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Results 7281-7310 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
It is now past Ten o Clock Am. and a violent Snow Storm which began about 7 o Clock this Morning still continues, the Thermometer stands at. 32. and has not been much lower in any Snow Storm We have had in the Winter past— Our Winter has been severe, the Month of March cold & stormy, April hitherto has been a continuation of the Scene, but Two or Three Days of fair Weather thro the Day, since...
I have read the dispatches from the Envoys with as much astonishment as the Jacobins in congress heard them but not with those twinges of conscience which some of them must feel. those who by their false representations to that nation of the designs of the Government here & the spirit of the People in General, those who have known the truth & have ly’d to the publick, those who have been all...
It was with a mixture of pleasure and pain that I read your Letter of December 25th from Berlin No 32— it gave me pleasure to see your Hand writing addrest to me, after a painfull interval of three months Some of your communications were attended with circumstances which gave me pain, and anxiety, for my dear Louissa, whose situation under the circumstances you describe; must have been...
By the post of yesterday I received yours of April 15 as the post will now go more frequently I hope you will get Letters more regularly It was very unfortunate for Mrs Porter, to have mr sole taken sick the very day after he came, and the more so because she is now encumberd with more buisness. I have written the dr. that I think it would be best to through two Chambers into one and to have...
I write now merely to inform you that I have reciev’d your two Lettes of the 9th & 13th of this month & Shall answer them by the next mail. I reciv’d them both last Saturday with the instructions & dispatches— I do not wonder that the Jacobins in Senate house & every where else Should be Struck dumb.— do you really Suppose Galletan Sinscere in his declarations? & what says mr Nicolas?— the...
I received your obliging favour of April 7 th on the 18 of this Month, for which accept my sincere thank— To hear of the Health, and Welfare, of old, and Esteemed Friends, gives pleasure to her, who sincerely rejoices, that the decline of Life, of all those, whom she highly values; is renderd agreeable by the enjoyment of Health, Peace, and Competance.— Blessing at all periods valuable but...
I inclose to you a National song composed by this same mr Hopkinson. French Tunes have for a long time usurped an uncontrould sway. since the Change in the publick opinion respecting France, the people began to lose the relish for them, and What had been harmony, now becomes discord. accordingly their had been for several Evenings at the Theatre something like disorder, one party crying out...
it was with the most heart felt anguish I heard from M rs Adams of your late severe & dangerous illness. Oh my Louisa What does your Father & myself feel at not having A Line from you to Convince us of your Recovery, the Anxiety we labour under for your Preservation, the Solicitude we have ever Shewn the Principles we have endeavour’d to inculcute taught us to believe; that you wou’d have...
I have just received yours of the 23 April and I sit down to answer your inquiries respecting the building I wrote to dr Tufts my Ideas upon it. I should think the East Chambers the best for a Library and I do not see any inconvenience from having the stairs to it without doors like going into a store as mr Tufts store is built. I pray neither the dr or mr Black when he comes will say any...
I am doom’d my dear Sister to be the messenger of death to you. I believe for five weeks past my Letters have convey’d you an account of the death of Some Freind or acquaintence & almost all of them Suddenly taken away the death of Sucky warner whos remains I yesterday Saw depositted by the Side of our dear Parents & much belov’d aunt. there to remain till the last trumpet Shall bid them...
I promised My dear Thomas to write to him by the May packet. on Fryday Evening at the drawing Room the British Minister informed me that he would take charge of any Letters I might have to Send. I wrote to your Brother by the April Packet, since which there has been a continuation, and increase of that American Spirit which I informd him was rising into activity. I have sent to your Brother,...
Your Favour of the 22 d. Ult o. I received the 1 t. Ins t. After a long & severe Winter, a cold & stormy March, and April much the same, a few Days excepted. We have at length fine Weather, and an Opportunity of getting our Seed in the Ground. The Weather has been exceeding hot and dry for Four Days Viz from the 28 th. of April to the 2 d. Ins t. April 28. Thermom tr. 68. 29 th. Th. 70. 30 th.
I received two kind Letters from you since I had the pleasure of writing to you. I regreet that both you, and your Family have experienced so much ill Health Since you arrived in this Country. I feel for you as a stranger; and wish you were near enough to me, that I might have it in my power, to return to you, and your Family, Some portion of the kindness and Hospitality which I experienced...
I have a day or two since received your favour of 10. Feb y: by which I perceive that my last Letters from London, had reached you, though I know not what was the fate of several that preceded them, and none of those which I wrote from this place had come to hand. I have not however since my arrival here been altogether negligent, and I hope that before this time you have received the proofs...
mr Black got here on thursday night. I was rejoiced to see him. it seemd next to being at home. I yesterday received your Letter of April 29th. I had heard before both of Sukys’ death and my dear little Mary’s. I felt hers the more sensibly, because she was more endeared to me from having been more with me than either of the other Children. my Heart is grieved for mr & Mrs smith who for this...
