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Results 71821-71850 of 184,431 sorted by author
At the time of my settlement with Mr. Hanson and yourself, I had flattered myself that those...
Several vacancies having happened in the army of the United States, during the last recess of the...
71823Memorandum Books, 1801 (Jefferson Papers)
Jan. 1. Gave Conrad & McMun ord. on J. Barnes for 218.90. Jan. 1. Inclosed to D. Higginbotham for...
a very loose estimate of the painting to be done at Monticello. yds Parlour 25 } 180. at 4. coats...
Loganian Appendix C. Thompson all those who gave me informatn G.W. E.P. Madison mr Jackson....
I am much obliged to you for thinking of me when you got the copies of Rabaut & Meyer , and I now...
Th: Jefferson’s compliments to Mr. Carey and incloses him a N Caroli[na] newspaper containing a...
You must give me leave to return you the inclosed, as I have laid aside the distressing trade of...
On receiving the honor of your Excellency’s letter of December 30 on the subject of the debts due...
Th: Jefferson returns mrs Smith many thanks for the plants she was so kind as to send him...
Successive circumstances too long to be detailed in a letter, have prevented me hitherto for p...
I shall be glad hereafter to recieve your daily paper by post, as usual, and instead of sending...
I am now engaged in the settlement of my account with Inis wherein I do not think he has credited...
By Mr. Foster Webb you will receive in part of the requisition of Congress of 1,953,200 Dollars,...
I am honored with your letter by your son, and shall be happy to render him every assistance in...
When we began our buildings at our University, we adopted it as a rule that we would be governed...
I this moment recieve yours of the 2d. and am confounded and ashamed at the incomprehensible...
It was agreed yesterday 1. that a copy of the proclamation should be inclosed to each member in a...
Memorandums made on a tour to some of the gardens in England described by Whateley in his book on...
An Officer from Cumberland having called on me this morning to direct what should be done with...
I now return you the papers reserved from the last post. our regular answer to mr Livingston may...
Notes on the British claims in the Missipi territory. 1803. Mar. 3. act of Congress gave to Mar....
I have duly received your […] [pack]ages from Mr. Pinckney for your care of which I return you my...
According to my engagement I now inclose you 186. Doll. thirty six cents = £55–18–3 Virginia...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to submit to the inspection of the President a set of copper...
Your favor of Dec. 7. came to hand but a few days ago, and with it the letter of D r Ramsay . I...
The case of Plume v. Portlock now lies at the Rules in danger of a dismission for want of a...
We did not collect the sense of our brethren the other day by regular questions, but as far as I...
Your representation and request were received on the 7th. inst : and have been considered with...
Will Genl. Dearborne be pleased to examine the inclosed with rigour & suggest any alterations he...