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Results 73151-73180 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Nous avons l’honneur de vous addresser aujourd’hui le relevé du Compte de l’Etat de Virginie, la copie de celui des États-Unis et l’extrait du Compte qui étoit Sous votre nom particulier; nous avons aussi, Monsieur, l’honneur de vous faire part que nous portons le débit de votre Compte à celui des États Unis, que nous addressons à Son Excellence Monsieur Hamilton, le tout Soumis à votre...
Le Havre, 18 Dec. 1787. Transmits “copies of vouchers belonging to Willie Thomas Master of the Scooner of Polly and Sally of Salem.” Capt. Thomas has appealed for help; his ship was chartered by the agent of the company which has the exclusive privilege of the Senegal trade with France to carry a cargo from thence to Le Havre. Under these circumstances he anticipated no difficulty and...
Truly sensible of the importance of the late Political Contest; and Actuated by the most pure and unalterable Zeal for the Wellfare of Our Country; We the republican Citizens of Allegany County in the State of Maryland, beg leave, to offer you our most Cordial Congratulations on your election to the office of President of the united States: And bid you a sencere and unfeigned welcome to the...
Your Excellency’s letter to my adress under date of 14 March 1805. I have had the honor to receive only a few days ago after returning from a journey of four months— My brother in law who I charged with the conduction of my concerns during my absence, has taken the necessary measures to procure the Nebiole wine according to your Excellency’s desire I have this day received information of its...
(1.) Quer. if the laws give any authority at present beyond the limits of the U.S.? 2 “This Mission having reference to the Comerce”—may repell, more than the expression used, the criticism of illicit principal objects of the measure. 3 “ including the fish ” 4. if practicable he might note occasionally the variations of the Needle . RC ( DLC : TJ Papers, 181:22591); entirely in Madison’s...
I have great pleasure in giving this Letter to the Gentleman who requests it. The Revd David Edward Everett, the Successor of Mr Buckminster and Thatcher and Cooper in the politest Congregation in Boston, and probably the first litterary Character of his Age and State, is very desirous of Seeing Mr Jefferson. I hope he will arrive before your Library is translated to Washington. By the Way I...
G. Read presents his most respectful compliments to the President of the United States, and has been honoured with his Note of yesterday, on the subject of the power of the Courts of the United States, to restrain the State Courts within their limits by a prohibition:—G. Read laments that there is no law-library in Washington to which he could have recourse for the purpose of investigating the...
Bringhurst says he has written to you and will write again. Donath is in Philada. He was disappointed in the importation of his Glass, by the Protest of Bills occasioned by the Yellow fever in Philada. If you still want the Glass, it will be proper to renew your orders to Donath. Letters addressed to him to the care of Jno’ Bringhurst, or without that precaution will be pretty sure to get to...
On the 28 th of Dec r last , I received your letter of the 14 th in which you are pleased to observe—“that you should have read the book *Horrors of Slavery I sent you with more satisfaction, had you found the author’s position in it more equal to his talents.” All men are fond of receiving satisfaction, and I trust, Sir, you will encrease yours by contributing to make some alteration in my...
I Have not this Long While Had the pleasure of a Letter from You —Yet I Hope You Have Received the Heartfelt Expressions of my old, Constant friendship, and the Affectionate, patriotic Wishes Which Accompagny You in a Station Where the Welfare of the United States, and the Cause of liberty are So Highly Interested—So Confused Have Been the Ideas of Europe that Never She Could be So Much...
In the hasty consideration, which I have been able to give to the verbal communication which I had the honor to receive from you, my first impressions in favor of making a request on the Executive of Virginia have been confirmed. By the Sec. 2. Art 4 of the Const. “The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all the priviledges & immunities of citizens in the several states .”—And if a...
I fear the impertinent intrusion of a stranger will not be verry acceptable to one, who no doubt, is too often pestered with similar communications: But considering you as president of the Phylosophical Philosophical Society , I could not resist the desire I had of communicating the enclosed sheet , through you, to that body. It is intended as the commencement of a series of essays, on the...
I have accompanied this by a few sheets of my observations, they contain an account of the work on the boundary as far as to Pearl, or half-way river. The manner of describing the prime vertical as mentioned at the beginning of the line, I have not found noticed by any writer, but should think it too obvious to be new.—I am sorry the plate containing the references is not yet engraved.— Whilst...
I received Yours dated the 28th. of July by the bearer of this Letter. All orders that I may have the honor to receive from You shall be punctually executed. As to payment I am in no hurry but will once or twice a Year transmit a Bill which may be paid in London when Convenient. The books orderd, I shall have to procure from Scotland before I can dispatch them to America, which will be done...
I have this day recieved the inclosed letter from Genl. Wilkinson. I presume from the Postscript that he has made an offer to relieve you from the Situation in which he Supposes you to be placed by his appointment,—I cannot think that this would be the proper time to make any Change,—nor am I of the opinion that any Change ought to be made, at any Rate, not until he has had full time to shew...
