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Results 721-750 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Captains 1 Ephraim Emery appointd Jany 10th. 1799 1 2 Thomas Chandler do do 2 3 Simeon Draper do do ☞ 7 4 Nathaniel Twing do
The Situation of Affairs between Some of the Citizens of the United States and the Cherokee Indians, has evinced the Propriety of holding a Treaty with that Nation, for the purpose of extinguishing by Purchase, their Right to certain parcells of Land, and for adjusting and Settling other Points relative to the Safety and Conveniency of our Citizens. With this View and for these Ends I nominate...
Desirous of making our Service as agreeable to you as possible, and of furnishing you with every Opportunity in my power of acquiring Honour, I have consented to the request you made me of raising and commanding a Partisan Corps. You probably will have it more in your power, to distinguish yourself at the head of a body of Men that understand the French Language, than of any others, Wherefore...
By unavoidable Incidents this Letter is delayed beyond the usual Time for which I assure you I am extremely sorry. Your Favor gave great Pleasure as well to the Committee as to several Members of the House who are much pleased with your judicious Caution to distinguish between what you sport as your private Opinion and the weighty Sentiments of the General. No Circumstance could have more...
The inclosed is a copy of a letter we have just dispatched to Lt Colo. White. We thought if these suspicions were well founded that it was of consequence your Excellency should be made acquainted with the facts; & they might coincide with other circumstances which may fall within your immediate knowledge. If any satisfactory intelligence should be recd it shall be forwarded without delay. We...
J’ay eû l’honnoeur d’êcrire a Vôtre Excellence voye de Cadix & de Madrid le 13e & 28e du mois de May de l’année qui vient de terminer, affin de l’informer sur tout ce qui s’êtoit passé rapport a la mort inopinée du Feu Roy Sydy Mohamet Ben Abdalla & sur l’installation de son successoeur Sydy Mulay Liazid (q:D:g) J’ay appris ensuite de mon Frere Francisco qu’il avoit obtenu un Delai sur...
Mr George Wolcott of Windsor in Hartford county, in this state, brother of Alexander Wolcott Esqr., is desirous of being appointed surveyor of the port of Saybrook, in the district of Middletown, should Mr Dickinson , the present holder of that office be displaced, an event which I presume must soon take place.   George Wolcott has been as essentially injured by the persecution of the...
728[Diary entry: 26 December 1770] (Washington Papers)
26. At Home all day alone.
Inclosd is a letter from Mr Levi Hollingsworth relative to the situation of the Stores in that quarter —General Mughlenburg has marched with his detachment to cover the removeal of the Stores—If your Excellency thinks any additional force is necessary it shall be sent immediately—I wait your further Orders and am your Excellencies Most Obedient & very humbl. Servt ALS , DLC:GW . Robert Hanson...
A long interval has gone by since the date of my last to you, but I have received nothing from you in the course of it. Not a vessel has arrived here from Hamburg for several months and none of your letters later than the beginning of December have reached this Country. We know that in consequence of the severity of the past winter, the navigation of the Elbe was obstructed for many weeks,...
It is not known that the British govt. has accepted the mediation of Russia; nothing has been receved from our ministers employed under it; and no intimation to that effect has been communicated to this govt., either from the Emperor of Russia, or from the British govt. Early accounts, after the appointment & departure of our Envoys, indicated the rejection of that friendly overture, & altho...
I have the honor to request your signature to the enclosed Commissions which are required for the Officers mentioned in the list accompanying my letter to you of the 7t ultimo & whose appointments have since been confirmed by the Senate.— I am very respectfully Sir, Your most ob Serv. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
There was Information forwarded to Head Quarters yesterday P.M. of the Sailing of 13 Ships from Boston, I Sent one Capt. Davis Down the Harbour to watch their Motion, and he reports on his return that they put to Sea & Stood their Course about E.S.E. which appears as if they were bound to the Southward: that Course would Lead them out by Cape Cod, & to the Chops of the South Chanel —I am Sir...
Having acquired information & provisions of the Mandans On the evening of the 7th of Apl. 1805 we embarked with our baggage on board 2 large perogues and six small canoes at Fort Mandan—on a Voyage of Discovery to the Pacific Ocean. The party consisted of the following persons my friend and Colleague Capt. Wm Clark, Interpreters George Drewyer and Touasant Charbono, Sergts. John Ordway...
I am told that a Vessell will this Day sail for Holland. I know not how to neglect so fair an Opportunity of Writing, convinced that a Line from your Friend will be acceptable, if it be only to inform you that we have an Existence in America as an indepen den t Nation, that our Commonwealth lives, that our annual Election is Compleated, the Legislative and executive Bodies organized, That our...
