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Results 71851-71880 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
White Plains [ New York ] August 27, 1778 . Instructs Du Portail to examine fortifications of...
We the subscribers Citysons of the County of Bristol Commonwealth of Massechusetts, Do humbly...
I have read with interest and admiration the history of your life—your assidious toils in gaining...
Your Letter of the 29 reached me safely the day before yesterday and as it contained information...
Letter not found. 15 January 1794. Acknowledged in Dawson to JM, 23 Jan. 1794 . Mentions two...
Executive Officers in this quarter have at different times expressed their chagrin, at the...
71857[April 1786] (Adams Papers)
Mr. Jefferson and myself, went in a Post Chaise to Woburn Farm, Caversham, Wotton, Stowe,...
I received this Morning your valuable Letter of the 6 th and am much pleased with your...
ALS : National Archives Vous verrez par l’incluse, ce qui s’est passé ici depuis ma derniere de...
Your Excellencys favour of 20th is just come to hand what respects the cloathing of the...
71861Notes on Debates, 5 November 1782 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes on Debates, 4 November 1782 , ed. n. A Resolution passed...
I thank you, Sir, for your kind attention in sending me a copy of your valuable treatise on...
71863[Diary entry: 24 February 1796] (Washington Papers)
24. Cold & towards evening lowering & likely for Snow. Wind at No. Wt.
The recommendations of Laurance Butler to be Major in case Mr. Morgan should ultimately refuse...
I beg leave to submit to you the following Calculations and Observations wch led to the...
According to the desire expressed in your last letter I send you a book which has just appeared,...
71867[Diary entry: 17 April 1780] (Washington Papers)
17th. Wind at No. West & cold—day clear. Frost in the Morning.
The following plan, for emancipating the whole Race of the people of Colour, from United America...
Letter not found : from Col. Thomas Clark, 26 Feb. 1779. GW wrote Clark on 1 March : “I have...
Captains scudder and Dean inform me that you had, from not being acquainted with circumstances,...
71871[Diary entry: 14 January 1772] (Washington Papers)
14. Went to Belvoir with Mrs. Washington, Miss Custis & Mr. Gowan [Magowan] dind and stayed all...
71872[March 1775] (Washington Papers)
Mar. 1st. Cloudy all the forenoon with a little Rain. Clear afterwards. Wind very fresh all day...
I inclose you a letter of July 1. from Govr. Lewis recieved from the war office by the last post....
Since my last the Enemys Ships remain anchored from Dob’s Ferry to Philip’s, the wind haveing...
The Memorial of Alexander Richards of the City of New York Merchant, in behalf of Oliver Hecks...
Having had a few minutes conversation with Col Monroe on the subject of the proposition of Messrs...
Being inform’d that Mr. Tench Ringgold is an applicant for an appointment under the general...
Captain Kirkland of the twelfth regiment, from straightened pecuniary embarrassments...
71879[17th of November 1775.] (Adams Papers)
On the 17th of November 1775. A Letter from Gen. Washington, inclosing a Letter and Journal of...
I have received and forwarded your letter and pamphlet to Mr. King. The latest information from...