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Results 72421-72450 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
72421Monday [24 April.] (Adams Papers)
Viewed the British Musaeum. Dr. Grey who attended Us spoke very slightly of Buffon. Said “he was...
7242224th. (Adams Papers)
It seems as if there is to be no end of this Stormy weather. It does not look more likely to...
Your Father and Col Smith are gone to Night to Covent Garden theatre to See the School for...
Captain Cushing is arrived. Mr Adams this day received Some letters by the post, and Nabby got...
Mr jenks is suddenly obliged to return to America and I have only time to write you a few lines,...
Your letter of the 21st. was only delivered me this morning. The good opinion of liberal men I...
72427[Diary entry: 24 April 1786] (Washington Papers)
Monday 24th. A good deal of rain having fallen in the Night, and it continuing to do so till...
Give me leave to prensent you, with one of our Prayer Books, and another to your Lady. Please to...
I received your favour a few days past, and have now the pleasure of sending you the two Does...
The extreme heaviness of the roads occasioned by the late rains, and gullied situation, prevented...
Sir John Sinclair presents his best Compliments to Mr. Jefferson. Sends the tract he mentioned,...
7243225th. (Adams Papers)
Weather still the same. Mr. Wibird spent the afternoon at Mr. Cranch’s. I went with my brother...
Last night I Closed my Letter to you and shall send it to Mr Jenks’s care this Morning. I...
This is the eighth day it has rained and stormed without intermission, the weather is worse than...
Soon after our meeting together in London, We had a Conference with the Secretary of State for...
I am honor’d with your letters both by M r. Partridge and by the post and am proud to observe;...
There were three attempts in the mid-1780s to negotiate a Portuguese-American commercial treaty;...
72438[Diary entry: 25 April 1786] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 25th. Set out from General Spotswoods about Sun Rising and breakfasted at the Bowling...
Some of the objects of the joint commissions with which we were honoured by Congress called me to...
Soon after our meeting together in London, We had a Conference with the Secretary of State for...
Some of the objects of the joint commission with which we were honoured by Congress called me to...
Je Supplie Votre Excellence de vouloir bien me faire Savoir Quels sont les agens du Congrès des...
Mr. Jefferson’s compliments to Sir John Sinclair, and thanks for the pamphlets he was so kind as...
7244426th. (Adams Papers)
The Vacation being at end; Charles and I left Braintree at about 10 o’clock. My Cousin has been...
72445[Diary entry: 26 April 1786] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 26th. Left Hanover Court Ho[use] about Sun rise; breakfasted at Norvals tavern and...
I am happy to confirm what Mr Dalby will have informed you off, the Successfull Issue of his Suit...
Mr. Jefferson has the honor of presenting his respects to the right honourable the Marquis of...
I wrote a Letter last Winter acknowledging the Receipt of your Letter of last Sumer July 17,...
7244927th. (Adams Papers)
A List of the Present, junior Sophister Class William Lovejoy Abbot. *Abiel Abbot *John Quincy...
Oúr distressed Sitúation on the one Side, and the Manÿ Civilities & friendlÿ regard Which ÿoúr...