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Results 72301-72350 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have the honor to enclose a card for the celebration on the seventeenth ; An occasion on which...
August 8 Towards evening my brother became much better. To keep his thoughts from his immediate...
The nomination of the principal officers of the government only resting with me, and all...
I have recd. the letter of the 26th. in which you sent the extract, from Mr. Dallas’s relating to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have only time before the departure of the Post to inform...
I have presumed to address you for the purpose of offering as a present a Small pocket knife...
§ From Tobias Lear. 28 March 1806, Algiers. “I have the honor to inform you that I have this day...
You are Ordered to proceed from this to Fort Cumberland: and to be accompanied by all the...
I do myself the honor to enclose the copy of a letter from the Consul at the Havanna, to the Secy...
Your letter of January 6th. 1801 containing a resignation of the appointment you have held in St....
I have been thinking of a subject for a letter to you, & I can find none more agreable than that...
Value of 2020 acres land at £3.15 the acre £7575. 0. 0 Valuation by M rsrs Higginbotham and...
I lately received and forwarded to Mr. Jno. Banister Jr. a packet which came from you under cover...
72314[Diary entry: 21 April 1780] (Washington Papers)
21st. Clear & cool—Wind fresh from the No. West all day.
I had the Honor of writing your Excellency on the 12th ulto & 3d Inst. advising of my purchase of...
Your favor of the 8th. came to hand only two days ago & I hasten to say I shall be glad to...
Mr McHenry—Secretary of War—communicated to me your wish to receive an Appointment in the Corps...
Je profite de l’occasion de Monsieur Joseph Thompson pour vous faire parvenir ce petit paquets...
27 February 1805, New Orleans . “The Collector of the Revenue Mr. Brown has just informed me that...
I send you by this Mail, and request Your acceptance & (if leisure permit) your perusal of some...
The post from Philadelphia this morning, brings Letters, stating that, after Colo. Burr, was...
Captain Baylis, of the Prince-William Militia, will give you this; and leave you a reinforcement...
This morn. at 9 oclok Mr. Perry arived here on pursuit of your boy Geo. He fortunately found me...
[ Philadelphia, August 25, 1794. The description of this letter in the dealer’s catalogue reads:...
by order of Tho s Jefferson Esq r late President of the U. States , I Remit you herein Inclosed;...
Je desirerais acquerir l’honneur de vous connaitre, votre merite personnel et la place dans...
Having arrived here last Evening from Durham, I happily found your’s of the 17th inst. & a letter...
Letter not found : to Henry Lutterloh, c.25 Jan. 1781. On 25 Jan., GW wrote Col. Timothy...
By every opportunity which has occurred, I have endeavoured to keep you informed of the great...
7233011th. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Left the ball at about 1. o’clock, after Midnight, and set out for St. Petersbourg. Arrived at...
As to the Cask of Wine at Auteuil, it is not paid for. if you will pay for it and take it, you...
I was this day honoured with your favor of the 28th Ulto. The polite attention of your Assembly...
I have been duly honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 25th and its inclosures. You will...
Having engaged to write, for Mr Morse’s Geography, a sketch of the History of the late war, I...
I received your Letter only four days ago owing to the neglect of the post takeing it to...
I duly received your note upon my arrival at Baltimore and return you my thanks for the...
I attended yesterday to the Vissit made by the Inspector of the Artillery of the Cannon laying at...
The owners of the Buildings occupied by Government, has called on me to know if I wish to Rent...
72339[Diary entry: 3 September 1773] (Washington Papers)
3. Clear and Warm in the forenoon with but little Wind. Evening Cloudy & like for Rain very...
My last was on the 18th. and acknowledged yours of the 30th. ult : and 7th. inst: I had not then...
I dropt you lately a few lines on the subject of Jerome Bonaparte’s expected marriage to a young...
The mail of yesterday, brought me your favour of the 19th I presume you had not then received my...
You will find by the papers that I send with this letter, what you will perhaps know before the...
17 December 1811, Alexandria. Acknowledges JM’s letter of 16 Dec. enclosing a check for $385.55,...
Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives, Library of Congress (two) <Marly,...
The Statement of M r Hagner of the amount due to M. Poiry , and Such of the documents as he...
The time of the reform of Livingstons and Spencers Regiments is so near at hand, that you will be...
I arrived here, last Evening, and have attended Mr. Strongs Meeting all this Day. I rode alone,...
It is my intention to quit this place, to which I shall ever be attached by many tender...
Before I can give an Answer to the Questions which your Excellency has proposed to my...