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Results 72251-72300 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Having this day purchased the Brig North Star, with the sole view of placing her in the regular...
I can not yet entirely remove the uncertainty in which my last left the election. Unless the...
I had the pleasure of thanking you in part in my letter of May 2. for your most invaluable favor...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). I have written several private letters to you since my arrival here,...
Norfolk, 12 Apr. 1791 . Maxwell has informed him of TJ’s inquiry about his furniture. Two days...
It was my intention when I last paid my respects to you, to have renewed my request in behalf of...
I received a few Weeks ago, in the Country, your favour of so old a date as 26th. Septr., and am...
This will Serve to introduce to your acquaintance M r Elliott Alcocke , who is desirous of...
Though I have not the Honor of a personal acquaintance with you, I am informd by those who have,...
I am happy to inform you that M r Gordon & M r Rives arrived in town last evening, & have...
Van Pradelles register is dead Persons recommended Grymes dist. atty. with 600 dollars only...
I duly received the roots and seeds you were so good as to send me, for which I return you and...
Permit me to offer You a Volume, lately written by my brother Alexander H. Everett , Chargé...
I have the honor to forward, in this enclosure, a letter addressed to you by the American...
L’état où je suis avec mon Epouse et fille est affreux. Le désordre est dans la province et dans...
We rec d this morning yours of the 3 rd inst. and a vessel being fortunately just upon the point...
I recd. this morning your favor of the l4th. and inclose the printed copies of the Acts of Congs....
My last was of the 27 May. It inclosed among other things a letter to the French Ministre de...
Permit me to offer at this time my congratulations on the triumph of the principles of...
I enclose three letters relative to the Louisiana land business, & will wait on you some day next...
Your aid is solicited in bringing the Patent Steam Bath into general use in your neighborhood;...
I rec d yours of the 11 th Ins t a few days ago, and have made diligant search and enquiry for...
After I got home, being alone and wanting amusement I sat down to explain to myself (for there is...
J’ai eu l’honneur de vous envoyer par le courier de ce matin , la carte du Théâtre de la Guerre &...
Je fus chargé à mon depart de france par Mr. Delafayette de vous remettre la lettre ci-jointe....
I must beg you to excuse me for not attending the board of Visitors on Monday next. I am so much...
I arrived a few days since in this Country with a view to become a citizen—I can Scarce he...
From the date of my last letter to you the President has been ill of a bilious fever; of that...
The bearer, Mr. Alexr Stuart, is about to remove from this city to the Havanna in the line of...
A List of the Documents forwarded by mail the 30 th November to M r Tho s Jefferson, Ex President...
Judge Nelson who was assigned to this Circuit has resigned his Office, & my friends have procured...
Defending the ports and harbours of the United States haveing excited a Considerable and lively...
Mr Hammond starts three to one against you. AL , DLC : Jefferson Papers. Jefferson docketed this...
The republicans of this City have been much Gratified by the Removal of several persons from...
The first leasure have I had, after my return from paris to london, was Employed to find out a...
[ Richmond ] 8 Mch. 1781 . Has a letter from Col. Dabney informing him that Dabney’s commission...
I have received your letter by the hands of Mr. Samuel Ringgold when on my way from General...
I take the liberty of suggesting, for your consideration, the propriety of proposing to Congress...
Mr. Genet the french Embassador left this place this morning for Philadelphia. I think it...
we are nearly out of grain only five or 6 barrills now on hand. consequently expect we must...
Having repeatedly Experienced favors of this kind from you it Emboldens me still to intrude...
I received a few days since your letter of the 8 th in which you honoured me by some inquiries...
On 10th April 1801,— Dufour (the Swiss who has planted a vineyard in Kentucky) purchased at the...
M r Hepburn is at this time engaged on a Mill about 12 Miles from this place; I cannot learn...
I beg leave to enclose the important information received here to day—& remain RC ( DLC );...
I have received your letter and statement of your account with the Committee of the Library, with...
The inclosed letters & papers being addressed to you as well as me, I am not at liberty to...
There may or may not be something in the matter enclosed—if there is anything useful perhaps it...
There seems to be an error in the date of the Hon John Adams’ letter to you, which drew forth...
Messrs. Bull and Dodd have notified me of their declining to accept the appointment of...