John Jay Papers

From John Jay to the Commissioners of the Treasury, 9 February 1786

To the Commissioners of the Treasury

of for f. a. 9 Feb. 1786


I have recd. a Letter from Messrs. Van Staphorst of the 24 Novr. last.1 This Letter of is of such a nature that the Delicacy ^with^ which I wish to conduct all such of the affairs of this Departmt. as may affect the Officers of the others, induces me to communicate this Letter to you in the first Instance. It is too long to be soon copied, and being an official paper ought not to be sent out of the office unless to Congress or by their order

I wish therefore that one ^or more^ of you would be so obliging as to call here this ^tomorrow^ morng. at any time after 11 oClock.2 I have the Honor to be with great Respect & Esteem Gent yr most obt & very hble servt

the honb. the Comrs. of the Treasury—

Dft, NNC (EJ: 5796); LbkC, DNA: Domestic Letters description begins Domestic Letters of the Department of State, 1784–1906, RG59, item 120, National Archives (M40). Accessed on description ends , 2: 103.

1On the Van Staphorsts’ protest of the treasury board’s order that the firm transfer all American funds in its hands to the Willinks, see the editorial note “The Bankruptcy of de la Lande & Fynje,” above.

2The OFA Journal description begins Daily Journals, Office of Foreign Affairs, 1784–1790, 2 vols., Papers of the Continental Congress, RG 360, item 127, National Archives (M247). Accessed description ends entry for 13 Feb. (EJ 3760) indicates that JJ provided the treasury board with a copy of the Van Staphorsts’ letter and the papers that accompanied it.

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