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Results 71841-71890 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
The first instant I was favoured with your letter of the 13 Octr. Agreeable to your directi⟨ons⟩...
I have had the pleasure to receive your Letter of the 6th Ulto. We have, I think, by one Manouvre...
71843General Orders, 7 November 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Colonels, or commanding officers of regiments are immediately to parade their men, examine...
The Enemy after having Incamp’d in full view of us, and reconnoitring our Situation for several...
By an Express from Major Clarke stationed at Dobbs ferry I find the Enemy are encampt right...
On tuesday morning the Enemy broke up their Encampments which were i⟨n⟩ front of our lines, after...
71847General Orders, 8 November 1776 (Washington Papers)
The Court Martial of which Genl McDougall is President, to sit immediately for the trial of Major...
I have been favoured with yours of the 31st Ultto by monsr Laytaniac and must take the liberty of...
Mr Lewis (a Brother Deligate) has given Congress Information that Application had been made to...
The late passage of the 3 Vessells up the North River (which we have just received Advice of) is...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Nathanael Greene, 8 Nov. 1776. Greene wrote in his letter to GW...
A Servant lately attending upon Major Stuart of the 43d Regiment of Foot, named Peter Jack, is...
I have the Honor to inform your Excellency that General Gates has advised me of the retreat of...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. Adam Stephen, 8 Nov. 1776. In a letter to GW of 9 Nov., Nathanael...
71855General Orders, 9 November 1776 (Washington Papers)
The General desires, that all Colonels and commanding Officers of regiments, will be particularly...
Since my Letters of y⟨e⟩sterday two Deserters have got in from the Enemy (at Dobbs’s Ferry) who...
Your Excellency letters of the 8 this moment came to hand—I shall forwa⟨r⟩d the letter to General...
I have the honor to transmit you a Copy of a Letter from Genl Gates to Genl Schuyler, and of...
You will perceive from the enclosed Resolve, that Congress having reconsidered their Vote of the...
Yesterday Evening I received the favor of your Letter of the 8th Instt. Major Stewart’s servant...
Your Favour of the 7th Instant I had the Honour of receiving last Evening being accidentally in...
The petition of Miles Oakley Humbly Sheweth That by his Labour and Industry he had procured...
From the Accts given by the two Deserters last Evening I think not a Moments time should be lost...
71864General Orders, 10 November 1776 (Washington Papers)
Such Officers as have been commissioned by the different States for the New-Army, are immediately...
As the Army (at least part of it) is near the period of its dissolution, you are to exert...
Your Excellencys favor by Col. Harrison of the 8th came to hand last Evening—I am takeing every...
as it is more than probable (unless Genl Howe should throw his whole force into the Jerseys &...
The late movement of the Enemy, and the probability of their having designs upon the Jerseys...
As the period is fast approaching when part of this Army will stand released from their...
I got to the landing place yesterday Afternoon with Haslets, Miles’s, & part of Wiedens with our...
I was yesterday favored with a Call from the Gentlemen appointed Commissioners from your State to...
The late movements of, and accts from the Enemy, rendering it indispensably necessary that a body...
By Justice Mercereau of Statten Island I am informed that 10,000 Troops embarked on board of a...
I have only time to acknowledge the honor of your Letter of the 5th Instt and Its Several...
The enclosed Letter having been intercepted and brought to me, I am happy to return it without...
On Tuesday the 4th Instant no Sign of the Enemy was seen forty Miles North of Crown point—General...
The uncertainty with respect to the designs of the Enemy renders any disposition of our army at...
Congress being sensible of the Necessity that immediate Steps should be taken for recruiting the...
Inclosed you will receive a Copy of Sundry Resolutions of Congress, which came to hand since I...
This instant came express from Colonel Tupper (station’d opposite to Dob’s Ferry) one David...
Your favours of the 6th 7th & 10th Instant are recieved, and am much Oblidged to your Excellency...
The Congress having received Information that a considerable part of the Enemy’s Fleet had sailed...
I have the honor to inform you of my arrival here Yesterday and that the whole of the Troops...
The enclosed Letter from Mr Searle, a Gentleman of Honour & a Friend to the Cause of America, I...
As an Exchange of Prisoners, is likely to take effect, as soon as the circumstance of the case...
Yesterday Captns Skimmer & Tucker in the Continental armed Schooners Franklin & Hancock arrived...
On Wednesday evening I received the favor of your Letter of the 8th Instt; in consequence of...
Having given my promise to Genl Howe on his application, that Peter Jack, a Servant of Major...
Inclosd you have a letter from Col. Magaw —the contents will require your Excellencys...
Since I had the Honor of addressing you last, an important Event has taken place; of which I wish...