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Results 71861-71910 of 184,431 sorted by author
Immediately on reciept of your letter of Jan. 21. I referred it to the Secretary at war, who was best acquainted with the subject of it, desiring him to investigate the nature of your claim, to see whether it could be effected, and to point out the course to be pursued. he accordingly has made a thorough enquiry into it, and assures me that yours is one of a class of cases which have been...
I return you the papers in the case of the Spanish ship which having put in in distress is condemned as un-seaworthy. I think it clear that the Xth. article of the Spanish treaty intended to provide for relading indifferently in any vessel, otherwise the case of wreck for which it was intended to provide would be left unprovided. but the legislative provision having been deemed more narrow, I...
Ask, my dear, of Mrs. Pine, what would be the price of Mr. Madison’s picture, and let me know when you come over to-day. RC (Florence P. Kennedy, Washington, D.C., 1962); addressed: “Miss Maria Jefferson.” On 2 June TJ “Pd. Mrs. Pine for Mr. Madison’s picture 37.33,” painted by her late husband, Robert Edge Pine ( Bear and Stanton, Memorandum Books James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton,...
Your favor of Dec. 9. came to hand in due time, but it was not in my power to answer your enquiries as to the defence contemplated for the city of New York, until Congress should come to a decision on that subject, nor was that done till the close of the session. the means placed within our power by the laws are of 3. kinds 1. landbatteries 2. moveable artillery. 3. gunboats. As to the first...
Our last post brought me your friendly letter of Nov. 27. I learn with pleasure that republican principles are predominant in your state , because I conscientiously believe that governments founded in them are most friendly to the happiness of the people at large; and especially of a people so capable of self government as ours. I have been ever opposed to the party, so falsely called...
Your favor of the 8 th is recieved with my acc t from July 10. to that day. these accounts alone enable me to settle my flour rents with those who owe them, and to know if they have delivered all which should be delivered. in proceeding to this examination for the last year, I am stopped short by a chasm in the acc ts which I possess from the 13 th of April to the 10 th of July. for this...
[ Richmond, 1? July 1780 . JHD Journal of the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia (cited by session and date of publication) , May 1780, 1827 edn., p. 71 (1 July): “The Speaker laid before the House a letter from the Governor, enclosing several others from the President of Congress, General Washington, and the committee of co-operation, together with several resolutions of...
I did not know, till mr Patterson called on us, a few days ago, that you had passed on to Washington . I had recently observed in the debates of Congress , a matter introduced, on which I wished to give explanations more fully in conversation which I will now do by abridgment in writing. mr Randolph has proposed an enquiry into certain prosecutions at Common law in Connecticut , for libels on...
Since writing to your Excellency on the subject of the expedition against Detroit, the want of men, want of money & difficulty of procuring provisions, with some other reasons more cogent if possible & which cannot be confided to a letter, have obliged us to decline that object. I thought it therefore necessary to notify this to your Excellency that no expectations of our undertaking it may...
I hereby authorise James Martin who lives adjacent to my lands on Ivy creek , to wit the 374. acres formerly Tullos’s & 100. acres formerly Stith’s , on the terms explained in conversation together, to make sale of the same which being done agreeable to the said terms, I bind myself to convey & warrant a good title in fee simple to the purchaser, witness my hand this 17 th of November 1809 SC...
the inclosed was sealed before I recollected that I have mentioned a petition instead of an address to the President, which is to be corrected. a nomination of Govr. Secretary & three judges to the Missisipi territory is sent in to the Senate , four of whom are agents, or interested in the land speculations of that country, two of them bankrupt speculators, & the 5th. unknown. the Senate...
The Mr. Fitzhughs the bearers of this letter being on the point of setting out, I have only time to inform you that after trying many booksellers and receiving a variety of propositions the best offer is of 900 livres for your book, paiable 12 months after the printing of it here shall be completed. The M. de Chastellux thinks it best to accept of this, I shall therefore do it this day. I...
