
7363 Yancey, Charles Madison, James To James Madison from Charles Yancey, 21 December 1822 1822-12-21 I have taken the liberty of enclosing for your perusal a prospectus of a Newspaper about to be...
7364 Cooper, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Cooper, 21 December … 1822-12-21 I understand the inclosed report was adopted by the House of R. this morning. There has been...
7365 Jefferson, Thomas Walsh, Robert From Thomas Jefferson to Robert Walsh, 21 December 1822 1822-12-21 Your favor of the 10 th is just now rec d having loitered by the way, and I shall with pleasure...
7366 Yancey, Charles Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Yancey, 21 December … 1822-12-21 I take the liberty of enclosing for your perusal the prospectus of a Newspaper about to be...
7367 Yancey, Joel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joel Yancey, 21 December 1822 1822-12-21 I am on my to Key West in East-Florida, as Collector of Customs for that fort. I thought that I...
7368 Adams, John Watson, Elkanah From John Adams to Elkanah Watson, 20 December 1822 1822-12-20 I have received and heard Mr Troups letter to Judge Livingston of the 23d of January 1822. you...
7369 Madison, James Monroe, James From James Madison to James Monroe, 20 December 1822 1822-12-20 I have recd. from Mr. Lear engaged in settling the accounts of General Hull, a request of what I...
7370 Jefferson, Thomas Pleasants, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Pleasants, 20 December … 1822-12-20 The sollicitn of a friend which wi ll be presently explained, is yielded to the more readily as...
7371 Madison, James Lear, Benjamin L. From James Madison to Benjamin L. Lear, 19 December … 1822-12-19 I have recd. your letter of the 14th. requesting me to say, according to my recollection whether...
7372 Cabell, Joseph Carrington Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Carrington Cabell, 19 … 1822-12-19 I reached this place on the 17 th ins t and write now merely to apprize you of my arrival. I...
7373 Rives, William Cabell Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Cabell Rives, 19 … 1822-12-19 It affords me great pleasure to inform you that the temper of the present Legislature, so far as...
7374 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from François Adriaan Van der Kemp … 1822-12-19 It is a long time—since I was honoured with any favour from your hand, and little less—that for...
7375 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Arthur S. Brockenbrough, 19 … 1822-12-19 I send you the proctors acc t for sums paid from april to october last. also a statement of what...
7376 Garrett, Alexander Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Alexander Garrett, 18 December … 1822-12-18 The child of my daughter Southall, died in yesterday. she is desirous it should be burried by the...
7377 Middleton, Arthur Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Arthur Middleton, 18 December … 1822-12-18 Here is the work, which, some months ago, you gave me permission to send on to you. And to do...
7378 Emmons, Richard Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Richard Emmons, 18 December … 1822-12-18 With a peculiar feeling of veneration, I have taken the liberty to send you a part of my epick...
7379 Watson, Elkanah Adams, John To John Adams from Elkanah Watson, 17 December 1822 1822-12-17 I have rec’d your friendly favr. of the 10th. Inst. I took the liberty to shew your letter to...
7380 Adams, John Adams, George Washington From John Adams to George Washington Adams, 17 December … 1822-12-17 yours of the 9th. is received, you do not give me any account of your Studies as formerly—Mr....