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Results 7281-7330 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
7281[Diary entry: 17 May 1781] (Washington Papers)
17th. Received a letter from Captn. Lawrence, near Dobbss ferry, informing me that abt. 200 Refugees were building a block house & raising other works at Fort Lee. Order’d the detachment which had halted at Kings Ferry & another forming under Colo. Scammel to advance down & endeavour to annoy, if they could not prevent them. A Letter from Genl. Foreman of Monmouth (dated the 14th. Instt.)...
8 May 1805, Department of State . “The late owners of the Schooner Eliza, Capn Spalding, which, with her cargo, was condemned in the year 1803, at St Domingo, during the administration of Genl Rochambeau, are desirous of obtaining redress, and of availing themselves of your Agency for that purpose. I have therefore to request that you will furnish them such aid in their solicitation as is...
J’ai l’honneur, de Vous informer, que je viens de trouver parmi mes livres un Duplicat de la Superbe edition Suisse de l’homme des Champs par l’Abbè delille, 1802 in Gr. 4. avec Notes et 4 Gravures; et qu’elle est à Vos ordres, si elle ne se trouve pas encore dans Votre Bibliotheque. Je Vous prie d’agreer les Assurances de mon plus profond Respect. Votre Excellence Tr. humble et tr. Obst. Str....
I have your favor of the 15 th: inst t: and am pleased to find in it an interpretation of the 6 th: Article of the Convention with France, which had escaped my reflection— Viewing it as a provision only to operate after the expiration of our treaty with G Britain, it may be both natural & proper, but as the time when it was to operate was not specified, many others, like myself, have supposed...
The Secretary of State, to whom was referred the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the Eleventh inst, requesting the President to communicate to the House any information in his possession and which it may not be improper to divulge in relation to the omission or refusal of the French government to accredit the Minister Plenipotentiary sent by the United States to that Court, or of...
I have the very great pleasure to acknowledge your favour of the 15th. Inst. Be assured, Sir, that I appreciate the honour of your correspondence; and that it will be a precious reward to cultivate and deserve your esteem and confidence. “The uncertainty of politics” is, indeed, as obvious, as it is lamentable. I cannot, however, unite with you, in applying to it the epithet “glorious.” It is...
7287[Diary entry: 29 September 1768] (Washington Papers)
29. Misty all day, with the Very little Wind from the Northward & warm.
My last covered a copy of the Report on the Resolutions of last year. I now inclose a copy of certain resolutions moved by Mr. Giles, to which he means to add an instruction on the subject of the intercource law which has been so injurious to the price of our Tobo. It is not improbable that the Resolutions when taken up, may undergo some mollifications in the spirit & air of them. The Report...
I have received your letter of the 16 th of April enclosing one for M r Appleton of Leghorn , forwarded this day, & from M r Bernard Peyton of Richmond
I am favored with your Lordships Letter of the 6th inclosing a Copy of General Sullivans to you. I have never tho’t it well to despise Information of an Enemy’s Designs——but I must freely confess to your Lordship, that I have but little apprehensions of Danger, from the Quarter of Canada—the advanced season of the Year, were no other Obstacles in the Way, I should judge sufficient to deter the...
§ From William C. C. Claiborne. 9 January 1806, New Orleans. “Mr. James Mather, late a Member of the Legislative Council, and now the Judge for the County of la Fourche, writes me under date of the 2d. of January, as follows: ‘The Marquis Casa Calvo remained in this settlement at least 15 days, during which time he principally employed himself in persuading the people—that all this side of the...
I have not heard a word from B— since Wedensday last. I want much to know how you all do. I wrote you last Saturday. Mrs. Quincy took my letter yesterday. Hope you have received it. You will not complain of my not writing you I bleive, my letters can give you little pleasure only as they are dictated by a heart that rearly loves you. My affection for you is an inducement for my writing you at...
I was yesterday favored with yours of the 17th. 18th. under the same cover with the papers from Mr. Pleasants. The Circular letter from this State is certainly a matter of as much regret, as the unanimity with which it passed is matter of surprize. I find it is every where, and particularly in Virginia, laid hold of as the signal for united exertions in pursuit of early amendments. In...