Your favor of May 9. came to hand on the 25th. of June. I immediately communicated to the foreign officers the inability of the treasury at that moment to provide paiment of the interest due them, with assurances of your attention to them in the first possible moment. I communicated to Commodore Jones also your order for the balance in his hands. As he was entitled to a part of the money he...
This serves to acknolege the reciept of your favor of the 7th. inst. and the pleasure I derive from the expressions of approbation which it contains. we have lately recieved the treaty and conventions for the cession of Louisiana. 11¼ millions of Dollars to the government of France, the discharge of their debts to our citizens under the Convention of 1800. not to exceed 20. Millions of francs,...
Since my last which was of the 14th. a Monsr. Leblanc, agent from Desfourneaux has come to town. he came in the Retaliation, and a letter from Desfourneaux, of which he was the bearer, now inclosed, will correct some circumstances in my statement relative to that vessel which were not very material. it shews at the same time that she was liberated without condition. still it is said , but I...
I have duly recieved your favor of Feb. 26. and am sorry it is not in my power to give you the least information on the subject of it’s enquiry. you have justly imagined that a lapse of half a century, filled up with business of various kinds would probably have erased the recollection of the circumstances you mention. they have so compleatly done it as not to have left a single trace of them...
I have to acknolege the reciept of yours of Dec. 1. 12. and it’s duplicate of May 13 30 . 13. and am pleased that our arrangement with mr Morton proves sa t isfactory. I believed it would be so, and that a substantial & friendly house there might sometimes be a convenience, when, from the dangers of the sea, difficulty of finding good bills, or other casualties, mr Barnes ’s remittances might...
Your favor of the 12 th is recieved and also the Nautical Almanacs for 1811. 12. for which accept my thanks as well as for the artificial horizon proposed to be forwarded. as it would be liable to be broken, it would come best by some of the vessels sailing daily from Philadelphia to Richmond addressed to me to the care of Mess rs Gibson & Jefferson merchants at Richmond , adding ‘ to be...
Your’s of the 14th. came to hand yesterday. I do not see that we can avoid agreeing to estimates made by worthy men of our own choice for the sites of fortifications, or that we could leave an important place undefended because too much is asked for the site. and therefore we must pay what the sites at Boston have been valued at. at the same time I do not know on what principles of reasoning...
Mr. Wirt declined the offices proposed to him. Mr. Lomax has accepted the Professorship of Law, and will open his school on the 1st. day of July. He has paid us a visit, and his appointment appears to have given the highest degree of satisfaction to every body, Professors Students, Neighbors, and to none more than to myself. We have now 166. students, and on the opening of the Law school, we...
I recieved by yesterday’s post your favor of Oct. 31. and I hasten, by it’s return to say in answer to your enquiry that it is not necessary that you should make any particular tender of services to Col o Monroe , altho you may be assured he knows you too well to ascribe it to any unworthy motive, for I know from himself that he holds you in high respect. My experience in the affairs of the...
The clearing the bay of the pickeroons which infested it was attended to the moment the brig Jefferson was in tolerable readiness. About the 3d or 4th week of the last month Commod. Barron cruized up the bay as far as the Tangier islands and took five of those vessels which being as many as he could man he returned. About the 1st. inst. I received a letter from Govr. Lee desiring we would join...
I recieved in due time your favor of July 21 . informing me you had in your hands a sum of about 90.D. recieved for me as rent for the salt-petre cave at the Natural bridge , and asking it as a donation for the female academy of that neighborhood. I have ever believed that the duty of contribution to charitable institutions would produce the greatest sum of good by every one’s devoting what...
I have to acknolege your friendly letter of Feb. 9. as well as a former one . before that came to hand an arrangement had been settled; and in our country you know, talents alone are not to be the determining circumstance, but a geographical equilibrium is to a certain degree expected. the different parts in the union expect to share the public appointments. the character you pointed out was...
