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Results 7201-7230 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I was more gratified sir, than I can express at the letter which you did me the honor to write to...
I have heard with much pleasure, that you contemplate a visit to the City designated for the...
On the day when you will receive this letter, a formal resignation of the office of attorney of...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress I have received the Packet,...
The enclosed address stands as first written. When you shall have both before you you will...
I have it now in my power to send you a piece of homespun in return for that I recieved from you....
After the letter that I had the honor to send to you yesterday, my intention was not to write...
I hope this letter will find you and Mrs. Adams comfortably set down at Braintree, where your...
Officers of the first Distinction have embarked at Havre De Grace for America, and a large supply...
In regard to your desire, expressed to me yesterday, of returning to America and the dangers of...
J’ai la Satisfaction de pouvoir vous informer, qu’il est arrivé un Courier des Plenipotentiaires...
Agreeably to your directions, we have read and deliberately considered the correspondence between...
As I have not been able to procure from Dr. Franklin his reasons in writing for disobeying the...
It is contemplated, by a number of Merchants of this City, to make an exposition of their Claims...
I regret that my absence on a tour to the north of Italy, deprived me of the pleasure of seeing...
Mr. J. A. Smith, Secretary to the Legation of the United States at the Court of Great Britain,...
John Adams Esqr. Bought of R. Aitken 1775 Decr. 8 To 3 red Memdm. books @ 1/3 3 9 To 2 Sticks...
To warn a worthy people of impending danger is surely laudable. Permit me therefore to warn you...
Grace au Roi des Siecles (le seul que je revere & que j’aime, parce qu’il est le seul sage & le...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully submits to the consideration of the President of the...
Persuaded as I am that the mentioning the Observations I have lately heard made by many...
Inclosed you will find the smallest representation of our Departed patriot Genl: George...
I have written to Messrs. Fizeau & Grand impow’ring them to draw on me at 30 Days sight for the...
I send a news-paper printed and handed into the prison house, this morning. Two or three days...
In our Journey from West Chester to this place we lodged at Strasburg, a German Village 9 miles...
On my return the night before last from a Journey to the State of Newyork, I found you favours of...
I do not know whether I take the proper Channel of Recommendations, but I cannot help mentioning...
Yesterday morning I was meditating on the gloomy Scene at Washington. The Transactions between Mr...
On my expressing to Dr. Priestley an Inclination to fill the appointment mentioned in his Letter,...
I yesterday received yours of June 8 th , and am happy to learn that there was like to be no...