I thank you for your unanimous Address adopted at Wiscassett in the County of Lincoln at a Regimental Review on the fifteenth of October. A Spirit like yours Seems in a remarkable manner to animate the Militia throughout the Union and will be sufficient to discourage all disorganizing Factions and foreign Influence. Your Spirited Resolutions are not the last in point of time, nor are they...
Since my last to you of the 4th. Ult. I have been honored with yours of the 2d. January and 5th. and 12th. of March last. I have also received a joint Letter from You and Mr. Adams of 28th. March; all of them have been laid before Congress, who as yet have not given me any Orders respecting the Contents of either. The first of these Letters vizt. that of 2d. January strikes me as very...
Your favor of the 6 th inst. is just recieved, and I shall with equal willingness and truth state the degree of agency you had respecting the copy of M. de Becourt’s book which came to my hands. that gentleman informed me by letter that he was about to publish a volume in French ‘ sur la Creation du monde, ou Systeme d’organisation primitive ,’ which, it’s title promised to be either a...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de joindre ici 3. Lettres que je supplie Votre Excellence de vouloir bien faire passer en Amerique. Leur contenu ne renferme autre chose que l’annonce de mon arrivée, & de mon séjour en cette ville. Cÿ-inclus aussi les 3. Billets tous signés en vous suppliant de vouloir bien me remettre le billet que le Medecin-chirurgien de Mr. Le Bon. de...
J’ai été pénétré de reconnoissance en recevant avec la lettre dont vous m’avés honoré Le Diplôme qui me donne le titre de Membre de la Société Philosophique de Philadelphie. Un Zèle ardent pour tout ce qui peut contribuer à la destruction des Erreurs et aux progrès des connoissances humaines; Une grande vénération pour Les grands hommes qui ont rendu La Liberté aux habitans d’une des plus...
La division de Lescadre du roi que j’avois expediée pour La baye de Chezapeak vient de rentrer aprés avoir causé un assez grand dommage aux ennemis, et Leur avoir enlevé Le vaisseau Le Romulus de 44 canons; mais elle n’a pu executer L’objet principal de sa mission parce que Les fregates de lescorte dArnold et La plus grande partie de ses transports ont remonté, comme L’avoit prevu votre...
The next day after the Marquis De Lafettee past thro’ here, Mr John Smith an Inhabitant of Smiths Clove, Brother to Joshua and others came to this place in a day or two went from here to Elizabeth Town and that Neighbourhood and Returned here again—and I belive has been down there abouts once since what his business is in this Quarter, People are at aloss to know, He frequents the Tavern and...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of a consultation with the Heads of Departments tomorrow at 11. Oclock, & that they will do him the favor to dine with him. NHi : Papers of Albert Gallatin.
I have been honoured with your favor of the 17th Instant. Besides the absence of General Hand and the want of a state of his claim—the Resolution of the 4th of February only authorises me to settle the rank of Officers under the degree of a Brigadier —and therefore at any rate the case between him and General Irvine could not be taken up without special authority for the purpose; which has...
I have duly received your letter of the 21st instant, enclosing a letter to Colo. Parker, which I have forwarded to him, and at the same time repeated my instructions for hutting the Troops, in conformity with the idea which you originally suggested. I presume that the impression made on your mind by Colo. Parker’s letter, respecting Winter Quarters for the three Regiments, must have been...
1803. Dec. 13. the revd mr Coffin of New England who is now here solliciting donations for a college in Greene county in Tennissee tells me that when he first determined to engage in this enterprize, he wrote a paper recommendatory of the enterprize, which he meant to get signed by clergymen, and a similar one for persons in a civil character, at the head of which he wished mr Adams to put his...
§ From William Jones. 8 July 1814, Navy Department. “I have the honor to enclose for your Signature the Blank Commissions herewith.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 45, LSP ). Jones sent JM similar letters enclosing blank warrants and commissions on 17 and 30 Nov. 1814 (ibid.).