I am unable to find language to express my Gratitude and thankfullness to you—for your maternal Care of the Dear little orphan whose life we owe to your uncommon resolution and perseverance— I think if you had not taken care of it, it would have Dyed a more dreadfull death and a more melancholy death than if it been taken away with the smallpox or yellowfever— it is said them that will give a...
It has not been from want of the most affectionate Respect that I have suffer’d your kind letter by M r. White to remain so long unanswer’d. The sickness and death of a late worthy friend of mine, M r. James Cook of Georgetown, and the business which has fallen into my hands in Consequence of that Event, have occupied my whole attention and must be my apology. M r. Cook was about my Age, and...
Rumour at a distance magnifies, and seldom reports truth. I have not written you a word upon a subject which I know would have made you at least very uneasy. about three weeks ago, a Letter was sent, or rather brought here of a sunday Evening by two young women of the City, one of whom said passing the House a few day before She took up a paper in a small alley which runs between our house &...
I can never sufficiently thank you for your Letters & the communications you so frequently Supply me with I am considered as the fountain head from whence truth is to be looked for. I have read parts of your Letters till I have them by heart & can preach very well without notes now— wherever I go I am Scarcly welcome without I bring my pocket full of Letters— I was last week Several days in...
I feel too sensibly the obligations you have laid me under by the letters you had the goodness to write on the 3 d & 4 th. — they deserve a better return than it is possible for me to make; while I can only offer the effusions of a grateful heart I see too plainly that those alone wou’d not be acceptable— you require a Serious engagement on my part which I am forbidden to make by motives that...
My knowledge of your condescension and goodness emboldens me to address you at present. I have at length prepared my History of New-England for the press, in which I have mentioned your illustrious partner as one of the first and most active promoters of the declaration of Independence. I have given a sketch of his speech on that important occasion from Ramsay. the whole is not inserted in any...
Since the last Letter I rec d from you dated April 12 th poor Sukey compleated the Journey of Life and is gone to the World of Spirits through the whole of her Sickness, few have exhibited a greater Degree of Firmness, Patience & Submission to the divine Will, She has left us the consoling Hope of her enjoying a blessed Immortality— M rs. Tufts by her long attendance upon her seems to be much...
If I have not written to you my dear Neice it is not because I have not frequently thought of you, through the winter. your good Mother has often informd me of your Welfare and that your little Girl was well. I have sent by mr Black a little token of my Remembrance to her, not because I thought you had not pretty things in Boston, but merely that she might have a slip of my giving her, if she...
Though the kind remembrance I have of my Sister is imprinted upon my heart, as with a point of a diamond, & can never be erased while vital spirits remain, yet I know not when I have written to her.— The cares & anxieties, the hopes, & the fears, that I should do too much, or not enough for my poor Betsy, I did not wish to trouble you with, or to tell you that my mind has been so agitated...
I received your Letter of the 8 th dated Annapolis I congratulate you my dear Sir, that altho the clouds have been darkned round you, and you have been recently call’d to mourn over the Graves of departed Friend’s, it is a consolation that others are rising up to supply their places. The opening which now presents itself to you, is such as may give you Sanguine hopes, and bright prospects, and...
I too have taken my pen with the rising Sun. I have been so disturb’d with the account of the allarming riot before your Door on the fast day evening that I have not had a moments quiet sleep this night. I had no Idea the faction would have tried their Strength So oppenly I suppos’d the Letters which had been thrown into your house were mear threats. but I hope they have but Staid their time—...
I received a few days past, Your obliging favour of May 7 th , inclosing the Letters of my sons, and one from the God Mother of Mrs Adams, which contains a pleasing and agreable picture of the mutual regard, and affection of our Children. Mr Adams never writes me, but he expresses the satisfaction which he derives from his connection long may they live in the full enjoyment of those domestick...
Saturday April 21 st , I received yours of the 9 th . I wrote to you the 1 st of April in answer to yours of March 20 th , which before this you must have received, and shall always esteem my letters of inestimable value, so long as they purchase yours. The excellent pamphlet you sent me I thank you. The sentiment it contains—the spirit with which it is written prove to me, that the author...
I received by way of Providence last week Your kind Letter of the 11th sent by Mrs Barret, together with the sermon for which accept my thanks. if mr & Mrs Barret had come to Philadelphia, it would have given me pleasure to have noticed them, as it does all of my Friends & acquaintance, or those who are introduced to me by others. I take this opportunity by mr spear to send you two or three...
The recipt of your affectionate and friendly letter my dear Madam Claims at once my gratitude and love.— how good is that heart that feels for others woes Such is yours,—and may Heaven bless you with health and long life, and may you still Continue to fill every Station of Life that Providence shall Call you to with that dignity humanity and sensibility which has ever been your Characteristick...