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Results 72391-72420 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Your favor of Mar. 30. came to hand some days ago, and renewed the recollection of a friendship...
72392London April 20 1786 Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Went with Mr. Jefferson and my Family to Osterly, to view the Seat of the late Banker Child. The...
7239320th. (Adams Papers)
The weather continued just the Same, all day. It sets every one yawning, and keeps all within...
M r B Vaughan presents his respectful comp ts. to M r Adams, and having waited for the inclosed,...
72395[Diary entry: 20 April 1786] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 20th. Thermometer at 50 in the Morning—50 at Noon and 48 at Night. Wind fresh but not...
Within these few days I have received your letter of the 12th, & some time ago, I recollect to...
It was the desire of the Revd Dr Gordon who, a few days ago, embarked for Europe, that according...
Mr Lund Washington having expressed a wish to quit business & live in retirement & ease, I could...
As Doctr Gordons departure for England is an event that was to have taken place about this time &...
M r . Anstey this morning delivered the letter you did me the Honor to write on the 26 February...
7240121st. (Adams Papers)
Same Story over again. Chilly, and misty. This is but a poor way of dragging out an existence; I...
I took the Freedom a few days since to address you in Behalf of a deserving Citizen and thank you...
72403[Diary entry: 21 April 1786] (Washington Papers)
Friday 21st. Thermometer at 48 in the Morning—48 at Noon and 48 at Night. Drizzling till about 6...
Your very polite reply to my two letters reached me a few days past. It is impossible for my mind...
We the American and French Merchants established at L’Orient, interested in the Trade with the...
Expecting of your arrival from England, have taken the Liberty of writing to you, as we have not...
7240722d. (Adams Papers)
I went to Boston this morning, with a Chaise, for Mr. Cranch to come home. Stop’d at Milton, and...
72408[Diary entry: 22 April 1786] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 22d. Thermometer at 50 in the Morning—56 at Noon and 56 at Night. In the Night there...
I have the most melancholy Task to perform, that was ever yet imposed upon me; that of making you...
[ London, 22 Apr. 1786 . An entry in SJPL under this date reads: “Gen. Clarke. Sentiments here.”...
I came over to this place on public business about six weeks ago, and expect to leave it within...
Being called here for a short time, and finding that I could get some articles on good terms...
In your letter of October the 29th. you desired me to send you one of the new lamps. I tried at...
I was called here about six weeks ago on public business, and am now again within three or four...
In one of your former letters you expressed a wish to have one of the newly invented lamps. I...
72416Sunday. Ap. 23. (Adams Papers)
Heard Dr. Priestley at Mr. Linseys in Essex Street. Theophilus Lindsey (1723–1808) , minister of...
7241723d. (Adams Papers)
Heard old Parson Wibird, preach from Luke. XIX. 10. For the Son of man is come to seek and to...
72418[Diary entry: 23 April 1786] (Washington Papers)
Sunday 23d. Set off after breakfast, on a journey to Richmond—to acknowledge in the General Court...
In my letter of Mar. 12. I had the honour of explaining to you the motives which had brought me...
In another letter of this day I stated to you what has passed with public characters since my...