From Thomas Jefferson to Jones & Howell, 2 June 1807
Washington June 2. 07.
Messrs. Jones & Howell
Yours of May 27. is recieved and I now supply the omission of my former letter by stating that it is double rolled sheet iron which I have occasion for.
I have this moment recieved a letter from my workman at Monticello stating his want of the iron below described. as this want is immediate, I should be glad you could put the iron on board the first vessel going to Richmond. it will be sufficient, as I mentioned in my former letter, if the sheet iron goes on in July or August, as that will give more time to select it clear of flaws. I salute you with friendship & respect.
Th: Jefferson
A mill spindle 5f—10I long.
5 Cwt of bar iron, the quality tough.
3. bundles of slit iron from Deck rod to ¾ I.
MHi: Coolidge Collection.