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Results 73151-73180 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I flatter myself that this letter will either find you at Mount Vernon, or meet you there in a very few days. In either case, I hope I may be so happy as to congratulat you upon a safe return from your southern excursion. The day before yesterday a Drayman brought 14 Cases of wine here marked G.W. which he said were from on board a vessel which had arrived from Charleston S.C.—There was no...
Be it enacted by the General Assembly, that no action shall be brought, whereby to charge any executor or administrator upon any special promise, to answer any debt or damages out of his own estate; or whereby to charge the defendant upon any special promise to answer for the debt, default or miscarriage of another person, or to charge any person upon any agreement made upon consideration of...
Je n’ay point oublié, Messieurs, L’Intéret que vous prenez a M. Jones et la Demande que vous avez faite de lui accorder un Batiment armé qui puissé le transporter en Amerique. Le Roi a qui j’en ai rendu Compte est disposé a donner cette facilité a ce Capitaine. Mais Je desire prealablement de Scavoir s’il sera possible de composer de Matelots Americains l’Equipage du Batiment qui sera fourni a...
My last dispatch to your Excellency was of the 6th I then informed you that we should open Trenches on that night—we did so, and established our first parallel within 600 Yards of the enemy’s Works with the loss of only one Officer of the French Artillery wounded and 16 privates killed and wounded, the greater part of which were of the French line. The 7th and 8th we were employed in...
Altho I cannot help feeling an extreme reluctance at parting with the veteran & faithful Officers of the Army I have the honor to command, before the conclusion of the War; Yet when I am convinced by any of them, that their constitution is entirely ruined, and their impaired state of health such as renders them unfit for farther duty, I cannot think it justifiable to urge them to continue,...
Permit me to say that I am now taken pen in hand to write to tho’, so that I may Receive an answer with thy name subscribed by thy ne own hand writing so that I make store it up as a Relic—I am a poor man but I hope an honest one. and have little or no Education yet have Imbibed the strong notion of liberty. Ah! me the poor Enslaved Africans curtails our liberty. yes we are in a Labyrinth of...
I was duly Honoured by the rect of your Excys Favour of the 13th Ultimo. immediately on the Receipt of It I dispatched an Express to Captn Saml Miller of the 8th Pennsylvania Regimt who Occupied a Small post on the Frontier of Westmoreland County, ordering him here, as Soon As he Arives he with Lieutenant Hughs & Such of the Regimt as are here Shall proceed to join their Regimt some of the...
In reading a favourite author the other Day, the following observations made deep impressions on my mind. Man, says he, is the subject of every history; and to know him well, we must see him and consider him, as history alone can present him to us, in every age, in every Country, in every State, in life and in death. History, therefore of all kinds, of civilized and uncivilized, of ancient and...
I received two days ago your kind favour of the 3 d: inst t: and it was very precious as containing information of your health, and that of my father, and friends at Quincy.— I have been and am sensible of the inconvenience there would be in any free interchange of political sentiments upon the passing events, by a correspondence which must pass through the channel of the Post-Office— I...
James Crawford. At dark that night, I went home and was not out till next morning. I met Numbers of People that night as I went home, going down with sticks in their Hands. At Calefs Corner, saw a Num­ ber above 12 with sticks in their Hands. Heard no Declarations. In Quaker Lane I met many more than common, going towards K’s Street. I was going to Bulls Wharfe where I live and met them. They...
This Comes to inform you that I Got Safely home the Saturday after I lef you and found Every thing well and undesturved thanks be to almighty God for his mercys which Remain So at this time and I have never felt much of that faintness only onst in my meadow when on a Sudden I had nearly falen of the top of the fens as I was setting on it loocking at my wheat—I have Saved more Grass than I have...
Your favour of the 12th Ulto came safe to hand a few days ago; by it I gladly learnt that your Family were recover’d of the two complaints which had siezed many of them; and confind my Sister—I am very glad to hear also, that the Convention had come to resolutions of Arming the People, and preparing vigorously for the defence of the Colony; which, by the latest Accts from England will prove a...
Captain Davidson, whose case with that of Captain Rodgers, was the subject of a late communication to you, has produced an order from the General then commanding at Cape Francois, by which it appears that besides the severities inflicted on him, he was peremptorily forbidden at any to St. Domingo. He represents also that he has certain interests of much importance to him remaining in that...
He [Hamilton] confessed with seeming sincerity, he felt little zeal on the present occasion. He could prove that to repeal the judiciary law and to with-hold the salaries of the judges, would be an infringement of the constitution. He did not intend, however, to dwell on the constitutionality of the question. He allowed that gentlemen might have different opinions concerning it. His primary...
