Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Mark Leavenworth, 14 April 1792

From Mark Leavenworth

London Appril 14. 1792


I have lately published (in a fictitious Name) the inclosed Pamphlet. The object was to evince that it was for the interest of G Britain to admit into their Service American built Ships—to admit American Vessels into their West Indies and American Provisions into their Ports.

I the more readily engaged in this, as many seem to wish for a treaty of Commerce between our Country and G Britain who appeared not to know what to ask for. They did not Seem to have defined in their own minds what they might expect.—The object will explain some things in the Title and Manner of the Pamphlet which at first might appear strange. I am Sir yours,

M Leavenworth

RC (CSmH); endorsed by TJ as received 13 June 1792 and so recorded in SJL.

Leavenworth (1752–1812), a native of Waterbury, Connecticut, was currently involved in several business ventures with Joel Barlow (Franklin B. Dexter, Biographical Sketches of the Graduates of Yale College, 6 vols. [New York, 1885–1912], iii, 421–2). Leavenworth sent TJ a copy of Colony Commerce; or, Reflections on the Commercial System, as it Respects the West-India Islands, our Continental Colonies & the United States of America… (London, 1791), which he wrote under the name of Alexander Campbell Brown. See Sowerby, description begins E. Millicent Sowerby, comp., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson, 1952-1959, 5 vols. description ends No. 3158. Leavenworth sought to conceal his American citizenship so that it would not compromise his appeal to a British audience for a more liberal trading relationship between the United States and Great Britain.

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