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Results 7231-7260 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have received the Letter you wrote me on the 7th of this month, and I shall give all the...
I write again my dear Sister because I know you love to hear from me, & not that I have any thing...
I received your kind Letter of Feb’ ry 9th and was quite rejoic’d to hear that mrs Baxter was...
By your letter to my brother dated 3. January which he has just received I find that at the time...
I cannot enough thank you my dear Sister for your kind Letter its Sisterly contents Sink deep in...
I have received the letter you did me the honor to write under date of the 16 th. ins t. —and am...
Seeing an advertisement in the farmers Weekly Museum that you would attend to the payment of...
We now have the appearence of some fine weather our Rivers are open, but our Roads are all like...
Yesterday the secretary of state received Letters from mr Adams at Berlin dated Nov’ br 10 th &...
The President received your Letter this morning dated 5 Feb’ry. the Rule of the former President...
I have enclosed a Letter to M r. Webster in Answer to his which you forwarded to me, I have left...
To communicate pleasure, is reflecting happiness. The secretary of state came smiling in my Room...
Since my residence at this place I have received your kind letter of October 25 th: written at...
I presume Dear Madam that I Shall receive Your pardon by Complying with the request of M r....
I received on saturday Evening the 3 d March Your kind Letter of 25 Feb’ ry. You estimate much...
I received your kind favour of Feb ry 25 this morning. the badness of the roads I suppose was the...
I do not know what was the date of my last to you, nor of yours to me, nor is it material to...
I yesterday received your kind Letter of March 5 th and congratulate you and the Judge upon your...
After a most fatigueing journey I arrived on friday Evening. I travel’d all the first night, &...
yesterday dispatches were received from mr King up to the 9 th Jan’ ry in a postscrip he says, I...
A private opportunity offering by way of Hamburgh to write to you, I eagerly embrace it, and hope...
Taking up your paper yesterday morning, I was shockd at the Misrepresentation a Writer in your...
When I have written to your Brother I feel as if I had exhausted all the subjects which it is...
I write you a few Lines this mor’g just to inclose to you the News paper of yesterday which...
I received your Letter of Jan’ry 23 d and was gratified to find your Hand writing improving. I...
I yesterday received your Letter of March 11 th it would give the President great satisfaction to...
To hear of your health and happiness my dear Madam is always pleasing to me when ever you can...
It would be singular indeed, were I to permit your friendly note of March 9 th. to pass...
I write now because I know how it feels to be disappointed not because I have any thing to...
I received yesterday your kind Letter of March 19 th . I expect a Letter every week if you have...