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Results 72351-72400 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
J’attendais pour repondre a L’honneur de Votre lettre , qu’une occasion de Vous envoyer Votre...
If Mr. Jefferson cou’d see my heart and know its feelings there wou’d be no occasion for words to...
It is truly distressing to me to trouble you, at the same time I am bound to do it for the tender...
W. Lee has the honor to present his respects to the President of the United States and takes the...
I am requested by Mr. Peachy Gilmer to communicate to you the melancholy news of the death of H....
I took the liberty of writing, & inclosing to you, the 15 May past, five letters, & the copys of...
Bristol, 10 Oct. 1792. A few days ago he received from Pinckney a packet containing his...
offer’d for the Service of the U.Ss. a new invention of a cannon ball 1, doing as much if not...
I had the honor of addressing you on the 24th. of December by the ship Minerva Captn. Mc.Cray for...
The Military Academy at West Point, has become an object of great National importance, as well on...
Los positivos deseos de conocer á V.E. y de postrarme á sus Pies, me hace ser atrevido poniendo...
Resolved, That the President of the United States be requested to cause an enquiry to be made...
Agreeably to your Orders I Shiped June 30th on bord the Schooner Samuel Benjn. Lord Master for...
You have undoubtedly hit upon, the true Word of the Riddle.— Yet there was no riddle, nor any...
I have been requested to add what I know of the person named in the enclosed. He was, during my...
By the Death of Doctr. Hutchison my Son Charles, is thrown out of the line of his Medical...
Altho’ I have not the honour of a personal Acquaintance with you, yet impelled by a desire of...
I was honoured with your letter of the 29th. of December only last night, and take the first...
The inclosed is a poem spoken by my 2d son on the last commencement at Harvard College—The...
Vous trouverez ci-inclus le premier Supplement au catalogue que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous...
I have shipped a few campeachy hammocks and a barrel of paccannes in a vessel for George Town to...
En Lisant Le traite de la rareté Et de la Cherté des subsistances faisant partie des Essays on...
Your two last unacknowledged favors were of Decr. 20. and Feby. 6. They were received in...
Yours of yesterday I duly received and in reply beg leave to inform you that while I remain...
The Governor’s respects to M r Jefferson and begs leave to inform him that the Council of State...
The answers from the Govr. & Intendant at N. Orleans to the Spanish Ministers letter were recd....
David Isaacs best respect to M r Jefferson and informs him that he has at last obtained the Book...
You will find a bill of lading inclosed for 1050 bushels of Coal, which with 400 bushels for Mr....
Respectfully I wish to inform you of the Unhappy exit of M r Pirny , he boarded, and lodged, with...
I do myself the honor of returning to your Excellency the papers referred to me, respecting the...
The undersigned, A Native Citizen of the State of Pennsylvania, begs leave to offer his service...
Encyclopedie methodique 67 Livraisons. ✓ Agriculture, Tome, 3me. et Tome 4me. 1re partie  3. Vol....
This morning has produced nothing very material that we yet know of. The Triumph, Leopard, &...
Not being able to find such a Cask of Sicily Madiera Wine as I liked, concluded to send but ten...
This will be handed your Excellency with a Letter from me addressed to Commissary Loring, left...
Your duplicate letters of 16. April , both reach’d my hands on the 1 st of the present month, by...
[ Paris, 31 Mch. 1787 . Recorded in SJL as received 3 May 1787 at Aix-en-Provence. Not found.]
On the 21st. Jany I presented a Memorial to Congress, and after waiting a considerable time and...
I am the person to whom you were so obliging as to give some time ago, in Philaa., a description...
The question is, whether any punishment can be inflicted on persons, treating with the Indian...
The only court in this district which has original cognizance in matters testamentary is the...
Since I had the pleasure of seeing you I have received the inclosed letter together with several...
The court of Appeals has given judgement in one of the usury cases [ Taylor. v. Bruce ] and I...
I shall now be glad to have Joes assistance any evning—that will be convenient to you—perhaps...
J’apprend dans le moment, monsieur, que Mr. Jamisson est prêt a partir pour Richmond ou il espere...
Vous trouverez ci inclus quelques exemplaires du catalogue que je viens de publier—Je me propose...
We recieved in course Your Excellency’s kind letter of the 20th. Ulto. We knew nothing of the...
Mr. Hamilton presents his respectful compliments to Mr. Jefferson and returns him the letter from...
we are yet in Session & I am truly tired of debating I have waited thus long before I have acted...
By M r Dinsmore I take the liberty of rendering you, your account . You will see from the...