1815. Dec. 4. The 2. cases of all the ∠ s or all the sides of a spheric. △ being given. tried by the formula supplement y to Nepier ’s  ° ′ } suppose ag. & aeg the greater segments a = 49–54 T 3 2 × T
It is with real pain that I am informed of the difficulties of your present situation, and the more so as it is utterly out of my power to relieve them. There is neither authority nor money in the hands of any person here to discharge the arrearages of interest, nor do I know any person who is in the habit of purchasing those claims; nor am I able to suggest to Mr. Grand any other arrangement...
The proceedings respecting Governor Hamilton and his companions previous to your arrival here you are acquainted with. For your more precise information, I enclose you the advice of Council of June 16th of that of August the 28th. another of Sep: 19th. of the parole tendered them the 1st: instant and of Governor Hamilton’s letter of the same day stating his objections in which he persevered:...
In conversation with mr Gallatin yesterday as to what might be deemed the result of our Tuesday’s conferences, he seemed to have understood the former opinion as not changed, to wit that for the Floridas East of Perdido might be given not only the 2. millions of dollars and a margin to remain unsettled, but an absolute relinquishment from the North river to the bay of St. Bernard and Colorado...
On the reciept of your favour of the 17th. I applied to Mr. Willing, President of the bank, to answer your enquiry as to loans of money on a deposit of lands. He assured me it was inadmissible by the laws of their institution.—From subsequent enquiries and information here I am the more confirmed in my opinion of the superior advantages of Edinburgh for the study of physic, and also in point...
In a letter from mr Paul Allen of Philadelphia , I was informed that other business had obliged you to turn over to him the publication of Gov r Lewis’s journal of his Western expedition; and he requested me to furnish him with any materials I could for writing a sketch of his life. I now inclose him such as I have been able to procure, to be used with any other information he may have...
I omitted in my letter of the 23d to say any thing on the subject of mr Wirt; which however was necessary only for form’s sake, because I had promised it. you know he is a candidate for the clerkship of your house, you know his talents, his worth, & his republicanism; & therefore need not my testimony, which could otherwise be given for him in the strongest form on every point. the desirable...
I received by Mr. Poindexter your favor of July 21 . with copies of your will and deed of trust . A twenty years abandonment of the practice and study of law, has really disqualified me from giving opinions on questions of law, which merit confidence. Nevertheless, to shew my desire to oblige you, I have given my best attentions to your papers. Mr. Poindexter informs me that you wish by the...
I recieved yesterday your favor of Nov. 24. and am sorry that I am not able to serve your wishes: but there neither is, nor has been a single vacancy in the clerkships in my office since I came to it. I found them all filled, and continued the same gentlemen as was just, so that I have not had a single appointment to make. I am Sir Your very humble servt., PrC ( DLC ). Woodard’s letter, dated...
I recieve with due sensibility the mark of attention which the benevolent institution , in whose name your letter of the 21 st is written, has been pleased to manifest, by proposing me as an honorary member of their institution. aged, & distant as I am little benefit to the society can result from my services: but such as they may be will be at their command. of this Sir, be pleased to assure...
I recieved two days ago your favor of the 16th. and thank you for your kind felicitations on my election; but whether it will be a subject of felicitation permanently will be for chapters of future history to say. the important subjects of the government I meet with some degree of courage & confidence, because I do believe the talents to be associated with me. the [honest] line of conduct we...
I have recieved your letter, covering an order of J. Perry for £108.15. to be paid in May, and I hold it subject to your direction without acceptance, but on such modifications as you & mr Perry shall agree on. by my agreement with him I am to remit him, or pay to his order 100. D. a month. I have paid an order of his of 50. D. for this month & hold the other 50. at his order. you must...
I have to acknolege the receipt of your favors of Oct. 28. Nov. 20. 23. Dec. 18. 26. 31. and Jan. 30. By Chiappe’s letter inclosed in the last I am in hopes the difficulty respecting your character will be got over by verbally announcing yourself under some character more acceptable than that of Consul, which I suppose to be what Chiappe has in view. I wish the crisis of affairs in Marocco may...
