72951To John Jay from John Trumbull, 7 August 1797 (Jay Papers)
Lest Kemp , by whom the original of the above was sent, should be taken, I have written...
72952To Thomas Jefferson from Citizens of Vincennes, 7 August 1797 (Jefferson Papers)
Altho’ we have not the Honor of being acquainted with you, we trust our rights as Citizens Will...
72953To Alexander Hamilton from James Monroe, 6 August 1797 (Hamilton Papers)
I do not clearly understand the import of your letter of the 4th. instant and therefore desire an...
72954[Diary entry: 6 August 1797] (Washington Papers)
6. Showery in the morning & cloudy most part of the day. Mer. 76. Wind at No. Et.
72955From George Washington to Edward Newenham, 6 August 1797 (Washington Papers)
I am so much your debtor in the epistolary way, that it would upbraid me too severely was I to go...
72956William Cranch to Abigail Adams, 5 August 1797 (Adams Papers)
M rs. Cranch informs me that a kind letter arrived from you at Washington since my arrival here,...
72957To John Adams from Benjamin Lincoln, 5 August 1797 (Adams Papers)
The inclosed will be presented to you by a committee from a number of Citizens on Monday next at...
72958To Alexander Hamilton from William Jackson, 5 August 1797 (Hamilton Papers)
Immediately on the receipt of your Letter this morning, I waited on Colonel Monroe and observing...
72959[Diary entry: 5 August 1797] (Washington Papers)
5. Warm & sultry in the forepart of the day with great appearances afterwards & a slight Shower...
72960From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 5 August 1797 (Madison Papers)
Yours of the 3d. arrived safe yesterday. I will converse with Col. Monroe, as you desire, on the...