Upon an application to the secry. of war, I find ———— no instance given any directions to the paymaster Genl. relative to partial payments to officers out of the course they usually take, & that he appears determined not to give any—Being unable to proceed to my place of distanation without money, & my pay (about 600 dollars) having been forwarded to Detroit in the expectation that I was...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. Bailly présente ses respects à Monsieur Franklin. Il a l’honneur de lui envoyer le regître auquel les Commissaires ont apposé leur derniere Signature. Monsieur Franklin voudra bien y joindre la sienne. Il peut relire depuis la page 87 où est sa derniere Signature; mais à l’exception des deux ou trois derniers articles, M. Franklin a deja pris lecture du...
My Friend Mr. Thomas Pleasants read to me a Paragraph in a letter he wrote you, recommending me, shoud the New Government be adopted & consequent commercial arrangements take place, as a Candidate for the Consulship to the Kingdom of Portugal, at same time solliciting your interest wth. General Washington in my behalf; he also shewd me your answer. A Severe & tedious indisposition prevented me...
23 March 1804, Richmond. “You will oblige me by taking the trouble to comply with my request written on the inclosed Letter. “And I will thank you for informing me whether the Speaker of the House of Delegates transmitted to the President of the United States the Resolution of which the inclosed is a Copy; as I have but lately been able to procure it, & can receive no information here...
I have recd your favour from Richmond of July 4 I cannot write long letters. When you visit Boston do not forget Quincy the residence of your Ancestors for almost 200 years. Your Grandmother had an elder sister who Married Mr Joshua Bracket and a brother Benjamin. I should be glad to know something of all these for I believe it is twenty years since I have any thing of any of them When you...
I receiv’d lately your letter of the 9th. & intended to have answer’d it, by the mail of tomorrow, but have been very severely attack’d to day with a cold, & some fever, but which has abated since 4 o clock. I will write you by the next mail, should my health permit it. On my return, the sunday after I left you, I found Mrs Monroe much indisposed, and altho her health, has much improved of...
1 May 1812, Albany. Informs JM that since he left Washington he has “received a letter from the Illinois Territory, mentioning that Judge Stuart was about taking his departure … with the intention of resigning his seat on the Bench of that Country.” Solicits the appointment for himself, citing as a precedent “the case of Judge Jones transferred from the Illinois, to Madison County in the...
I will be at Monticello tomorrow to dinner or in the evening, I was much mortified to disappoint you before, Nothing but be g taken So ill, between this and monday, as not to be able to get as far as Milton Shall now prevent my attend g RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 26 June 1819 and so recorded in SJL . m rs carters was likely Redlands , the
Mr Bremar last evening delivered me your Letter inclosing a Copy of your Correspondence with Mr Lewis. In a personal Altercation between two Gentlemen where their passions have evidently become pritty warmly engaged, and for both whom I always had Esteem, I should not be willing to give my Opinion on the conduct of one of them, especially when the appeal was not made to me by both. On this...
J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer ci-joint la Traduction de deux Lettres Allemandes, que j’ai reçues Samedi passé, et ce matin, de Berlin et de Hambourg. Le gd. F——r en a fait fixer copie aussi pour l’envoyer à sa maison. J’ai reçu, d’un autre côté 3 bulletins des affaires de france, du 10, 15 et 20 Avril. J’enjoindrois volontiers copie ici, car il y a des choses curieuses, mordantes, et...
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, April 8, 1794. “I have the honor to request of you a warrant for nine hundred Dollars intended to make a payment to the undertaker of the Iron work of the two Lighthouse Lanterns at Bald Head & Savannah.” LC , RG 26, Lighthouse Letters, Vol. I, National Archives. The “undertaker” was Samuel Wheeler of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania ( D , RG 26, Lighthouse...
By my Friend Mr Fairfax I take the oppertunity of acknowledging the Receipts of your several favours that have come to hand since mine of the 30th of November last, and observe in one of them of the 14 Feby by Crawford that you refer to another by the same Ship, but this has never yet appeard. Inclosd you are presented with the Memm for receiving the Interest of the Bank-Stock signd as...