At our last court it was settled with the county surveyor that he should attend to make the survey in the case of Col o Monroe & mr Short on Wednesday next the 21 st inst. he will come here the overnight, so as to be ready to begin it early the next day, that he may finish it in the day. I must ask the favor of you to come and let us make a close of this business. I wish you could come the...
When I had the honour of writing you on the 24th. inst. the transactions on the Black sea were but vaguely known. I am now able to give them to you on better foundation. The Captain Pacha was proceeding with succours to Oczakoff as is said by some (for this fact does not come on the same authority with the others), the authentic account placing the two fleets in the neighborhood of each other...
I have this day recieved your letter of resignation , with regret altho’ not unexpectedly; and have in consequence written to propose the office to mr Jones. as his acceptance is uncertain, and we have no time to lose in making the appointment, will you be so good in the meantime as to give me your opinion between mr Sprigg recommended by you, and John Bowie Ducket who has been recommended by...
The enclosed letter &c it is sent in a separate & confidential message because it’s publication may discourage frank communicns between our ministers & the govmts with which they reside. for exploring the waters of the country ceded by the Convention with France of Apr. 30. 1803, & the Indian nation’s inhabiting the same for the purpose of establishing commerce with them. DLC : Papers of...
The accounts of the last week from Lisbon, announcing an actual declaration of war by France against England and Holland, when applied to the preceding note of the British court ordering the French minister to leave London (which is generally considered as preliminary to a declaration of war) now render it extremely probable that those powers are at actual war, and necessary in my opinion that...
There are in the hands of Colo. Taylor for the use of his regiment of guards about 500 stand of arms. The regiment having gone to Maryland with the Conventioners was ordered at first to be discharged at Winchester and afterwards to be brought back to Charlottesville to be discharged there. It is therefore uncertain at which place those arms will be deposited. Besides these there were lodged in...
The most calamitous event which could happen to my family would be my death intestate; and prudence even requires that I should guard against the possibility of accident to my will by fire or otherwise were a single copy to be trusted to any where. I ask therefore the friendly office of you to recieve a duplicate in deposit for safe keeping and assure you of my affectionate friendship and...
I am now to acknolege the receipt of the letter you did me the honour to write me on the 21st. of January together with the book on the culture of the olive tree. This is a precious present to me, and I pray you to accept my thanks for it. I am just gratified by letters from South Carolina which inform me that in consequence of the information I had given them on the subject of the olive tree,...
During the life of the late mr Pleasants of Richmond I usually applied to him for such books as I had occasion to call for from that place. as these calls still occur at times I will take the liberty, with your approbation, to address them to yourselves. M r Gibson , of the firm of Gibson & Jefferson , will pay your bills at such epochs as you shall chuse to present them, as I trust has been...
I have recieved the treatise describing the very ingenious Bathometer for sounding the depths of the sea, which you were so kind as to send me, and with it a model of the instrument itself. I pray you, Sir, to accept my thanks for this mark of your attention. our Nation, as a publick body, being at present engaged in no pursuit where the use of this ingenious machine could be employed, I have...
Since my solicitation of July 22. at your request the ground on which I stand is entirely changed, and it is become impossible for me to ask any thing further from the govmt. I cannot explain this to you, and even request you not to mention the fact. I should not have sent it to you, but that I cannot offer you false excuses. my frdshp for you is the same , but this method of proving it is no...
This serves to advise you that I have this day drawn on you for [150]. Doll. at three days sight in favor of Mr. Charles Johnston & Co. of Richmond, which please to honor. Several little disbursements which you have made for me, of unknown amount, render it desireable to recieve a continuation of your last account. Yesterday came to hand a box of Segars, which I presume is from you. I expected...
By my letter of Jan. 13. I took the liberty of praying you to send me Hayes’s newspapers to the care of N. Jamieson of New York, by post if free, or otherwise by other opportunities. I have not yet received any: but pre[suming] on past experiences of your goodness I suppose some may [be] on the way. In the mean time experience proves to me that the French postage is exorbitant beyond...