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Results 72301-72350 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I am come home to England , and have the great pleasure to find I am not forgoten by Mr:...
Yours of yesterday reached me this morning, and I acknowledge it now, for the Mail of tomorrow. I...
I am much obliged to you for your Good and Kind Letter. I never knew before of your having been...
Be pleased to accept the enclosed little pamphlet as a small testimony of that esteem and love...
I have the honor to forward to you Majr. Newton’s letter of the 24th. I received your letter to...
Untill reminded by your favor the 1 7 th ins t I had entirely forgotten the monied transaction...
J’ay l’honneur de vous accuser réçéption de votre honorable letre én datte du 13 octobre dee., et...
On my return here a few days ago after an absence of several weeks I was concerned to find that...
The returned draught of a letter to Mr. Gouvr. Morris accords with my sentiments.—Taking it for...
The wreck’d articles were forwarded to Milton yesterday.—The boxes were found to be right, there...
I do with confidence write You as a Gentn, to recommond to me me to some person in Urope or the U...
Gendre de M. D’Yquem, Monsieur, et possesseur de tous ses biens, J’ai l’honneur de repondre à la...
I enclose printed copies of the two last circulars respecting the embargo. The only points...
Your favor of the 14 th Ins t is rec d — I wrote you on the 12 th informing you of the rejection...
In consequence of the information, which you gave me, relative to the imprisonment and detention...
The writer of the letter I take the liberty to enclose is one of our Senate, and is, by no means,...
The respects of the undersigned accompany a package addressed to President Jefferson. DLC :...
I have received the honour of your letter of the 25 th of this month , and direct you per this...
London, 3 Dec. 1792 . He has received no acknowledgment of his many applications to the...
T he establishment named in the address I have taken the liberty to call your attention to, was...
I have the honor to enclose Captain Reades letter of the 22nd. instant, and to be with the...
Your letter of the 27th April came to hand yesterday Immedeatily on receit of it I made it my...
My anxiety not to Intrude upon your Time, made me omit in the closing Sentiment of my letter ,...
It is of importance that every material fact relative, to the late conspiracy against the...
I take the liberty of enclosing a letter I have written to Govr. Hamilton of S. Carolina in reply...
We have the honour to acknowledge the reception of your esteem’d favour of the 5th. instant...
Suffer the interesting nature of my communications to apologize for their frequency. Perceiving...
I have the honor of proposing for your approbation the following appointments in the First Legion...
I have delayed writing you since the latter end of Octr., when your favor of the 14th. of that...
Agreeable to your request hand herewith your ℀ current to date, which I hope will be found...
Lyons, 4 Mch. 1788 . Has returned a small volume, “ La Suite de L’ami d’enfans ,” which belongs...
I have the Honour to communicate to you the inclosed documents from Newbedford and at the request...
Having reached Boston in safety, my dearest grandfather, one of my first cares is to write to...
Since yr. favor respecting my land above charlottesville I have heard nothing of Darrelle or...
I wrote you on this day week relative to our views & movements as to the University to that date....
Une distance quelconque entre deux personnes ne peut pas empecher, qu’elles ne se rapprochent par...
There seems to be Fatality attending the promise I made you, of a Supply of beer. Two days after...
As I do not know when the ship goes to Spain I have written, & inclose my letter to Aunt Harriet...
I Should be truly and deeply grateful to you to let me receive, as Soon as You can, the 21...
The Secretary of State supposes, that the within abstract in the form of a report to the...
I hope you will Excuse the Freedom I take in addressing one So high In Power as Your-Self, But i...
I regret extremely, that I did not receive your letter respecting Mr. Ternant’s application till...
The Atty. Genl. will have advised you that Mr. Burr left Fredricksburgh, in a Stage, for Richmond...
I have the honor to enclose, according to your directions , two sealed commons, one for Samuel...
Agreeably to the conversation of last Saturday , Colo. Pickering presents for Mr. Jefferson’s...
I have recieved your kind letter by Mr. Dawson, and be assured no man in America rejoices more...
The date of my last was the 17th. It acknowledged yours of the 9th. instant. Our harvest...
Daignez recevoir l’hommage que je vous fais de mon Traité d’Economie politique, comme une marque...
I must most pointedly express my obligation for the Letter of introduction which you forwarded...
You will have to appoint a Collector for this port I interfere not, with that appointment; But I...