Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Tobias Lear, 15 April 1792

From Tobias Lear

April 15 1792

By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor to ask Mr. Jefferson if he has any knowledge of the writer of the enclosed letter?—and if he has not, whether it is probable that information respecting him could be obtained from any respectable person in this Country?—and that Mr. Jefferson will, after perusing and considering said letter, let the President know his opinion upon the expediency of encouraging the views and wishes of M. Pierre Charles Georgest.

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 15 Apr. 1792, but not recorded in SJL or SJPL.

In the enclosed letter to Washington, written in Angoulême on 14 Jan. 1792, Pierre Charles Georgest described his twenty-five years of service as a French military engineer, explained his disillusionment with the course of the French Revolution, and asked for assistance in moving himself, his family, some military colleagues, and a group of peasants to America (DNA: RG 59, MLR).

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