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Results 71851-71860 of 184,431 sorted by author
I sincerely join in the general joy on the passage of the University bill , and by such majorities as bespeak a friendly patronage hereafter. in a letter of this date to mr Cabell I have requested him to send me a copy of the bill that the visitors may meet and do at once what the law permits them to do, as the season for engagements is rapidly passing off. but we shall fall miserably short in...
The act of May 1779. under which Mr. Blunt has been last Drafted refers to one of October 1778 as to the method of determining who were Subjects of that Draught. This act says the justices and the Field Officers shall lay Off the militia into Districts, each of which districts shall furnish a man. The justices and field Officers then are made Judges who shall be deemed to be of the Militia and...
Your favor of the 18th. of March was recieved here yesterday. it covered mr Wilson’s , with his elegant drawing, which being dated from the same place with your’s, I take the liberty of putting the answer under your cover. I thank you for the specimens of horns you so kindly offer me, & which I will accept with thankfulness. altho’ I have never had time to think of a cabinet, yet I have...
I should not so long have delayed answering your favor of the 6th. of Oct. but that I have been extremely engaged, and particularly by the Arret of Sep. 28. which prohibits the importation of foreign whale oil, without any exception in our favor. At length I have a prospect of obtaining an exception for American oil. Should any arrive before the matter is finally decided, the Ministers...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to Govr. Milledge and at the request of the editors of the papers below mentioned he takes the liberty of inclosing him a check on the bank of the US. here for 28 D 50/100 which they express the hope Govr. Milledge will be so good as to recieve & convey to them. the objects are as follows, according to the accounts recieved from them. D The...
I enclose you the petition of Paul H. Shippey in the state prison of Massachusets under sentence for forgery, with the papers forwarded to me in support of it; and I ask the favor of your opinion and that of the judges who sat on his trial, whether in consideration of the portion of the punishment already suffered, of his conduct since the sentence, of the dispositions he manifests, or of any...
Th: Jefferson requests the favour of The Hon-ble Mr Rodney to dine with him on Tuesday the 25th. inst— at half after three, or at whatever later hour the house may rise. Oct. 22 The favour of an answer is asked. RC (Memorabilia Expert, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2008, item 45130); partially dated; printed form, with blanks filled by Lewis Harvie reproduced in italics; addressed by Harvie: “The Hon-ble...
Your favor of the 11th. came to hand three or four days ago. As my servant Bob went from here to place himself at Fredericksburgh, I took for granted he would fall in your way, and give you an account of Tarquin . Some time after his arrival here he was taken with a lameness which continued perhaps three or four weeks, not severe, but so as to render him unfit to be used. By leaving him at...
[ Annapolis, 5 Mch. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “[Mar.] 5. E. Rand. Hancock’s case—journal of 82. I will send but 83. not printed—information by Barney from Dr. F. Dec. 25. that Ad[ams] was gone to Hague, Jay to Bath, Laur. setting out for Amer.—Engld. not reconciled—Marq. Fayette’s letter of Dec. 26. Fox and N. out by maneuvre of king—Pitt and Temple to come in—parliament to be called—Marq....
Your letter from the falls of Ohio of Dec. 22. came safely to hand. You mention therein that you have not in a twelvemonth received any letters from hence. I know not what were written before the 1st. of June last, but since that time I have written several to you. The expences attending the support of our troops in the Illinois have obliged us to call them all to the South side of the Ohio,...