7318[Diary entry: 28 December 1768] (Washington Papers)
28. At home all day alone.
7319General Orders, 30 July 1782 (Washington Papers)
The Honorable the Congress have been pleased to pass the following Resolves. By the United States in Congress assembled April 23d 1782. Whereas the most strict Oeconomy in the public expenditures is absolutely necessary for a vigorous prosecution of the war; and whereas to that end it is requisite to discontinue the practice of filling some of the places in the staff department with persons...
Our distress on the article of hauling obliges me to send for the yoke of steers which were to come from Poplar Forest . you know our situation and will I hope send us a pair which will do solid service. of those which mr Griffin sent while you were here, we have never been able to make any thing. I have given Moses leave to stay a day with his friends. I suppose he can bring on the back of...
Many thanks to my dear Brother for having written to his friend at a moment when he had the affairs of America on his mind; I am impatient to hear in what manner your Budget has been received and extremely anxious for your success. I sometimes think you have now forgot me and that having seen me is like a dream which you can scarcely believe. Adieu I will not write this idea of being lost in...
I had the honor to receive your Favour of the 15th of December, for which I beg leave to express my grateful acknowledgements. I never read any thing from your pen, without deriving information and pleasure. You have Sir, I believe drawn a correct map of Bonaparte’s power. I had some similar ideas, but you have measured things by a large scale, and marked the limits of nature. Napoleon, like...
At a meeting of the Citizens residing in the Town of Cumberland in the County of Allegany and State of Maryland and its vicinity, held on Friday the 25th. day of May 1798 after due notice. Hanson Briscoe was appointed Chairman and Patrick Murdoch John H Bayard, Samuel Selby 3rd, John Simkins and George Dent were named a Committee to draw up and report an address to the President of the United...
I recd yours of the 23d by Major Washington. I think the best position for the Cavalry, to answer the purposes of foraging and covering the Country, will be about Hackensaik New Bridge. You then have an oppertunity of drawing supplies from the Country between the North River and Hackensaik and Hackensaik and Pasaic as your Station will be central. You also hinder the inhabitants from carrying...
Your favour of the 18th of August, never came to my hands till about the middle of this month. In answer to it, I shall beg leave to observe that, the Township contain’d in the Plat you sent me, includes more Land than I shou’d choose, or that would be convenient for me to purchase; and I suppose by your laying the Grant off in that manner, and offering me a Lott, instead of 15,000 acres which...
I find that an extract of my letter to you, is running through all the news papers; and published in that of Baltimore with the addition of my name. Altho’ I have no dis-inclination to the promulgation of my Sentiments on the proposed Constitution (not having concealed them on any occasion) yet I must nevertheless confess, that it gives me pain to see the hasty, and indigested production of a...
7327General Orders, 2 September 1776 (Washington Papers)
The General hopes, after the inconveniencies that have been complained of, and felt, that the commanding Officers of Corps will never, in future, suffer their men to have less than two days provisions, always upon hand, ready for any emergency—If hard Bread cannot be had, Flour must be drawn, and the men must bake it into bread, or use it otherwise in the most agreeable manner they can. They...
Being informed that arms and other warlike stores are preparing to be sent via the Head of Elk and Cheseapeake Bay into the State of North Carolina for its immediate defence, the board beg leave to solicit your Excellencys complyance with the enclosed requisition. The Vessels expences while upon this Service, is to be defrayed by the United states. For the Accomplishment of this Service,...
I have had the honor of receiving your letter of the 28th. Ult with the several papers under the same cover. On a recurrence to mine of the 25 to which it replies you will find that you have erred in supposing me to have said that the Mayor of New York, at the time of the order concerning the Pilots, had neither notice nor knowledge of any intention in the British Commander to proceed...
Th: Jefferson with his compliments to Colo. Weibert, returns him the papers inclosed in his letter , respecting his lands, and has only to advise a compliance with the law by paiment of his tax as proposed by mr Taylor, in order to save the land. PrC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. His Letter : Wuibert to TJ, 14 Dec. 1801 .