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Results 71841-71870 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have been honoured with your letter of Oct. 9. by Mr. Barrett. No intimation has yet come to my...
That your memorialists being deeply affected by the need Situation of those who, altho free by...
718439th. (Adams Papers)
Miss Nancy, finally left us, this afternoon; and is going to board at Mr. Israël Bartlett’s. Her...
This my Brother is the day appropriated for the celebration of the Queens Birth day. It really...
The vacancy is up and our Sons are just return’d to their Studies at college. Were they Brothers...
I have received the Letter you did me, the honor to write me, on the 23 d. of Dec r. and am much...
71847[Diary entry: 9 February 1786] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 9th. Thermometer at 43 in the Morng.—54 at Noon and 50 at Night. Clear morning, with a...
I have rec d . a Letter from Mess rs . Van Staphorst of the 24 Nov r . last. This Letter of is of...
In my letter of yesterday I forgot to inclose one I have received on the subject of a debt due to...
I have recd. yours of the day subsequent to the adjournment of the assembly. Since my last the...
Letter not found. 9 February 1786. Contained news of Mrs. Trist’s state of health and her...
The Mr. John Ledyard, who proposes to undertake the journey through the Northern parts of Asia...
Finding it impossible to get good and genuine Madeira wine here I have concluded it most...
In my letter of yesterday I forgot to inclose one I have received on the subject of a debt due to...
The Motives of the Present are to acquaint Your Excellency that our mutual Friend Mr. Philip...
7185610th. (Adams Papers)
Thaw’d all day. The winter seems in some measure, to be gone; very little snow remaining on the...
71857[Diary entry: 10 February 1786] (Washington Papers)
Friday 10th. Thermometer at 52 in the Morning—62 at Noon and 66 at Night. Wind Southerly & pretty...
A hasty letter which I wrote to you by Colo. Grayson was accompanied with ten half Johans.—the...
I have a Letter of the 3d inst. from my Freind Israel Thompson who says he is glad he has it in...
The inclosed, my dear general, is a vocabulary which the Empress of Russia Has Requested me to...
[ Rouen, 10 Feb. 1786 . Recorded in SJL as received 12 Feb. 1786. Not found.]
M. Barkley ma remis la lettre dont votre Excellence m’a honoré le 13 du mois dernier. J’ai...
In a letter, written lately to you, after acknowledging the receipt of a pacquet, i begged you,...
7186411th. (Adams Papers)
Eliza spent the day at Mr. White’s; went down and drank tea there, with Mr. Thaxter, who was here...
Col. Humphries talks of leaving us on monday. It is with regret I assure you Sir that we part...
£ s d to 2 peices of Irish linen at 4s. pr. yd. 8 14 0 to making 12 Shirts at 3s. pr Shirt 1 16 0...
71867[Diary entry: 11 February 1786] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 11th. Thermometer at 34 in the Morning—34 at Noon and 30 at Night. Wind at No. East all...
I wrote to you by the ship which brought me your affectionate favour of the 25th of July; since...
I Have not Had for a long time the Honour to Address you either in public or private letters—this...
In my last I mention’d to you, the subject of the impost was reviv’d & that a report of a...