[ Chantilly, 9 Apr. 1781 . American Art Association sale catalogue, 11–12 Nov. 1937 (Willets et al. sale), lot 273 (a 1-page A.L.S., with postscript on address leaf): “Mr. Whitlock found me with the Militia on the Shore of Potomac where we had a very warm engagement with a party of the enemy, about 90 men, who landed from two Brigs, a Schooner, and a smaller Vessel under a very heavy cannonade...
I have brought with me for you the double-plough of M r Parker & wish to know how it may be best conveyed to Montecello ? or with whom in this City I may leave it for the winter? a letter addressed to M r Gelston on these points, will be most likely to accomplish your instructions and my wishes. I set out on Monday next for Washington where at least I am sure of hearing of you. Your very kind...
The familiar acquaintance you have with the subject upon which I wish to consult you, & the honor I have of bearing your name, must furnish me with an apology for addressing a letter to you. Those of her sons upon whom nature has lavished the treasures of mind are under a sort of obligation to communicate a portion of their advantages to those who shall come after them, if not (the rule of the...
I take the liberty to address you from having the Honneur of Knowing the President of the U:S: at the time I lived with Theos: Cazenove’s Esqr. as is Steward till I want in business, Mr: Petit succeed me at Mr: Cazenovs my Wife & Daughters have gone to England, been hout of business; my wiches is to devote my self to the manegement of some Gentelman family if your Excellence or aney of your...
I believe that in my first letter which had addressed your Excellency mentioned that had been born and bred upon a sterile spot of Land in the Kingdom of Ireland surrounded by terrific Barbarians who had got themselves fell wed in the despicable family to which have the disgrace to belong as the were all of them apostates from the Original purity of their ancesters I mean all those on my...
I am an unfortunate young Man lately arrived from England—I came over to this Country, having first received a polite Education in one of the first seminaries of my native soil—What chiefly influenced me to take this step, was 1st because I imagined that a change of climate would greatly contribute to repair my constitution, which long study had somewhat injured—& 2dly. because I received...
Having suspended the publication of the “Virginia Argus” it becomes necessary for me, to call upon those indebted to the Establishment, for payment. Accompanying this, you have your account stated—Being desirous to close my business, you will much oblige me by remitting the amount by mail, or if more convenient, by some private conveyance. RC ( MHi ); printed circular, with portions filled in...
I did my self the honor to write to the President of the United States, a few days past relative to the defenceless situation of Norfolk and beg leave now to forward to you, for his information, a copy of a letter received from Colonel Newton. Your letter of the 26th. of April is come to hand and will be duely regarded. I have the honor to be sir with perfect respect your most ob: sert. RC (...
You will with this recieve a box containing about a bushel of the cones and seeds of the Virginia Magnola which I wish sincearly may arrive in good order. They are directed to the care of our Friend Fulwar Skipwith who will forward them to you. The Murtle and ceederberries shall be sent as soon as they can be procurd. The ceederberries I have an abundance of on my own plantation. You may...
My last was intended for the Augst. Packet and put into the hands of Commodore Paul Jones. Some disappointments prevented his going, and as he did not know but its contents might be unfit for the ordinary conveyance, he retained it. The precaution was unnecessary. For the same reason the delay has been of little consequence. The rule of secrecy in the Convention rendered that as it will this...
Some time ago I took the liberty of writing to you on the subject of a History of Virginia—I have no other interest in the work than that of a wish to see a faithful and well digested History published. Mr. Burke has long since published the first volume, and I am sorry he does not progress faster—it is not however for want of a liberal subscription. Since then I have been employed in...
an other of the Quakers who visited the western Indians the last Spring has arrived and has brought the papers which accompany this note, they are desirious of seing you this evening if agreable—Wells has undoubtedly dictated that part of the Little Turtle, of each which expresses a desire to have no more to do with the Quakers. he is an unfaithful unprincipled fellow. DLC : Papers of Thomas...
I agree entirely with you concerning the importance of the confederation, and have never failed to press it. Ten States have ratified—Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland have not, and one of them, Maryland, has adjourned until November, so that the new Congress under the Confederation cannot meet this year at the time proposed by the Confederacy. The inclosed paper contains all the news we have,...
I have a profile of the venerable George Wythe taken by Mr W. Bache in 1804 by an Instrument he calls by the name of his Patent Physiognotrace which profile much resembles that great and good Man, & Mr E Deane, I have written to, who is a man of some eminence as a Portrait Limner to take a Copy thereof,—Both of which I will leave with Mr George Jefferson, that you may take either of them—The...
This will be presented to you by Captain Aupaumut Chief of the Moheakuns,—a Man of perfectly decent Manners and deportment and Who has been Useful to the U.S. in War and in Nigociation. He is solicitous to be made known to you, and I have thought that you would consider an estimable and intelligent Man of his Nation as a desireable acquaintance. I am with very great Respect Your assured & Obt...