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Results 71821-71850 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I received the Favor of Yr Letter from the Great Falls —and was sorry that I did not hear of your...
Upon coming home I immedeatily Conversed with Colo. Lyles on the Subject of the Importation of a...
Major McCormick has this moment called on me in his way through this Place, & informed me that he...
I am honored with yours of Jan. 19. Mine of Jan. 12. had not I suppose at that time got to your...
[ Paris, 7 Feb. 1786 . Entry in SJL under this date: “A Cary. Of introduction to Lyons. By...
[ Rennes, 7 Feb. 1786. Recorded in SJL as received 13 Feb. 1786. Not found.]
A gentleman in this town informs me that the Indians who have been asked their opinions about...
[ Paris, 7 Feb. 1786. Entry in SJL under this date, immediately under an entry for letter to...
718298th. (Adams Papers)
At home all day. Mr. True, was here all the afternoon. There is something extraordinary about...
I received with Pleasure, your kind Letter of Yesterday, and although I cannot absolutely...
I may now give your Excellency a description of this place before I give you the two next volumes...
71832[Diary entry: 8 February 1786] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 8th. Thermometer at 42 in the Morng.—52 at Noon and 44 at Night. Day rather variable,...
Your skipper, Mr Jno. Whitney, has delivered me eight hundred bushels of oats agreeably to the...
My last letters have been of the 1st. & 20th. of Sep. and the 28th. of Oct. yours unacknoleged,...
Otchikeita is Gone to the abbé, and Kayenlaha will wait for You to Morrow. It is probable Mr. du...
I was honoured with your Excellency’s letters of Octob. 10. and 23. by Mr. Barrett. Before his...
I was honoured with your letter of Octob. 25. by Mr. Barrett: and am to thank you for an...
My last letters have been of the 1st. and 20th. of Sep. and the 28th. of Oct. Yours unacknoleged...
Tho’ I have not the Honour to be known to your Excellence I presume to ask the Same favor of you...
I have been duly honoured with your letter of December 3 . and immediately wrote to the Count de...
I have been honoured with your letter of Oct. 9. by Mr. Barrett. No intimation has yet come to my...
That your memorialists being deeply affected by the need Situation of those who, altho free by...
718439th. (Adams Papers)
Miss Nancy, finally left us, this afternoon; and is going to board at Mr. Israël Bartlett’s. Her...
This my Brother is the day appropriated for the celebration of the Queens Birth day. It really...
The vacancy is up and our Sons are just return’d to their Studies at college. Were they Brothers...
I have received the Letter you did me, the honor to write me, on the 23 d. of Dec r. and am much...
71847[Diary entry: 9 February 1786] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 9th. Thermometer at 43 in the Morng.—54 at Noon and 50 at Night. Clear morning, with a...
I have rec d . a Letter from Mess rs . Van Staphorst of the 24 Nov r . last. This Letter of is of...
In my letter of yesterday I forgot to inclose one I have received on the subject of a debt due to...
I have recd. yours of the day subsequent to the adjournment of the assembly. Since my last the...