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Results 71851-71860 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
White Plains [ New York ] August 27, 1778 . Instructs Du Portail to examine fortifications of Highlands and to execute instructions given him relative to the plan for defense of Delaware River and Philadelphia. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
We the subscribers Citysons of the County of Bristol Commonwealth of Massechusetts, Do humbly Petition your Excelency that the Collector at New Bedford and the Collector at Dighton in said County, may be removed From the offices aforesaid— We are of an oppinion that the removel of those officers, and the appointment of Men to succed them, who are of ability and frindly to our Excelent...
I have read with interest and admiration the history of your life—your assidious toils in gaining the boon we now enjoy—I have mourned over the ingratitud of our Republic which it is said “has become proverbial”. But I rejoice that you have outlived the enmity of your political opposers—and that the name of John Adams now stands preeminent on the reccords of integrity and fame.— For these...
Your Letter of the 29 reached me safely the day before yesterday and as it contained information concerning your Grandfathers plans I enclosed it to your father to whom it will probably be very interesting— Your regular and constant attention to your College duties gives me the utmost pleasure and though it may not be crowned with as much success there as you hope or have a right to expect...
Letter not found. 15 January 1794. Acknowledged in Dawson to JM, 23 Jan. 1794 . Mentions two causes of opposition to JM’s resolutions on commercial discrimination.
Executive Officers in this quarter have at different times expressed their chagrin, at the success of the enemies of the national Government, in sapping it’s confidence in some of our most meritorious officers. While these are impenetrable to the lures, wiles, & threats of the malcontents, the latter unite in denouncing the former; who are disheartened when they have the least reason to...
71857[April 1786] (Adams Papers)
Mr. Jefferson and myself, went in a Post Chaise to Woburn Farm, Caversham, Wotton, Stowe, Edghill, Stratford upon Avon, Birmingham, the Leasowes, Hagley, Stourbridge, Worcester, Woodstock, Blenheim, Oxford, High Wycomb, and back to Grosvenor Square. Edgehill and Worcester were curious and interesting to us, as Scaenes where Freemen had fought for their Rights. The People in the Neighbourhood,...
I received this Morning your valuable Letter of the 6 th and am much pleased with your Observations as well as with your Researches. but I wish you would examine the Passage in Polybius in Greek. It is the highest Satisfaction to me to perceive that you have so just a sense of the Importance of the Beleif of a Deity and his Providence and moral Government to the Happiness of Nations as well as...
ALS : National Archives Vous verrez par l’incluse, ce qui s’est passé ici depuis ma derniere de hier 8 jours, que j’avois laissée, pour vous être expédiée, en bonnes mains, mais, à ce que j’ai lieu de craindre, un peu négligentes; & si l’on m’a dit vrai, on doit avoir laissé passer au moins un ordinaire, avant de la mettre à la poste. Je ne fais que de revenir de Leide, où je crois avoir...
Your Excellencys favour of 20th is just come to hand what respects the cloathing of the Massachussets Troops will be fully explain’d by Mr Turnbull—all the Clothing delivered by the Board of War to Livingston & Turnbull together with a great deal more to compleat them were applied to the Massachussets Troops and as I have before mention’d to your Excellency were by the direction of the Board...