Permit me to make known to you, Mr. Greenhow, a very worthy & respectable Inhabitant of this Place, & who wishes to be gratified with your Acquaintance. I congratulate you, most sincerely, on the irresistible Demonstration, which has been given, of the Wisdom & sound Policy of the Measures of the Genl. Govt, with Respect to our foreign Relations. Be pleased to present my best Regards to Mrs....
I did not receive your Letter of August the 14th. untill this very Evening; I was much gratified to find I had done what you directed, before your Letter reach’d me. That is, that I had bought a wood Lot. Concerning this purchase I have already written to you; but least that letter should not arrive, I will repeat, that the Lot I have purchased is a part of 27 acres which belonged to Samuel...
73167[Diary entry: 22 February 1775] (Washington Papers)
22. The whole went away after Breakfast. Went with Mrs. Washington to Mr. Digges & Dind. Mr. Custis and wife went to Maryland. Doctr. Craik came in the Aftern.
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). JM neglected to include the day of the month in the date line of this letter. The first paragraph, however, makes it almost certain that he was writing on 24 October. Many years later he or a member of his family bracketed the second, fourth, and fifth paragraphs with a view to their publication. Your favor of the 9th. which ought to have come on Monday last did not...
Pursuant to a Resolution of the Seventy Six Association, we have the honor to enclose a Copy of an Oration delivered before that Society on the 4 th of March last —In discharging this pleasing duty, we would not do justice to our Individual feelings, did we omit to express our good wishes for your health & happiness. James Jervey. Standing Committee. Tho: Bennett Jun r Charles Elliott P Cohen...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 24th. of August last enclosing an authenticated copy of the Contract for the last three million Loan, which Contract is now before the President for his ratification. If it should be completed in the course of the day, it will be herewith transmitted; if not, it will be forwarded to you by the next opportunity. Enclosed is a letter to Mr....
73171[Diary entry: 6 April 1772] (Washington Papers)
6. Rain Early this Morning and Cloudy till about 12 Oclock then clear and tolerably pleasant.
I avail myself of the return of the post which brought me yesterday only your favor of May 22d. to acknowledge it’s reciept. it has been considered as a necessary rule that the President should not give letters of introduction or recommendation to persons going to other parts of the world, and from this rule there has not been a single instance of departure. altho’ prevented by this from...
I’ve been accidentally inform’d that your that your friends have prevailed on you to offer yourself as a candidate at the ensuing election for the Government of this State tho’ none of them have thought a communication to me of any service to their cause— What share I’ve ever had in politics, an independent disinterested conduct has always procured me more pleasure than perhaps emolument, and...
I wrote you last Month by the Portsmouth, enclosing authentick Papers in explanation of Mr. Mark’s agency for your Friends in paris. I have this Moment applied to Mr. Black on this Subject and I think his explanations will all be made out against an opportunity again occurs of paying my respects to you by letter. I think Mr. Mark means well and will do in the end what is incumbent on him as a...
I reckon, my dear sir, among the contrasted events which have diversified my life, to have been made the confidant of the author of Publius, and as a Senator of Maryland to have been present at Mr Chase’s defence in our house of delegates against charges contained in your pieces. I send you the proceedings which have been published and letters which have been passed between Major Giles and...
The sentiments yr Excellency expressed in yr Letter of the 9th of January are worthy of yr exalted character; and must be pleasing to all those who are friends to the happiness of man kind, For when by the success of yr arms, you afforded America the option of a free government; yr task was not so difficult, or more important, than yr present station; as her first Chief Majestrate. The present...
A french-man; an Indian trader from new Orleans, brought here in the sickly season last summer a Grisley- bear to exhibit. enclosed is one of his Bills—he expected to make a fortune by the Animal, but he was disappointed, altho’ it differed considerably from the common, yet nevertheless it was a Bear, & as such did not excite much curiosity. I bought his Bear, and intended keeping him untill...
I was honoured with your favour of the 18 th. of June for which I return you my Thanks, and was happy to hear of the safe arival of M rs Adams and family. our Rulers continue as obstinately opposed to the Federal Government as ever, and I have no Idea that they ever intend to call a Convention; they are striving to alienate the minds of the people at large by exagerating the amount of the...
I have duly received your letter of the 3d instant. Its declaration of your principles & sentiments on certain subjects will have the attention which is due to the frankness and explicitness with which it is made. I ought at the same time not to authorize any inference from this assurance, that might prejudice any individual whatever in your estimation. Accept my friendly respects RC (offered...
§ To Jacob Ridgway. 10 December 1805, Department of State. “I have received your letter of the 9th. September. It was the meaning of my letter to which it refers, not in any event to incur a further expence in detaining the Ship Mac, and that if the owner, or his representative would not reimburse the expence before incurred, to suffer him to take her without such reimbursement.” Letterbook...