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Results 71841-71890 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
71841[Diary entry: 24 January 1798] (Washington Papers)
24. Wind at No. Wt. in the morning—at noon 28 and at Night 22. Clear all day & afterno[o]n the...
We the Committee with whom the donation from you for the poor of this place was entrusted, beg...
The Letter you did me the honor to write me on the 2d Inst. reached me at Annapolis, in due time,...
I take the liberty of sending to you for Copies of the Plats of the Land I leased of you[.]...
I wrote you last on the 2d. inst. on which day I recieved yours of Dec. 25. I have not resumed my...
I wrote you last on the 2d. inst. on which day I recieved yours of Dec. 25. I have not resumed my...
Your kind attention to my last emboldens me again to interrupt your more important pursuits, &...
The William Miller, whom I nominated some days ago, to be Commissioner of the Revenue is, William...
At the commencement of this session of Congress, I proposed in course of it, to communicate to...
71850[Diary entry: 23 January 1798] (Washington Papers)
23. Snow, just sufft. to cover the ground, fell in the Night. Wind at No. Wt. in the Morning &...
Je n’ai point eû l’honneur de vous ecrire depuis votre promotion à la presidence du Senat; Je...
Jefferson. Jan. 23.—an abridgt. of that of Dec. 27. (see above)—except such parts are marked thus...
Yours of the 8 th. I received the 17 th. Ins t. and broke the Affair to M r. Cranch, who has it...
71854[Diary entry: 22 January 1798] (Washington Papers)
22. Very cloudy & heavy. Wind Southerly. Mer. 32 in the Morn.—40 at Noon & 42 at Night. About two...
Your favour of the 12th Instt has been duly received; and an Order from the Treasury of the...
Washington leaves this today, on a visit to Hope Park; which will afford you an opportunity to...
Your letter of the 12th instant enclosing one from Mr Ross, and the Treasurers draught on Colo....
I have to acknolege the favor of your’s of the 8th. inst. I took the first occasion in my power...
My long Absence from hence, occasioned by Sickness which prevented my return, & the Post-master’s...
Jupiter had given us so terrible an account of your sufferings from the ice on the patowmac that...
71861[Diary entry: 21 January 1798] (Washington Papers)
21. Morng. clear & wind at No. Wt.—Mer. at 30. Clear all day. Mer. at 40 & fallen to 39 at night.
Letter not found: from Bushrod Washington, 21 Jan. 1798. On 30 Jan. GW wrote Bushrod Washington :...
When your favor of the 3d. instant arrived I was on a journey to the neighbourhood of Richmond,...
When your favor of the 3d. instant arrived I was on a journey to the neighbourhood of Richmond,...
I do not know whether there is any getting over the Rivers. the Eastern Mail due yesterday is not...
I wonder Sister Peabody Should trouble you about our Nephews concerns. the first Letter She wrote...
71867[Diary entry: 20 January 1798] (Washington Papers)
20. Still likely for Snow—A small sprinkle, but not enough to cover the ground in the Morning....
Letter not found: from John Fitzgerald, 20 Jan. 1798. On Monday, 22 Jan., GW wrote Fitzgerald and...
I had the honor to receive your letter of the 12th covering one for Mr Williams, late American...
After writing you on the 8th instant I concluded to remain till we should know the sentiments of...
Logan’s Speech deliver’d at the Treaty after the Battle in which Colo. Lewis was killed in 1774 I...
Jan. 20. 1798. Cap Uriah Springer of Fayette county Pensva calls on me (with Judge Turner ) and...
I am still to acknowledge my dear and ever honoured mother as the most attentive and punctual of...
71874[Diary entry: 19 January 1798] (Washington Papers)
19. More lowering & likely to snow than yesterday. Wind still Northerly—And Mer. at 26 in the...
Your letter of the 8th instant came to hand opportunely, as Mr Augustus Woodward (in whose favour...
Mr Burwell, who will present this letter to you, having become, or is likely to become, a...
A stated meeting of the American Philosophical Society, is to be held, this evening, at the usual...
Since the Rect. of your Letter , which was long in coming to hand, I have seen two most abusive...
I nominate William Miller of Pennsilvania to be Commissioner of the Revenue of the United States....
The President of the United States requests the Pleasure of Mr. Thomas Company to Dine, on...
I am not without apprehension that I may commit an impropriety by the present mode of address—if...
A representation has been made to me by the judge of the Pennsylvania district of the United...
Philadelphia, January 18, 1798. “… The President having thought proper to dismiss Mr Tench Coxe...
71884[Diary entry: 18 January 1798] (Washington Papers)
18. Lowering, with the wind pretty fresh from the Northward in the morning. Mer. then 38–32 at...
In Consequence of what you was pleased to Mention to me last Monday, I Applied to those Gentlemen...
I received Your Letters of December the 30 & Jan ry 1 st accept my thanks for them. the Letter...
The situation of Affairs, between the United States, and the Cherokee Indians, having evinced the...
I have been a long time possessed of your letter of the 26 Decemr without replying, which has...
71889[Diary entry: 17 January 1798] (Washington Papers)
17. Clear & pleasant wind Southerly. Mer. 30 in the Morng.—56 at the height and 48 at Night. Abt....
I have received your Letter and congratulate you on your Success, in obtaining a Loan from the...