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Results 73151-73160 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Nous avons l’honneur de vous addresser aujourd’hui le relevé du Compte de l’Etat de Virginie, la copie de celui des États-Unis et l’extrait du Compte qui étoit Sous votre nom particulier; nous avons aussi, Monsieur, l’honneur de vous faire part que nous portons le débit de votre Compte à celui des États Unis, que nous addressons à Son Excellence Monsieur Hamilton, le tout Soumis à votre...
Le Havre, 18 Dec. 1787. Transmits “copies of vouchers belonging to Willie Thomas Master of the Scooner of Polly and Sally of Salem.” Capt. Thomas has appealed for help; his ship was chartered by the agent of the company which has the exclusive privilege of the Senegal trade with France to carry a cargo from thence to Le Havre. Under these circumstances he anticipated no difficulty and...
Truly sensible of the importance of the late Political Contest; and Actuated by the most pure and unalterable Zeal for the Wellfare of Our Country; We the republican Citizens of Allegany County in the State of Maryland, beg leave, to offer you our most Cordial Congratulations on your election to the office of President of the united States: And bid you a sencere and unfeigned welcome to the...
Your Excellency’s letter to my adress under date of 14 March 1805. I have had the honor to receive only a few days ago after returning from a journey of four months— My brother in law who I charged with the conduction of my concerns during my absence, has taken the necessary measures to procure the Nebiole wine according to your Excellency’s desire I have this day received information of its...
(1.) Quer. if the laws give any authority at present beyond the limits of the U.S.? 2 “This Mission having reference to the Comerce”—may repell, more than the expression used, the criticism of illicit principal objects of the measure. 3 “ including the fish ” 4. if practicable he might note occasionally the variations of the Needle . RC ( DLC : TJ Papers, 181:22591); entirely in Madison’s...
I have great pleasure in giving this Letter to the Gentleman who requests it. The Revd David Edward Everett, the Successor of Mr Buckminster and Thatcher and Cooper in the politest Congregation in Boston, and probably the first litterary Character of his Age and State, is very desirous of Seeing Mr Jefferson. I hope he will arrive before your Library is translated to Washington. By the Way I...
G. Read presents his most respectful compliments to the President of the United States, and has been honoured with his Note of yesterday, on the subject of the power of the Courts of the United States, to restrain the State Courts within their limits by a prohibition:—G. Read laments that there is no law-library in Washington to which he could have recourse for the purpose of investigating the...
Bringhurst says he has written to you and will write again. Donath is in Philada. He was disappointed in the importation of his Glass, by the Protest of Bills occasioned by the Yellow fever in Philada. If you still want the Glass, it will be proper to renew your orders to Donath. Letters addressed to him to the care of Jno’ Bringhurst, or without that precaution will be pretty sure to get to...
On the 28 th of Dec r last , I received your letter of the 14 th in which you are pleased to observe—“that you should have read the book *Horrors of Slavery I sent you with more satisfaction, had you found the author’s position in it more equal to his talents.” All men are fond of receiving satisfaction, and I trust, Sir, you will encrease yours by contributing to make some alteration in my...
I Have not this Long While Had the pleasure of a Letter from You —Yet I Hope You Have Received the Heartfelt Expressions of my old, Constant friendship, and the Affectionate, patriotic Wishes Which Accompagny You in a Station Where the Welfare of the United States, and the Cause of liberty are So Highly Interested—So Confused Have Been the Ideas of Europe that Never She Could be So Much...