Letter not found. Ca. 3 June 1788 . Mentioned in Brown to JM, 7 June 1788 . Encloses resolution of Congress concerning the independence of Kentucky.
Estimate of grain from Oct. 1. 19 —to July 7. 20     40 weeks Resources
Your very acceptable favours by Mr. Rutherford arrived safe but I perceived by the date, had a very tedious passage which perhaps may be attributed to the craziness of the Vessel in which you embarked them. I ought to mention in particular that I did not receive them till after I wrote my last as an apology for my not then acknowledging it I entirely acquiesce in your Opinion of our friend...
This will be delivered you by Colo. Le Maire. You knew him when in our service, and that he was one of the few who merited what was done for him. He returns to Virginia to obtain the land given him for his special services and what is due to him as an officer. He is reduced to extreme poverty and I am afraid will meet with difficulty to subsist till he can obtain his grants unless he can find...
I have made enquiry of the Inspectors & others that saw Mr Bankheads Tob o inspected and must decline for the present making an offer for it, the quality not being such as would suit us— I take the liberty of troubleing you with a letter herein for Mr Higginbotham , which you will have the goodness to forward on your return to Albemarle — By the bearer you will receive the articles in your mem...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: New York Public Library We were honored with your favor of the 2d of June, but not till several days after the Arrival of the French Frigate, which prevented us the pleasure of acknowledging it by the Mercury Packet which sailed for France about a fortnight agoe. We are Sorry that any differences have subsisted among the Officers on board the...
Other parts of your letter of yesterday may be remembered hereafter; but “ Brimborion ” must not be delayed nor trifled with. I shall produce an authority or two. Deletanville’s Dictionary. Brimborion SM. A trifle, A thing of little value. Lallemonts Dictionary. Brimborions. S.M.PL. Bagatelles choses de peu de valeur. Apinæ arum. Crepundia orum Children’s Playthings. Baubles as Bells Rattles....
accept my Thanks for your very friendly Letter of the 31 Dec r last. the attack you alude to has given me much more Trouble than it has Pain. Every innocent man has an infallible specific against the Effects of Calumny, viz t . by invariably behaving in such a manner as to render the Falsehoods told of him incredible—It is natural for Ingratitude to seek for Justification, and when other...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress I received yours of June 7. and am glad to find by it that you are safely return’d from your Virginia Journey, having settled your Affairs there to Satisfaction, and that you found your Family well at New York. I feel for you in the Fall you had out of your Chair. I have had three of those Squelches in different Journeys, and never desire a fourth. I...
745Avril 15. Mecredi. (Adams Papers)
Went Yesterday to return the Visits, made me by American Gentlemen. Dined this Day, with Madam Helvetius, one Gentleman, one Lady, Dr. F., his G. Son and myself made the Company—an elegant Dinner. Mm. is a Widow—her Husband was a Man of Learning and wrote several Books. She has erected a Monument to her Husband, a Model of which she has. It is herself, weeping over his Tomb, with this...
I recd yours of the 24th Ult: with a Bank note of 200 dollars, and ought e’er this to have acknowledged the rect thereof, but have thus long delay’d writing, that I might be able to give you some satisfactory Accot respecting Buck wheat. I am now satisfyed that I shall be able to procure the quantity you want, as I have got about 300 Bushells, and the Ball: I may be sure of obtaining. I cou’d...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Supposing the Catalogue of our American Ores and Minerals collected by the late Mr. Hazard, might afford you some Amusement, I send my Letter to Mr. Tissington open to you, and give you the Trouble of forwarding it to him when you have perus’d it. The Bearer of this is Mr. James Logan Son of my Learned Friend of that Name. I beg Leave to recommend him to...
Permit one of the lowest of the people to approach you with every sentiment of Gratitude and Respect which has been, or can be expressed by any individual, or collective Body in the Union. Likewise to intrude upon your patience with a request, which if inconsistent with your inclination to admit, must rely on your well-known candour to pardon the impertinent intrusion. I am a person Sir of a...
7494th. (Adams Papers)
I began this day to translate the Eclogues of Virgil. What a difference between this Study, and that of a dry barren greek Grammar. But without sowing the grain there certainly can be no harvest, and there is no Rose, without a thorn. I have been invited to several places, but as yet have had to plead, as an excuse, that my trunks are not come, and I have no Clothes to appear decently in....
In the United States Calender for 1800. I have observed a list of the Army which professes to be generally accurate in respect to rank, & in which I find my name the third on the list of Lieutenants in the 16th. Regiment. Being ignorant from what authority the arrangement there given is derived I have not known precisely what degree of credibility it deserves. Recollecting the information you...