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Results 721-770 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
It would give Pleasure to every Body your Way but the few, unfeeling Tories, to see what a Spirit...
I am never happier than when I am performing good offices for good people; and the most friendly...
In my last I informd You of having contracted with the Two Shipleys. I had kept them sometime in...
I have received your Letter, respecting the Bill for £50. The way that you propose is as agreable...
I received at Töplitz, on the 3 d: of last month, your kind favour of 12. June, which I did not...
This day I received yours of the first of March from Bilbao, with the Journals &c.—the Postage of...
Yesterday’s Post brought me your Letters of the 10th and 14 with a Copy of March 17. on the...
I have, this minute rec d your favour of the 22 d. The Report of the Presidents Resignation is...
Since I had the pleasure of addressing you last, I have found in the office a Narrative...
On Saturday I Saw our sons Letter to the Secretary of State. M r Randolph expressed his intire...
This is King Tammany’s Day. Tammany was an Indian King, of this Part of the Continent, when Mr....
Your letters of the 18 th. of last December, and the 4 th. of March following, with the contents,...
Monsieur Chaumont has just informed me of a Vessell bound to Boston: but I am reduced to such a...
I thank you for presenting a Barrell of Flour to my Mother, and wish you to do every Thing for...
I have this moment received your polite Invitation to dinner tomorrow, and am extremely sorry,...
Mobs are the trite Topick of Declamation and Invective, among all the ministerial People, far and...
I have been duly honoured with your two favours of the 18th. of Novr. and 8th. of December. I am...
Mr. Church setts off, tomorrow Morning. I have sent this Morning by Mr. William Winthrop, about...
After a March like that of Hannibal over the Alps We arrived last Night at this Place, Where We...
Last Evening I received a few Lines from you dated the 23d of Decr., with Newspapers to the 4th....
What pleasing Sensations does a Packet from the other side of the Atlantic produce? Every part of...
I am sorry that we are again obliged to postpone our visit to you at Quincy, as George is this...
I have this moment finished Copying The manuscript you was kind enough to Lend me, and must write...
I return my dear madam miss Williams letters with Lovuts memoirs— am much obliged & hope have not...
By your Letter of the 3d. received this day I find that I have lost the Pleasure of having what...
I am lodged at M r Otis’s and am personally well accommodated: but I am So little pleased with...
I wrote you last Week and inclosed an order for 600. Let me know when you receive it. Although...
I had the pleasure to write you a few lines by the Betsey Capt n: Clarke, which sailed from...
I had the honor to Receive a few lines from you yesterday, relitive to your passage to America,...
As I am exceedingly grieved when I hear of the Indisposition of any of my Friends, so am I...
Your two Letters concerning Mr. T yler are never out of my Mind. He is of a very numerous Family...
I think I have sometimes observed to you in Conversation, that upon examining the Biography of...
We are lodged in our old Chamber at Amsterdam, and Sleep as soundly as if there were not a dozen...
Your kind invitations would have induced Mr Peabody to have visited you at Quincy had it not now...
I rejoice at any circumstance that begins a correspondence with a lady whose acquaintance I have...
Since my Brother informed me of the miscarriage of some of my letters, I am determined to suffer...
I have just returned from the Post-Office, where I was in hopes of finding Letters from...
Pray, Madam, be carefull how you send Cards to your friends on this side the water another time....
I rec d. Yesterday your kind favour of the 11 th. I have not been able lately to write you so...
I have now been in the City since the 19 th: and am happily able to give you the fullest...
Permit me to congratulate you on the safe Arrival of Mr. Adams at France. It is an event that has...
I have not received any Letter either from Mr. Adams or from you since Yours, just after your...
If, Madam, I still retain a Place in your esteem, (and I am not conscious that I have ever...
In my letter of the 11th. inst. I mentioned the arrival of the French Ambassador at Chester. I am...
How shall I express to you the grateful Sense I feel, for your kind remembrance and attention in...
I have sent you Things from Bilbao, by Captain Babson, and a small present by the M. de la...
I had Yesterday the Pleasure of yours of January 5. I will Send, to M r Adams a Check upon the...
I have this moment heard that Cushing will sail for London in 3 days, It mortifies me to let one...
Mr. Adams having taken a Journey to Holland for three or four Weeks, and there being nothing of...
I am to thank you, in my own name, and on the public account, for that exercise of laudable...