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Results 721-750 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received your kind favours of the 19 & 22 of April. the printers were very obliging in taking...
I last Evening received your Letter of 28 th of Febry which relieved my mind from a great weight...
Mr Dawes sent me word that he was going to Newyork this week. I would not omit any opportunity of...
I was in hopes of hearing from you by last Nights post, as I am solicitious to learn how mrs...
We have had four days and Nights of Rain an old fashiond rain. if there had been upon the Ground...
Your Letters have become Such a model of elegant composition, that I cannot but think you must...
I sit down to write tho I feel very Languid; the approach of Spring unstrings my nerves, and the...
I received two kind Letters from you since I had the pleasure of writing to you. I regreet that...
in the midst of the Bustle and fatigue of packing, The parade & ceremony of taking leave at...
Your favour of december 21 was deliverd me enclosing the extract relative to Mr. Hutchinson. As...
Captain Lyde is arrived to our no small joy and brought us a charming parcel of Letters, amongst...
I seldom feel a sufficient stimulous for writing untill I hear that a vessel is just about to...
I received this week as many packets by the Mail as a minister of state. they however containd...
It gives me real pain to see the various arts and machinations of our internal Enemies practised...
Yesterday being Sunday I went with your papa to the Foundling Church, Dr. Price whom we usually...
Your Letter of March the 10 th is before me; Your Brother informs me that he has one of April. It...
yesterday dispatches were received from mr King up to the 9 th Jan’ ry in a postscrip he says, I...
I wrote you by the post, but as Capt. Cuznow Cazneau goes to morrow perhaps this may reach you...
I write you a few Lines this mor’g just to inclose to you the News paper of yesterday which...
About an Hour ago I received a Letter from my Friend dated June 21: begining in this manner “my...
It was not untill yesterday that captain Callihan brought us the bundle containing Newspapers and...
This will be delivered to you, by our friend, Mrs. Smith, who will pass you, on her way to...
The first sight which saluted my Eyes this Morning was a fine colt. the complexion however is...
A Brother of Mr. Adams’es who has been a Captain of a Company in this Town, is desirous of...
The Palles which I thought had saild a fortnight ago, still lies at Newbury Port, and gives me...
Mr Adams received your Letter dated August 31. he sat of that morning after for Philadlphia and...
I will not again be so long silent, indeed your repeated kind favours call upon me for acknowled...
I received yours of June the first. I am quite delighted at the account you give of the season,...
Mrs. Adams’es Respectfull Compliments to Dr. Franklin, is much obliged to him for the oil he was...
yesterday afternoon mr Greenleaf returnd from Boston, and as he, as well as my others Neighbours,...