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Results 71841-71890 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
We are requested by Mr L Harris of St Petersburg, to receive & forward to you, a Box containing a...
Feeling no prejudice towards Governor St. Clair as a man but on the other hand viewing him rather...
It appears by the enclosed note that a misnomer has taken place in the nomination of the...
An essay toward a Glossary of the words used in a figurative sense in the Apocalypse. Some of the...
When at Monticello in September last, on looking over some military books; in a work of Marshal...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Endorsed, “Madison Jas.,” by Jefferson. On the receipt of your request...
your letter thro Madam L. F. Felix was answered some time since, and in compliance with her...
Your favor of the 14th. inclosing an order on the Inspectors for a Hhd: of Tobacco I did not...
I recvd. the draft on Mesrs. Gibson & Jefferson for One Thousand Dollars . which answerd my...
Yours of june 15th. was recd. on my arrival here. Mr. Gamble has not been here that I can learn....
We received two packets from you on the 20. inst. one of July 21. and another of Aug: 11. The...
I have not as yet herd from John Bacon , and I expect he is dead, I have concluded to receive the...
I trust you will have received, before this reac[h]es you, my letter from Amsterdam , dated, if I...
I sent the books which remained at Lackington’s by Mr. Parkes two days ago.—Payne is preparing...
My last Sheet , would not admit of an Observation that was material to my design. D r Price was...
I took the liberty when I was at the City of Washington, of recommending as a fit person for a...
Altho to you Sir I am personally unknown, I am induc’d from a consciencious belief that I have...
The President 1802 To John March Decr. 29 To Binding Historia Evangelica , Morocco $1 .75 Binding...
Personal Friendshisp for you and the love of my Country, induce me to give you a warning about...
A few days after the reduction of York I returned to Williamsburg, and accompanying Mr. Madison,...
Yesterday I waited on M r whann Cash r of Bank of Colum a as well M r Nourse Register of the...
I send, for the information and consideration of the Heads of the Departments, a letter which I...
My last was of March 18. since which I have been favoured with yours of the 8. & 9th. of Feby....
By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor to ask Mr. Jefferson if he has any knowledge of...
I have received the honor of your letter, with the letter of credit on Messrs. Vve. Rameau & fils...
In our good old English language of Gratitude, I owe you and give you a thousand thanks, for...
Williamsburg, 18 Feb. 1780 . Col. Wells has purchased pork costing over £340,000 for the use of...
I take the liberty to transmit you herewith A Copy of “Outlines of Polit: Econ y ”—A...
I have the honor to enclose a copy of certain resolutions adopted this day by the Commissioners...
D r Thomas Jefferson Esq r Monticello Virginia to John Trumbull For Two prints of the Declaration...
on considering the Nature and necessity of the Extra Expences with which You think the united...
[ New York, 30 Dec. 1785. Recorded in SJL as received 18 Oct. 1786, “by Wagner.” Not found; this...
I have received the extract from the Marquis’s letter respecting Wagons to transport ammunition,...
Your’s of 16 th came when I was from home which put it out of my power to answer it untill the...
As, in pursuing the cause of peace, I make a free use of your name And your writings, it is but...
The Laws passed respecting Louisiana have opened new Appointments to Office—Permit me to...
Le Havre, 6 Oct. 1788 . Has postponed answering TJ’s letters of 21 Aug. and 6 Sep. in expectation...
The proof herewith Sent is taken in a rough manner as there was not time to have it properly...
I am willing to grind M r Thomas Jefferson ,s Present present Crop of wheat on the following...
Sales of Forty five barrels flour by Bernard Peyton 1824 Richd for a/c Thomas Jefferson Esq: 15...
Your favor of the 8 th ult. was handed to me at Columbia , for which I return you my thanks.—The...
I received this day your favor of the 2d instant inclosing one of your vocabularies. The Society...
Your letter of the 29 th of July was received by the last mail— I am highly gratified at the...
I return you many thanks for the favours of yours which I received by Col. Franks. You will make...
I received your friendly letter by the boy they cetch no shad a tall at this time so that I have...
Your letter of the 16 th Ult reached its destination in the due course of the mail. a mistake in...
I have been honored with the receipt of your Letter of the 24th. of May, and the Communication...
Being last fall in Ontario County, I spent a day in examining the records to discover the...
Inclosed I send you several letters which Have been intrusted to me, and Now are forwarded by a...