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Results 72951-73000 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
In hopes that Mrs. Madison and yourself and Miss Madison will favor us with a visit when Colo....
I am honored by your letter of the 17th, & sincerely thank you for the information it contains....
I have the pleasure to inform you, that I have just received, by Capt Eaton, the dispatches from...
72954[Diary entry: 23 July 1797] (Washington Papers)
23. Cloudy forenoon but clear afterwards—but little Wind. Mer. 81.
Your letter of the 14th instt has been duly received, and gives us pleasure to hear that you...
Enclosed is the certificate of the hundred shares of Stock in the Bank of Columbia, given to Mr...
Receive my thanks for the information given in your letter of the 3d of July, and for the offer...
Three or four days after the date of my last Letter, which was from Maassluys, and while I was...
72959Proclamation, 22 July 1797 (Adams Papers)
Whereas an act of the Congress of the United States was passed on the 9th day of February, 1793,...
It has been a general maxim with me, to leave the evidence of my conduct and character to answer...
I have maturely considered your letter of yesterday delivered to me at about Nine last and cannot...
72962[Diary entry: 22 July 1797] (Washington Papers)
22. Warm morning & cloudy with very fine Showers from 11 Oclock in the Morning until near 3...
I arrived at home on the 19th inst. and now repeat the 3d time my information to you of yr Rough...
The weather is Hot as we can bear the whole city is like a Bake House. we have a House with large...
My avocation here my darling Eliza must detain me beyond the departure of the Mail stage but I...
Your favor of yesterday (to use your own language) gives an indelicate and improper coloring to...
Mary Williams of the City aforesaid Boarding House Keeper maketh Oath that She is acquainted with...
72968[Diary entry: 21 July 1797] (Washington Papers)
21. Much such a day as yesterday—M. 83.
I again take the liberty of requesting that the letters herewith sent may accompany your...
I received your Letter of July 12. I am inclined to think your last determination will prove a...
In my last letter to you I proposed a simple and direct question, to which I had hoped an answer...
72972[Diary entry: 20 July 1797] (Washington Papers)
20. Clear & warm. Mercury at 83.
The Cook I wish to dispose of, is at present under inoculation—As soon as he recovers, & is...
My absence from this place for a few days prevented my receiving your letter transmitted by Mr...
On the 9 th . instant, M r . King put into my hands your Letter of the 3 d . June, containing...
If the Compass by which my course is directed does not vary again through unavoidable necessity I...
In consequence of what M rs. Johnson tells me, had passed between you & her on Sunday, I am...
It was intimated to me the last evening that You had expressed an intention of making a change in...
The affair, My Dearest Eliza, upon which I came here has come to a close. But unavoidable delays...
72980[Diary entry: 19 July 1797] (Washington Papers)
19. Went by the bridge at the little falls to the Gt. Falls & returned home in the Afternoon....
I do myself the pleasure of inclosing you a Certificate of a Transferr of 29 Shares of Columbia...
I beg to return you my best acknowledgements, for the trouble you had the goodness to take, in...
Me Voici depuis peu de jours beaucoup rapproché de Vous; et deja il me Serait difficile de rester...
Le Surlendemain de Votre départ, le propriétaire du Vaisseau qui réunissait Mes Convenances...
I have considered with attention the draft of instructions to Mr. Bayard, which appear to me full...
The President is requested to return the inclosed letter &c after having perused it to the Secy....
The Secretary of State incloses the rough draught of the Instructions to Mr. Adams and a sketch...
Your letter of yesterday in answer to mine of the same date was received last night. I am sorry...
I can only observe that in entering the note which bears my single signature I did not convey or...
72990[Diary entry: 18 July 1797] (Washington Papers)
18. Warm with appearances of Rain in the Afternoon—but none fell. In the City all day.
After parting with you at Philadelphia, I recollected that the box which Mr. Johnston was...
I have this moment your Letter of the 10th. That Man must have more Skill in Intrigue than any...
Judge Sullivan has sent me the inclosed copy of a letter he wrote to Governor Jay, requesting him...
New York, July 17, 1797. Asks advice concerning notes he endorsed for James Greenleaf for which...
It was our wish to have given a joint answer with Mr. Venable to your favor of the 5th. instant...
I have your letter of this date. It gives me pleasure to receive your explanation of the...
I send herewith an answer to the joint letter of Mr. Mughlenberg and yourself. It appears to me...
It is impossible for me to trace back at this moment, occupied as I am with other concerns, all...
72999[Diary entry: 17 July 1797] (Washington Papers)
17. Appearances of Rain most part of the day but none fell—pleasant. Went up to the Fedl. City.
A few days ago, I received a letter, from Mr G. W. Custis of Princeton College, in which he made...