73051From Thomas Jefferson to Etienne Lemaire, 17 August 1805 (Jefferson Papers)
The barrel, boxes, & cases from Baltimore mentioned in your letter contain skins, furs, horns,...
73052To John Adams from La Corbiere, 17 March 1781 (Adams Papers)
Je viens de lire dans la Gazette de Berne No. 20 en datte du 10 mars article de la haye que V....
73053From Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. to Timothy Pickering, 29 August 1782 (Washington Papers)
His Excellency being informed that the Oars are arrived, directs that a Distribution of them may...
73054To Benjamin Franklin from James Hutton, 2 March 1784 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Bearer of this, George Livius Esqr, is a many years...
73055To Thomas Jefferson from John Carey, 1 May 1793 (Jefferson Papers)
I have the honor of presenting to you the remainder of my manuscripts; and beg leave to observe,...
73056To James Madison from Joseph Coffin Boyd, 25 August 1803 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
25 August 1803, Portland . Was informed on his arrival from France of his appointment as...
73057John Adams to Abigail Adams, 27 January 1795 (Adams Papers)
Yesterday I had your favour of 16. M r Osgoods sermon has been printed here. I have heard M r...
73058To James Madison from John Wayles Eppes, [31 January] 1811 (Madison Papers)
Jno W Eppes presents his respects to the President. He considers the subject on which he...
73059[Diary entry: 8 December 1769] (Washington Papers)
8. Clear but cool the Wind at No. West.
73060From Thomas Jefferson to John Fitzgerald, 9 June 1780 (Jefferson Papers)
Being much distressed for Cartridge boxes, and cartridge paper for muskets (most particularly the...